Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
It's my humble request to everyone dnt talk abusive languages over here..this thread is for pls guys co-operate wid me
Re: Sports astrology

Hope our seniors join too..pls seniors share some knowledge to us..pandit ji expectng u too
Re: Sports astrology

Just as a reminder for those joining on this thread, especially from the cricket thread. This is an astrology forum. Predictions must include some discussion of how the prediction was made from an astrological view point. The rules of the forum are found here non astrological posts (those stating time and place of matches are accepted) will be deleted. Members that are abusive, rude, trolling, or causing other chaos will be banned permanently. Gambling is not promoted or endorsed by the forum and members are expected to behave responsibly. ALL astrological systems are to be accepted, whether Western, Verdic, horary, PK, Chinese, Traditional, Modern or other techniques. I ask the other moderators to feel free to add to this post.
Re: Sports astrology

Australia vs WI 3rd ODI:

Chart: ASC (Australia) | DSC (West Indies)

- Lord 1 is its own house, hence strengthening their play (Aus scored 329)
- Moon is VOC till Feb7 4am. - Whenever Moon is VOC it often favors the underdogs
- Moon squares Fortuna - favors underdogs - can't figure out the time it squares fortuna?
- Lord 7 Mars is 3 degrees and Lord 4 Mercury is 0 degree's from MC - Does this favor Favorites or Underdogs??? - Someone please answer
- Chiron is on MC - hence expect injuries in Aussie team

Final testimony, WI can win
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Re: Sports astrology

Hey jibrail sir from 1pm to 5pm time favours west indies then how west indies lose that match?

Well for the simple fact that Moon was VOC, favorites always remains favorites according to Frawley's book. Moon squaring Fortuna did favor WI for a while but then VOC is more powerful.

I predicted earlier a Queensland vs WA ODI match where Moon was VOC and the two teams were equal favorites. But Queeland being slightly more favorite LOST that match. This match got me really confused on how Moon VOC benefits favorites and the underdog won?!?!

There were a few considerations such as:
- Fortuna was combust (favoring the underdogs)
- I also thought that since both were equally favorites, may be WA was more favorite.
- Fortuna's antiscia was on L7, which is a STRONG testimony that underdogs can win

So having looked at these multiple testimonies, I couldn't really figure out a concrete answer on how did favorite loose in spite of Moon VOC.
Re: Sports astrology


Adding to Wintersprite's comment above...

Can I remind you ALL please to add astrological interpretations in your posts. If we do not see your attempts shown to learn astrology, posts will be deleted as in the cricket thread due to many factors including gambling.

For an example, the only person giving astrological input is Jibreil. This is what we want to see, otherwise we will just delete this thread and the non astrological posts.

Please consider this a final warning.

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Re: Sports astrology

Chittagong vs Khulna at Dhaka 07 Feb 2013

Chart: Chittagong - ASC - Cancer | Khulna - DSC - Capricorn

Testimonies for Chittagong to win:
- One would say that the moon (in this case lord of L1) is on the 7th cusp, hence Chittagong can win. But if you look carefully Moon is 7.94 degrees away from the 7th house hence the cusp rule doesn't come into play. We cannot even consider Moon at the 7th cusp to guide the flow of event's because of its late degree to the 7th house.
- A complex testimony would be that whenever Lord 1 is Cancer (Ruler: Moon) we must always consider it's depositor as the ruler i.e. Saturn; which also happens to Ruler of Lord 7. Saturn is at 5 degrees cusp of Virgo, which doesn't benefit either of the sides (well may be slightly).
- The greatest testimony of ALL that declares Chittagong as the clear winner is the antiscia of Fortuna which is on the 1st house. This is the strongest testimony that Chittagong will win no matter what.
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Re: Sports astrology


How do you work out and what is a antiscia of fortune?


I will be back with WI vs Aus prediction this evenining. Sport is my passion and my biggest contributions has been in the sports section for a number of years.
Re: Sports astrology

A planet's antiscion is the shadow of that planet. A planet can receive a transit, progression, or direction from another planet, and this is said to bring about covert kinds of events—backroom meetings, secret doings, discreet happenings.

Read this article:
Re: Sports astrology

Sylhet vs Rangpur at Dhaka on 07 Feb 2013

Chart: ASC - Sylhet | DSC - Rangpur

Testimony for Sylhet win:
- Moon is VOC. End of story


How do you work out and what is a antiscia of fortune?


I will be back with WI vs Aus prediction this evenining. Sport is my passion and my biggest contributions has been in the sports section for a number of years.

Here's a good reference that teaches how to calculate antiscia:
Re: Sports astrology

For match Sylhet vs Rangpur

Both rulers are in detriment in cadent house and Moon is in detriment too so I expect draw.
Re: Sports astrology

For match Sylhet vs Rangpur

Both rulers are in detriment in cadent house and Moon is in detriment too so I expect draw.

True. But there can't be a draw in Cricket. Isn't Moon VOC a strong testimony?
Re: Sports astrology

Oh I thought it is football match. So this thread is all about cricket?
Yes, Jibreil, in one thread few years ago on this forum they said it is very, very uncomonly draw result in cricket, so then favorites wins. But here Moon is in conjunction with Pl, we will see if that influence result or not..
Re: Sports astrology

It is very rare indeed a cricket match is drawn.

Jibreil and Goca,

Thank you for your explanations and links.

I would like to know what oriental and occidental to sun means?

Re: Sports astrology

Oh I thought it is football match. So this thread is all about cricket?
Yes, Jibreil, in one thread few years ago on this forum they said it is very, very uncomonly draw result in cricket, so then favorites wins. But here Moon is in conjunction with Pl, we will see if that influence result or not..

This thread is for all sport friend. Just that I've been discussing allot of cricket lately. Will discuss a few Barclays matches on Friday. Feel free to share any sport charts here.
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Re: Sports astrology

This thread is for all sport friend. Just that I've been discussing allot of cricket lately. Will discuss a few Barclays matches on Friday. Feel free to share any sport charts here
OK, then post what match is about cricket or foofball.
Re: Sports astrology

OK, then post what match is about cricket or foofball.

I will chief. :joyful:

In Sylhet vs Rangpur

Instead of Moon being in conjunction with Pluto, I'm seeing Moon is trining with Pluto, but this is separating. Where do you see Moon conjunction with Pluto?
Re: Sports astrology

Thanks Goca for the link, I'm clear on their definitions now.

One last questions:

I would like to know what face, term and triplicity means (sorry, just remembered now).

According to my knowledge,

1) face = venus in cancer in 2nd house (venus naturally rules 2nd house).
2) term =venus in 11th house, this is in venus's terms due to the fact venus rules an air sign (libra).

I don't know what triplicity means, can someone provide an example please?

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