Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

Why dont you post that "virinchi has learned sport predictions from naksh and selling it for a price"?

You moron, and follower of a parasite surviving on other's discoveries, with out giving them due credit.

Shame on you. Naksh is new virinchi? Naksh or anyone who sells astrology is not even like a dust in virinchi's toe nail.

pandits have been selling astrology for centuries..and sir all of you question me that i am not giving due credit. I have no guru or something and i read 6 kp readers and went through old posts on astrogle. So yes i am thankful to astrogle but not virinchi. He DELETED the nations birth chart data and IPL and other older threads just to make life tough for me and others and i collected data myself from net. Why should i give him any credit then. instead i m thankful to Revan/Jibreil sir. He was the one who motivated me ?
Re: Sports astrology

pandits have been selling astrology for centuries..and sir all of you question me that i am not giving due credit. I have no guru or something and i read 6 kp readers and went through old posts on astrogle. So yes i am thankful to astrogle but not virinchi. He DELETED the nations birth chart data and IPL and other older threads just to make life tough for me and others and i collected data myself from net. Why should i give him any credit then. instead i m thankful to Revan/Jibreil sir. He was the one who motivated me ?

The moon sub horary method you use to predict every game these days is discovered by virinchi. It does not matter whether he made your learning difficult, he deserves due credit as long as one uses his method.

He never taught me KP or any sports astro method to me, he never helped me read old IPL threads or nation charts, infact I have never read IPL threads on astrogle. It is very clear from whatever old messages are available on astrogle that there is a so and so method and so and so inventor who deserves respect.

Answer below two questions if you really think virinchi does not deserve respect from you:
1) which book did you read about observing moon sub changes and signfications to predict a game?
2) you again and again mention 6 kp readers, anyone who reads 6 kp readers can accurately predict sporting events?

As long as one's transits and dasa is good, that person can successfully sell cricket predictions. There will be time sooner or later, when nobody believes in one's predictions because they are not true.

You say you have respect for me, then read this
Providing astro tips to punters for commercial purpose is not a wise idea. It is easy money and easy come and easy go, but leaves enough suffering for future. Remember, if one is gaining wealth, he doesnt know that he is loosing something else, it is just a matter of time.
Re: Sports astrology

The moon sub horary method you use to predict every game these days is discovered by virinchi. It does not matter whether he made your learning difficult, he deserves due credit as long as one uses his method.

He never taught me KP or any sports astro method to me, he never helped me read old IPL threads or nation charts, infact I have never read IPL threads on astrogle. It is very clear from whatever old messages are available on astrogle that there is a so and so method and so and so inventor who deserves respect.

Answer below two questions if you really think virinchi does not deserve respect from you:
1) which book did you read about observing moon sub changes and signfications to predict a game?
2) you again and again mention 6 kp readers, anyone who reads 6 kp readers can accurately predict sporting events?

As long as one's transits and dasa is good, that person can successfully sell cricket predictions. There will be time sooner or later, when nobody believes in one's predictions because they are not true.

You say you have respect for me, then read this
Providing astro tips to punters for commercial purpose is not a wise idea. It is easy money and easy come and easy go, but leaves enough suffering for future. Remember, if one is gaining wealth, he doesnt know that he is loosing something else, it is just a matter of time.
but sir the only difference bw me n others is that m charging. punters will still get tips here and on astrogle even if i stop.
Re: Sports astrology

while Virinchi is busy confusing everyone, naksh is nailing it on his blog :surprised::happy::smile:
i guess we have a new virinchi

Ohh man !! wat hv u said.

U r mere a spectator here, for u Virinchi is just an astrologer who has very high accuracy in his predictions, but for us Its like comparing Mother Teressa with Raakhi sawant.

For all practicing astrologers here including me, Virinchi is the one who discovered a full proof method based on moon sub and gave it to public. He is the one who always guided the people whenever they seen obstacles. He is the one who is always lightening our path with light of his wisdom and knowledge.

