Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

well man 1st of all I am not a new one here please read beside every message they mention the joining date of the person. so you know who is junior, 2nd I am not here to prove my self as I started my post with my will to discuss and learn and by sharing what problem I am facing... not like you who always has its color high but on basis of a weaker sticks. now ur sticks are broken and u r not yet ready to accept it just trying to prove ur self but again don't even bother to explain. and saying me to accept what u say without even understanding? oh man comeo n. get some air

Let me know when your done using a Dictionary + Google Translate. Others are waiting to share Astrology related posts.
Re: Sports astrology

Jibreil.. Jibreil... Jibreil. My friend. You speak as though you're the senior (arguable, but OK) between you and cricastro. And as a senior show a bit more responsibility. Stop reacting and be compelled to comment on everything. You're a joke in the last two days. Save yourself the embarrassment and learn to keep shut. You're not even being instigated. You're self-instigating... Chill man. Have a drink. Read the argument. You're not even reading. (You're deleting messages.... at least u deleted mine while you shud be reading it). That's your problem. You're closed to anything that's being spoken. It makes a lot of sense if you decide to LISTEN.
Re: Sports astrology

Jibreil.. Jibreil... Jibreil. My friend. You speak as though you're the senior (arguable, but OK) between you and cricastro. And as a senior show a bit more responsibility. Stop reacting and be compelled to comment on everything. You're a joke in the last two days. Save yourself the embarrassment and learn to keep shut. You're not even being instigated. You're self-instigating... Chill man. Have a drink. Read the argument. You're not even reading. (You're deleting messages.... at least u deleted mine while you shud be reading it). That's your problem. You're closed to anything that's being spoken. It makes a lot of sense if you decide to LISTEN.

Hahaha thank you to you two for providing wonderful entertainment. One ambiguous and another a TROLL on the board without head or tail of Astrology & focused on commenting where uncalled for. And the road show continues... carry on guys your a real entertainment for all of us.
Now look at this.... At toss time 24/02/2015 14:00 Canberra (30 min b4 match starts) Lagan (Asc) was 4.05 Gemini (tropical) and 10.00 Taurus (sidereal). how come you said that lagan will be in Pisces???????
@ cricastro if u know kp then u have not ask how? Above one? ..
Iam not interested in ur western at all.
It's discuss forum not teaching any one.
Hahaha thank you to you two for providing wonderful entertainment. One ambiguous and another a TROLL on the board without head or tail of Astrology & focused on commenting where uncalled for. And the road show continues... carry on guys your a real entertainment for all of us.
Jebreil sir what I understand is cricketastro is half knowlege person he think he know all but he know northing if we argue with him we will soon go and join mental hospital better to leave him is best idea brother
Re: Sports astrology

@ Jibreil, @ cricastro : I request both respected members to please not to say a word now about what has happend in past.

Its getting too ugly now.
Its my humble request to please put a brake onto it.
Re: Sports astrology


It is evident from your posts that you are a learned astrologer and have a lengthy experience casting charts for sports events and interpretation.
Your motive behind coming back to this forum is to learn more and clarify some of the doubts you may have.

Jibreil and a few other members are well learned and they post only honest findings here and also as you found out there are some guess workers and hunch makers too.

I suggest you try and interact with some of the members which may help you meet your objective.

Good Luck
Re: Sports astrology

sorry I couldn't post the analysis of today's match last night... here it goes, UAE is to be considered as ASC in this match as they are wearing the black and Asc is Gemini with L1 Mercury in Aquarius, so the color method gives Asc to UAE. now L10 is very close to MC which gives strength to ASC for a win, while L4 is also in the MC which makes L4 very weak as it is controlled by the MC. This match should belong to UAE and I am going with the UAE win here.
Re: Sports astrology

UAE performing really well after few hiccups. Game on. plus 1 guys.
Re: Sports astrology

@ cricastro if u know kp then u have not ask how? Above one? ..
Iam not interested in ur western at all.
It's discuss forum not teaching any one.

Yes Shiva I know Kp that is why I am asking this question.....
1st of all their are 2 famous method to Cast a chart, Sidereal, and Tropical. Sidereal is being used mostly in Vedic astrology and Tropical is used in Westren astrology mostly. In these 2 main division's their are few types of Anamaysa, The most popular in Sidereal is Lahiri, Raman and few others When Krishna Murti designed the KP system he also designed his own anaymasa which is known as Kp Anamyasa. so Kp Astrologers use Kp anaymasa as KP him self suggested to use only this own to have perfect results.
Now our issue is how can a Kp anayamsa gives a far distant lagana than what is actually rising in the sky.. it is not possible, Kp anaymsa is a part of Sidereal and it is and the only difference between other anaymsa is the house system as Kp use Placidus instead of whole sign as a house in other sidereal astrology. but even this placidus house system also cant make it possible that it change the lagana when casted a chart by Kp to a far distant sign. only thing which could be vary is the division of Sub lord and sub sub lord.
what I understand is that you are probably casting the chart for your own location and time. only that way it is possible to have Pisces as Lagan but my dear friend you can not cast an event chart for your own place and time. you have to respect the place and time the event is taking place. you can only use your time and your place if someone asks you a question

"Will WI win the toss" or "Will Zimbabwe Win the Toss" or "Who will win the toss? I wish it could be WI".
Re: Sports astrology


It is evident from your posts that you are a learned astrologer and have a lengthy experience casting charts for sports events and interpretation.
Your motive behind coming back to this forum is to learn more and clarify some of the doubts you may have.

Jibreil and a few other members are well learned and they post only honest findings here and also as you found out there are some guess workers and hunch makers too.

I suggest you try and interact with some of the members which may help you meet your objective.

Good Luck

Thanks you for this I ll defiantly try to look for this forum I hope their will be some people who are interested in Cricket, Problem is that the Craze of cricket cant be found any where else like in India and Pakistan (subcontinent region) and 95% of Indian astrologers have similar attitude of not sharing. Their are few exceptions as well but very few :)
Re: Sports astrology

Scotland win the match

in another match
bangla will be in comfort zone
Re: Sports astrology

in scotland vs afghanistan match the time of the toss was exact. plz review this
Re: Sports astrology

@ Jibreil, @ cricastro : I request both respected members to please not to say a word now about what has happend in past.

Its getting too ugly now.
Its my humble request to please put a brake onto it.

good morning brother
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