Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

Dear seniors

Moon.was voc at start of play that means Asc (fav) will win. SL were fav for this game then how come they lost.

Requesting someone to explain it would be of great help.
Re: Sports astrology

Bluetooth and Arietus, hope you guys would illuminate this thread with your involvement. Seems even Jibreil, someone who doggedly predicts through every match has stopped. I'm a learner of KP astrology. Referencing my work with your opinions has been a silent exercise for me for some time now. Would request you guys to share your knowledge so the ones following this site to "learn", can have an opportunity.

HAve been an avid follower of astrology, when the accuracy of KP over most other forms of popular astrology intrigued me. I have a job. I work. But the mystery of KP astrology is hard to ignore. So spend most of my non-office hours in this pursuit. Thank you.
Re: Sports astrology


It's good that you wanna learn KP Astrology. But don't learn Sports Predictions alone. That's not gonna help you out in any ways. Also people who tried learning that alone and predicted few matches correctly too, got disappeared now. Many people who claim to be "Experts in Sports Predictions" too are not able to get it right for many matches off-late. They either keep silence or coming and giving Post-mortem Reports of the Matches, once it got over!

Guys like Jibreil would've thought about this and would've stopped predicting, I think so. What are they gonna achieve by continuously predicting every match? Apart from entertaining Betting Masters??

Learn the basics of KP Astrology very well. It'll be useful for you in many ways. All the very Best!

Bluetooth and Arietus, hope you guys would illuminate this thread with your involvement. Seems even Jibreil, someone who doggedly predicts through every match has stopped. I'm a learner of KP astrology. Referencing my work with your opinions has been a silent exercise for me for some time now. Would request you guys to share your knowledge so the ones following this site to "learn", can have an opportunity.

HAve been an avid follower of astrology, when the accuracy of KP over most other forms of popular astrology intrigued me. I have a job. I work. But the mystery of KP astrology is hard to ignore. So spend most of my non-office hours in this pursuit. Thank you.
Re: Sports astrology


Since Virinchi asked me to explain the reasons, I'm doing it.

First of all, Virinchi is neither an admin nor a moderator there in astrogle. Here in astrologyweekly, we can edit our own posts at least. There in astrogle, we can't even do that. Only the admin or the moderator can do it.

Regarding the deletion of posts.. One day, myself and Virinchi were discussing and debating about the things happening around in astrogle and astrologyweekly and about Sports Predictions. In the end, we came to a conclusion that since the methods for Sports Predictions were given openly in a simplified form, it's not helping KP Astrology in any ways. Instead, it's helping only the Betting Masters and the people who are looking for shortcuts in learning only Sports Predictions. We want all the guys to learn KP Astrology properly first and then Sports Predictions, so that they can understand the basic nuances properly. This was put forwarded to the Admin. She only deleted them and not Virinchi.


I wonder why you asked others like SasiRekha to post your predictions! That would've been a wonderful prediction by you, had it been done by yourself!! All the very Best for your Try in Soccer Predictions!!!

I'm not a moderator at astrogle to delete threads/posts.
It was admin and others who decided to delete or hide data i posted for everyone to use. (May be Gaurang can explain why it was done that way)

If i was selfish and wanted to keep my discovered methods and data with myself, i would have never explained it on public forums or through private messages/email to people like sasirekha, seetaram, varenya, leo, gaurang, star dust, Bhavani.

Few newcomers like bluetooth, arietus, shailendra are picking up well but i'm not in touch with them.
I think they're picked the method from old posts on astrogle made by me and others.
Even now i'm in constant touch with Jibriel/Revan everyday and i shared my analysis, timings and observations even for big bash league and also for recent soccer leagues.
Infact we're trying to derive a method to predict timing of goals in football which if successfull earlier than expected, can be used in world cup soccer.

3 weeks before Asia Cup began, me and sasirekha had a conversation where i predicted that India will get knocked out and Lanka-Pakistan final will happen.
That is what she posted in astrogle
Re: Sports astrology

@ARIETUS & Guys,

The so-called "Moon Sub Horary Method" is not discovered by Virinchi. Don't repeat this again and again. That's wrong. This method has been in use since 1960s for predicting small events that take place within few hours. You can verify KSK's articles in "Astrology and Athirshta" Magazines in late 1960s for that. By this, I'm not telling that KSK has invented this, he just discovered the lost one.