U cant compare Virinchi with anyone here, no matter it is Naksh, Jibreil, Arietus or me. I m not criticizing Naksh, I never said a word against him. But its not acceptable to compare Virinchi with Naksh.
Re: Sports astrology

pandits have been selling astrology for centuries..and sir all of you question me that i am not giving due credit. I have no guru or something and i read 6 kp readers and went through old posts on astrogle. So yes i am thankful to astrogle but not virinchi. He DELETED the nations birth chart data and IPL and other older threads just to make life tough for me and others and i collected data myself from net. Why should i give him any credit then. instead i m thankful to Revan/Jibreil sir. He was the one who motivated me ?

Nothing wrong in charging people for prediction. I m agree with you mate. I hv dome doubts and will be very thankful if u can clear them.

- Frm Where did u learnt Moon sub horary method. We all were assuming Virinchi is the one who discovered this method. If u can tell us which book did u read it, it will widen the sphere of our knowledge.

- Virinchi has nothing to do with deletion of old posts. Astrogle Moderators and admin are doing the job. Not only Nation's birth data but many posts are deleted from astrogle. So its wrong to blame virinchi for deleting those posts. If Virinchi did not wanted this data to be available for public use, He wouldnt hv disclosed it on a public forum.

- in all KP readers or any book of KP, u shall find a Preface thanking respeceted guruji sri KSK and the people which inspired author to write a book. I m sure u also have some people or websites which led u to learn astrology and achieve accuracy. Can u name those ??

- Last but not the least, its an vast ocean of knowledge. Nobody is perfect here, neither Virinchi nor u and me. U sounds like u hv achieved perfection. I think this may harm u. If u want to become a professional astrologer, u have to leave this habit behind.

Best of luck for ur carrier. I wish u achieve more success
Re: Sports astrology

but sir the only difference bw me n others is that m charging. punters will still get tips here and on astrogle even if i stop.

Microsoft or open source projects, argument always continues. Where do you find more honor?
Re: Sports astrology

sir m only 20
u and jibreil sir have to help me as to what should be my course of action.

From your past posts, it is understood that you are a young student. You have all the time under the sky to achieve lot of things in life. You just have to think big and focus on it.

You dont need any guidance, you have your intuition and 6 kp readers at your disposal, so that you can lead a successful life. All the best.

I do not have any personal differences with you, please make sure that your clientele make no more nuisance.

Lets close this discussion with this post and put our time and efforts on the right things.
Re: Sports astrology

I request this blog not to encourage new users and creating a trouble between you people. AS jibreil sir has keep on telling this is just to share ideas . if u want to have your personal its fine but better don't speak out or disturb other peoples mind who are sharing it here. spread knowledge to gain more knowledge.please no more discussions on this and lets start concentrating on predictions. sorry if i hurt any one here. Respect the seniors always on this blog.

FINALLY: you are not born without your parents and astrology here is not born without MASTER VIRINCHI
Re: Sports astrology


That's a good prediction! Keep going!!

(Timings in Bangladesh standard time)

From 16:59 local till end mars sub sub and sat sub sub, India will score well. Reasonable target will be set by India.

Pak will struggle in second innings, however, Merc sub from 20:41 onwards helps pakistan in chase.
Re: Sports astrology


No need to be so harsh on anyone. Yes, his statement is not right. But we shouldn't be too harsh. They are very young people. They'll learn from their mistakes. Let's allow them to learn.

Why dont you post that "virinchi has learned sport predictions from naksh and selling it for a price"?

You moron, and follower of a parasite surviving on other's discoveries, with out giving them due credit.

Shame on you. Naksh is new virinchi? Naksh or anyone who sells astrology is not even like a dust in virinchi's toe nail.
Virinchi's post on astrogle about Ind vs Pak game

@Gaurang, and kp practitioners in this forum,

Yesterday Virinchi master posted the following details on astrogle. If you are interested, we can discuss and see if it helps us identify a new method.

a) color coded timings (not sure if it is tricolor or green color indicating pak)

b) fortuna: Game started at 14:00:40 bangla time
POF is 9LE01 sun is signlord, ke is starlord and Jup(R) is sublord

c) Ruling planets yesterday: Sun(day), Moon in Pi/PB/UB Ju(R) and Sat
so sun, and saturn (ju is ignored due to retro)

Result of game is seen at 21:48 BST
1) moon in merc sub
2) moon in ve sub sub
3) ra is rising starlord
4) ju(R) is rising sublord

