Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

Bangladesh vs Lanka

Bangladesh can pick few more wickets n make things tight for Lanka from 11:08ist.
Re: Sports astrology

People like me can't understand why is asc who is dsc in these types of matches, :p
Re: Sports astrology

Those who prefer natal charts over event chart, don't need to get confused over asc/dsc as they can clearly interpret how an event should fare for a team by analyzing natal chart.
Those who prefer natal charts over event chart, don't need to get confused over asc/dsc as they can clearly interpret how an event should fare for a team by analyzing natal chart.
Sir do you see any chance for bangladesh to do wonders today? :)
Re: Sports astrology

Not expecting miracle from bangla boys today.

Bluetooth ji views on natal charts of windies tomorrow
Those who prefer natal charts over event chart, don't need to get confused over asc/dsc as they can clearly interpret how an event should fare for a team by analyzing natal chart.
sir any observations on windies and match.
Re: Sports astrology

Offtopic: I've been receiving off late a lot many PM's regarding people asking Horary Questions about their personal life. Please let me remind you all that I DONT do personal astrology neither wish to go down that path. Though I've learn't quite a bit of it, I dont even bother to see my own chart.

For people asking me about their loss in gambling etc. all I can say PLAY RESPONSIBLY!!! Though I don't encourage you on that path, there are many articles on the internet on how to gamble responsibly and the fundamentals are very similar to Stock Market trading; such as Hedging etc.

Astrology is a divine knowledge and we are hear to understand it in thorough, hence the regular research and variations that you see are practised here, nevertheless don't make it an addiction or only source of your income (as if predictions from seniors will make you a crorepati) Seniors such as gaurangroups, Virinchi, bluetooth & others have earned years of experience hence they are 90% correct, but they too can go wrong - you wonder why; well that's because knowledge of Astrology isn't perfected by ANY & also personal stars that can lead you towards reading the chart incorrectly on that day or the entire week or month. This dependency can lead you towards your own loss, hence be smart and bet safe (if you must).
Re: Sports astrology

sir any observations on windies and match.

SAF should dominate major period of first half but sluttering in later period of first half leaving a fair chance for west indies to chase it. Second half should a good tussle between bat and ball with both threatening each other.
SAF should dominate major period of first half but sluttering in later period of first half leaving a fair chance for west indies to chase it. Second half should a good tussle between bat and ball with both threatening each other.

Saf continue to dominate till odd 47 overs
Re: Sports astrology

Just to clarify a doubt,, Will NZ be asc tomorrow at their home ground against Aus?
Re: Sports astrology

Australia to beat NZ tomorrow, Australia can post a big total on board if they bat first.
Re: Sports astrology

nzl vs aus.starting 20min belongs to asc.after that dsc will do 2nd inngs asc will struggle till 7.30after that asc will come back and win the match.toss take nzl asc.
Re: Sports astrology

almost 1st inngs oneside dsc dominates.2nd inngs ups and downs will be there
nzl vs aus.starting 20min belongs to asc.after that dsc will do 2nd inngs asc will struggle till 7.30after that asc will come back and win the match.toss take nzl asc.
7.30? For newzealand time? AM?
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