Right from the earlier days, it had been in practice. Anyone who knows the meaning of "Dasa-Bhukti" knows this easily. "Dasa" means "Moon's Star Lord" and "Bhukti" means "Moon's Sub Lord". Based on this only, predictions are being given right from the day Astrology been in practice. If someone doesn't even know this, how can they call themselves an Astrologer?

Virinchi is the one who popularized this in Internet Forums through his Predictions for WC 2011 and inspired a generation of Astrologers to learn KP Astrology and Sports Predictions through KP Astrology. Kudos to him for doing that!

The moon sub horary method you use to predict every game these days is discovered by virinchi. It does not matter whether he made your learning difficult, he deserves due credit as long as one uses his method.

He never taught me KP or any sports astro method to me, he never helped me read old IPL threads or nation charts, infact I have never read IPL threads on astrogle. It is very clear from whatever old messages are available on astrogle that there is a so and so method and so and so inventor who deserves respect.

Answer below two questions if you really think virinchi does not deserve respect from you:
1) which book did you read about observing moon sub changes and signfications to predict a game?
2) you again and again mention 6 kp readers, anyone who reads 6 kp readers can accurately predict sporting events?

As long as one's transits and dasa is good, that person can successfully sell cricket predictions. There will be time sooner or later, when nobody believes in one's predictions because they are not true.

You say you have respect for me, then read this
Providing astro tips to punters for commercial purpose is not a wise idea. It is easy money and easy come and easy go, but leaves enough suffering for future. Remember, if one is gaining wealth, he doesnt know that he is loosing something else, it is just a matter of time.
Re: Sports astrology


Regarding Naksh's issue, I have different opinion! It's his personal thing to charge or give Predictions @ free of cost. We don't have any rights to question / abuse him. If we gotta advise something, we should do it politely without hurting / abusing anyone.

Since a person came and complained that he has paid Naksh and all his Predictions were wrong, you Guys were all abusing / cornering him! What if his Predictions were all right? If they were right, that Person wouldn't even have come and told that here in public. Would he?

If someone is paying for Sports Predictions, what's he gonna do with that? Any public service?? Think over guys! Instead of questioning the person who complained about this, you guys were all cornering Naksh!!!
Re: Sports astrology

@the beast,

I'm not a Western Astrologer and hence I can't clarify your doubt directly. But as a Senior Learner of Astrology (even though other method), it's my duty to guide a Junior Learner like you. Hope you won't take in other sense!

Don't expect Spoon-Feeding from Seniors always. No one will do it. Why should they? If they do so, you can't grow up in your Learning Progress! Go, read the Book by yourself and learn. Try to observe many matches and eventually you will learn it by yourself!

I'm telling this from my Personal Experience. I got inspired to learn KP Astrology after seeing Virinchi's Predictions for QF, SF & Finals for WC 2011. I didn't try to learn Sports Predictions directly. Instead, I started learning KP Astrology right from basics. I read 6 KP Readers & Nakshatra Chintamani before trying my hands in Sports Predictions. I learnt the basics of Sports Predictions from Virinchi's Posts only. Nobody taught me personally. When I had doubts, I went and referred books, referred Old Matches and kept on observing many matches.

Then I started giving Predictions when I was still in the basic learning stage, expecting guidance from the Seniors if I go wrong somewhere. My Predictions then were not that great. At that time, I got in touch with a person called SUJAY, who I consider as one of my Gurus. He's a Master in KP Astrology. He never taught me anything directly. Instead, he made me to study and do research in different subjects for each and every question, which seemed to be irrelevant for me at that stage. Later, I learnt few new Techniques of Predictions from the Knowledge I got thru those readings. Thanks to SUJAY!

You could've seen that many Sports Predictions of well known KP Astrologers here and in astrogle are going wrong these days. People who are in personal touch with me knows that I got almost all those predictions right. Because, I'm not just using the Prediction Methods I just learnt from Virinchi's posts. I've evolved from it and went little deeper in that. Virinchi himself is a great inspiration! See, when his old methods are not working that well, he's trying to learn and experiment new methods like Fortuna. That's the spirit of Learning!!