If game had reached, sun sub sub of moon (fortuna sign lord), result would have been different?
Re: Virinchi's post on astrogle about Ind vs Pak game

@Gaurang, and kp practitioners in this forum,

Yesterday Virinchi master posted the following details on astrogle. If you are interested, we can discuss and see if it helps us identify a new method.

a) color coded timings (not sure if it is tricolor or green color indicating pak)

b) fortuna: Game started at 14:00:40 bangla time
POF is 9LE01 sun is signlord, ke is starlord and Jup(R) is sublord

c) Ruling planets yesterday: Sun(day), Moon in Pi/PB/UB Ju(R) and Sat
so sun, and saturn (ju is ignored due to retro)

Result of game is seen at 21:48 BST
1) moon in merc sub
2) moon in ve sub sub
3) ra is rising starlord
4) ju(R) is rising sublord

If game had reached, sun sub sub of moon (fortuna sign lord), result would have been different?

I think Sat should also be ignored being in Rx planet's star.
analyzing POF during final overs of game should also help.
I request seniors to put some light on that.
Re: Sports astrology

sun and venus are ruling planets when lagna shiftd to libra at 21.02 pm...those timings of virinchi indicating the lagna shift and two prati subs ke at 21.07 pm and ve prati sub at 21.18 pm and so on sun prati sub at 21.49...does virinchi used fortuna sublord and ruling planet's significations at the change of those timings?? Only virinchi knows!
Re: Virinchi's post on astrogle about Ind vs Pak game


Regarding Virinchi's post, he did try to indicate INDIAN Flag only as it was Tricolor clearly. SasiRekha and Star Dust were simply trying to pad up things. If the Green Color was indicating PAK, where has the Green Color in IND's Flag gone? Is Virinchi that ignorant to use only 2 colors in the Tricolor? This is like simply degrading the Master!

Virinchi is like a Scientist. He won't get satisfied with whatever is there already. He would always try to experiment something new, if he gets to learn something. Yesterday, he tried something new. It's a very natural thing that some experiments do get failed in the initial stages. But those Scientists will work on that further and make that a Success. Similarly, within a short span of time, Virinchi will make this experiment a success too.

Regarding Decoding of his predictions, we can try doing that. But with only 1 prediction, we can't decode it completely. We can try to do it as much as possible. If Virinchi is giving few more predictions based on this method, we can try decoding that and see.

@Gaurang, and kp practitioners in this forum,

Yesterday Virinchi master posted the following details on astrogle. If you are interested, we can discuss and see if it helps us identify a new method.

a) color coded timings (not sure if it is tricolor or green color indicating pak)

b) fortuna: Game started at 14:00:40 bangla time
POF is 9LE01 sun is signlord, ke is starlord and Jup(R) is sublord

c) Ruling planets yesterday: Sun(day), Moon in Pi/PB/UB Ju(R) and Sat
so sun, and saturn (ju is ignored due to retro)

Result of game is seen at 21:48 BST
1) moon in merc sub
2) moon in ve sub sub
3) ra is rising starlord
4) ju(R) is rising sublord

If game had reached, sun sub sub of moon (fortuna sign lord), result would have been different?
Gaurang correct me if I am wrong, but in Asia Cup 2012 thread in astrogle, on page 4, 5 or 6 sasirekha or stardust (can't remember) talkk about vrinchi saying that in bangladesh, the ascendant team would always be pakistan or bangladesh unless if they playing against each other. Then on the current Asia cup 2014 thread, it was clarified that vrinchi was referring to asc team victory, which in india v pak was pakistan. So didn't Vrinchi actually suggest pakistan and use orange, green, white and blue which cover both Indian and pakistan flags?
Re: Sports astrology

@ gaurang

i shall b very grateful to you if u can describe behaviour of fortuna and how one should treat it in event charts as fortuna changes its placement aling with asc movement. hence its d fastest moving object on chart.should v dynmically analyze fortuna ?? in muhurta chart, reslt of fortuna placement r not very consistent. respected guruji sri ksk has written placement of fortuna strengthens a house but no more description abt fortuna is available in readers.
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