Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

For tomorrow's match between India and Bangladesh i already mentioned that i expect an great upset and my call is for a victory of Bangladesh. using Color method it is very clear that Bangladesh is Asc and moon is conjunct L1 which is the strongest testimony above all. Moon aspect (a tight conjunction) can't be ignored. Someone earlier here said that moon is separating from L1 not applying so it is not a testimony for Bangladesh win, let me clear this, We don't go for applying or separating in an event chart like this... Applying on separating looks good in use when it is a chart for question (horary) like if someone ask will India win? than if the chart we cast for the moment the question is asked has an applying aspect than answer is yes and if aspect is separating than the answer is no, Here the difference is that we are not checking the question chart (horary) we are checking the event chart. Don't mix up Question and event chart please.

Are you sure you've read the correct book? I quote from John Frawley: Sports Astrology Chapter 2 "The Chart for the Event" Page 85

'Yes! Although house placement can be decisive, meaningful house placements do not occur in most charts. The Moon's aspects probably decide a greater proportion of these charts than any other testimony. We are, of course, concerned only with applying aspects: aspects that have not already happened. And we are concerned with them over only a limited range, which will vary with the sport,
Re: Sports astrology

Are you sure you've read the correct book? I quote from John Frawley: Sports Astrology Chapter 2 "The Chart for the Event" Page 85

Please read carefully next two pages as well to understand the reference of the context. What i understand with today's match is "in poll Matches we should use Color method, while in knockouts it seems we have to go to Fav on Asc method. as in both QF FOA fits well.. lets see what happens tomorrow as tomorrow seems to be a death day for Asc... if it is Fav on ASC than Australia Will be crushed badly because moon is combust. and south node on MC. but if we use color method than the result is totaly opposite but color method didnt worked today.
Re: Sports astrology

Pak will struggle from 9.00 till 10:21 ist
10:22 till 11:42 favorable for pak
11:43 till 13:05 ist Aus
13:06 till end of 1st inns pak
2nd inns pak should do well till 15:03 ist end of Rahu sub.
Match end in sat star ,sat sub in retrograde.:rightful:
1) Rahu star is more damaging to Bangladesh, especially satabisha. This is the Asc starlord of Bangladesh but absolutely squared by retro Saturn. Bangla's top order and middle order collapsed so many times when moon transited on satabisha. (2011 wc against WI - bangla folded for less than 100 runs).

2) Rahu is under saturn and moon's control now (retro saturn sextile), Saturn is not at all harmful for India.

3) In fact there can be little fight from Bangla once moon moves onto Poorvabhadra, but Jupiter is on Asresha, which is again denies success to Bangla and can even make them collapse.

Sum it up: No disadvantage for India, No advantage for Bangladesh.

This is awesome stuff sir. Hats off to you. :)
Pak will struggle from 9.00 till 10:21 ist
10:22 till 11:42 favorable for pak
11:43 till 13:05 ist Aus
13:06 till end of 1st inns pak
2nd inns pak should do well till 15:03 ist end of Rahu sub.
Match end in sat star ,sat sub in retrograde.:rightful:

Are u sure u got the timings right ? Coz c jup star ends b4 12.00 ist. Thanks
Are u sure u got the timings right ? Coz c jup star ends b4 12.00 ist. Thanks

Shiva sir has not written any timing about saturn star to rise, 15.03 ist is for sub period. Moon transits to uttarabhadrapada at 11.52 Am ist. :) Looks like pak playing asc.
Re: Sports astrology

Another one sided affair according to me. :-/ as pak played as asc only, to me..
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Re: Sports astrology

Just checked the chart,

Asc team ruler debilitated, square Saturn, however 10th lord is strong then again south node is in their house of victory.
DSc team ruler retro, however north node is in their house if victory?

Since Aus is home and fav, do we take Aus as Asc team?
DSC team has more testimonies...
Just checked the chart,

Asc team ruler debilitated, square Saturn, however 10th lord is strong then again south node is in their house of victory.
DSc team ruler retro, however north node is in their house if victory?

Since Aus is home and fav, do we take Aus as Asc team?
DSC team has more testimonies...

As far as my information goes, no planet is debilitated today, mercury is still in aquarius not in pisces.
Re: Sports astrology

As far as my information goes, no planet is debilitated today, mercury is still in aquarius not in pisces.


Are you using vedic astrology to predict games? As I know using that system every planet goes back 24 degrees so moon was debilitated and ASC team (Australia), was stronger.

I was thinking maybe toss winner gets ASC.
Re: Sports astrology

I've noticed a few astrologers on here using the vedic system,

Does anyone know any software/websites to help calculate transits, starlords?

Re: Sports astrology

it is comparing team performance to the sub sub placement.

Might b incorrect in this game as jup and sat retro and I m not able to understand their behavior if they r star lord or sign lord of a direct planet. Need to notice some more games

What do you mean by sub sub?
Re: Sports astrology

I've noticed a few astrologers on here using the vedic system,

Does anyone know any software/websites to help calculate transits, starlords?

u can try either Jyotishya Deepika v5 or jagannatha hora7.5
u can try either Jyotishya Deepika v5 or jagannatha hora7.5

I agree.
JD, KPStarone and JHora are best free software's for Vedic as well as kp astrology.

If u don't mind spending few bucks, u can go for kp astro4.1 which is being used by some renowned astrologers like kanak bosmia, tin win, Andrew dutta etc.
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Re: Sports astrology

Ok thank you guys!

So moving forward to tomorrow's game,

Moon transit 12th to New Zealand's moon which is a bad omen, furthermore, with the moon on mercury star, as Bluetooth pointed out, we have seen NZ struggling.
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