But after getting hold of the method to a certain extent, I stopped predicting in Forums as that's not my goal. Now I'm looking forward only for Personal Predictions (Natal Astrology) as it'll help few people. What am I gonna achieve by predicting Sports? Popularity among few People & Gamblers!

This is my personal experience. You try something similar based on your Target and from your own experiences. All the very Best!!

Dear seniors

Moon.was voc at start of play that means Asc (fav) will win. SL were fav for this game then how come they lost.

Requesting someone to explain it would be of great help.
Re: Sports astrology

I never read Astrology and Arthistra magazine.
I read K.P reader IV (marriage, married life and children) more times as many horoscopes i encountered were related to those issues.
But that book gave me multiple ideas.
I never read other readers.
You guys may not believe but i didnt even read K.P 6th reader till date.
Skipped 1,2,3 and read 5th reader once.

I picked the idea of using hometeam as Asc and opponent as Dsc from a western horary astrologer in this forum long back (2006 soccer wc i guess).
Later i was observing K.P diary by kanak bosmia in 2007 and at same time ind-pak ODI was happening in nov 2007.
I discovered that pak's wickets fell when moon's sub-sub favored India.
At that time i had only India's independence chart.
Later through multiple experiments i could derive charts of even zimbabwe, bangladesh (based on one small news about a radio announcement), ireland etc.

When someone asked me how to predict changes in matches like IPL where team charts are not available, i thought of using Asc shift w.r.t moon's sub and sub-sub.
Initial idea of casting muhurta chart using 1,6,11 of Asc and 7,5,12 for Dsc came from KSK's case studies but later i added RPs to it.

A person with a,b,c as ruling planets married a person with a,b,c as significators of 2,7,11 houses and vice-versa.
I applied this to muhurta charts to get more accuracy.

The idea of saturn+moon deciding rain start/stop time came from logic behind those planet's properties and real life observation.
Lately i used rahu+sun+sub to decide badlight timings and got in accurate in a test match (but didnt post it online).
If you know basics, you might have understood the idea behind using rahu for badlight.

All this started because i met an idiot who said astrology is trash and there are multiple methods+ayanamsas and none are correct.
(he has is own reasons for not believing as he was cheated by some fake astrologer who sold cheap gemstones for high cost).
I realized that not just this fellow but an entire generation is losing belief in astro because people with knowledge are hiding it and not ready to share.
This is allowing fake astrologers to overtake the market.

One member in astrogle gave me idea to use forums as a platform to prove that K.P is the most accurate method and i chose most popular sport in India, cricket and most watched even world cup to prove it.

The result, one can see how many have learned K.P after 2011.

I dont claim any copy rights over what i discovered, i have no plans to publish books from my case studies and make royalty money.
I just wanted to prove something and its done long back.
Its not my duty to post every match's predictions.

Recently i made few more discoveries and will post them sometime in future.
I've encountered few K.P astrologers who have good knowledge but dont share it (as if they own it).
Our tradition (from sages) is to share and pass on whatever you know.

If in future, few of you discover something new, share it with others.
Dont behave like an idiot saying that 'I won't answer until someone asks me'.
Nobody begged KSK to discover K.P.
Nobody asked ancient seers to write sastras and once they found something, they immediately shared it.
Learn from them and dont expect spoon feeding.

If someone wants to make money by sports predictions, its their personal issue.
The person who paid money in private or through other blog has no rights to blame that astrologer publicly in this forum.

Last : Dont abuse astrology by trying to learn only cricket predictions for betting purposes.
Try to apply it in multiple areas and help people find answers in their personal lives
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Re: Sports astrology

@ gauranggroups @ virinchi Thnx a lot for ur valuable inputs. U guys always come up with something worth learn. Hope u will continue ur valuable support n guidance.

@ guns456 : thnx for ur words of appreciation. I m very glad to know that my posts inspires one to get into something new even though I m in initial stage of practice. And why do u expect members of forums to post their predictions for every game. I guess there were many active members during recently concluded Asia cup and WCT20 is not yet commenced fully fledged. Its not possible to analyze every game chart and post outcomes. I dnt know abt others but I shall keep contributing to forum and try to cover all important events.
Re: Sports astrology


Your objective to make people believe in astrology (to be precise,"KP") is met long time ago, and I am sure more good results to follow.

I learned vedic long time ago to predict various things with very limited accuracy, but very soon followed in your direction to get better results in life astrology and sports astrology as well.

To be true, I learned a few good principles in life, by reading your messages.

If not a discoverer, you are one true Illuminator.

Please let the light shine on us, always.
Re: Sports astrology


Yeah you are right. I too met few KP Astrologers who share wrong info or try to plagiarize. And i personally believe only dedication and sincerity helps in learning. I feel we are all students of KP. Kudos to KP.

@admin of astro weekly
Thanks guys for this lovely community. Have seen other communities where posts gets deleted on regular basis and we wonder why. Haha
Good going.
ok guys let the party began with the win if india this t 20 same numbers r getting that was in 2007 final the thriller of match wow.......
Re: Sports astrology

@ virinchi.

we shall b very grateful to u if u can put some light on fortuna. different kp astrologers use different formula for calculating fortuna. some advocates for separate formula for day n night charts. even different softwares so show different placement of fortuna.i rqst u to share ur views, which formula should b used to calculate fortuna n some briefing abt treating it.
Re: Sports astrology

India Vs Pak, Dhaka, 21 Mar 14, 19:30

A Typical India / Pakistan nail biter on the cards.

India to slump in the mid period of game during initial sub subs of Mer sub.
But should come hard again again in Ma,Ra,Ju sub sub. Most possibly game ends in ju sub sub, which gives advantage to india.
We have seen recently India prevailing a close game in ju period against england.

Edit : If game ends in Rahu sub sub Pak should be victorious
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Re: Sports astrology


It's good that you've come and made such a big & useful post. It'll be a guiding light to many here, especially to the ones who are following you. It's bit surprise that you've agreed it in public that you've never read all the 6 Readers and only have gone thru Readers 4 & 5, even though you've told me this in private. But, that's a good gesture from you!

It'll also show the people that you are also not a GOD in Astrology and you are also learning it. This will make others to think everything in different perspective and will make them come out and express their opinions, even if it's varying from yours. Hence we can learn from that too. You've opened up a new gate!

But read the other 4 Readers, when you get time. Without reading everything in full itself, you've done many great things. If you get complete knowledge in KP Astrology, you can do even more wonders!
Re: Sports astrology

numbers r favouring fist bat no matter who comes lets see.....

Again I request, there is no first batting or second. Its only 1 team that wins. Kindly focus on that please. Otherwise the ratio of being played on the law of probability implies and then haters come and abuse the members. Eventually this is an insult to Astrology on the whole whether it is Indian/KP or Western.
Re: Sports astrology

@ virinchi.

we shall b very grateful to u if u can put some light on fortuna. different kp astrologers use different formula for calculating fortuna. some advocates for separate formula for day n night charts. even different softwares so show different placement of fortuna.i rqst u to share ur views, which formula should b used to calculate fortuna n some briefing abt treating it.

@bluetooth: kindly first perfect the Toss method Virinchi has prescribed and then jump in Fortuna. We have been in discussion on this since quite sometime and its again quite experimental. The Fortuna calculation for KP or Western is the same according to Frawley's book as both systems use Placidus house system.
Re: Sports astrology

You are welcome! You deserve it!!
It's good to see you coming and making a post in a forum after a long time. It'll be good if you stay little active in this forum at least (as your posts will not get deleted here like the other one) and guide the young Learners. You are the most knowledgeable KP Astrologer I've ever come across till now. "Knowledge & Power comes with Responsibility". So it's your duty to guide the deserved Learners as they need people like you. Hope you'll be a guiding light to many here!

It's really good that our posts are not getting deleted unnecessarily. Thanks!
I'll be active in this forum henceforth and extend my support here, instead of wasting my time and effort unnecessarily somewhere else. Hope you'll carry on your good work!!
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