Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

beside india vs bangladesh as exception rest of all matches were played exactly as color assigned to ascendant only exception is That one match. and color method no one can stop the NZ as NZ playing as DSC and charts are very clear for dsc win.
Re: Sports astrology

Is it one of jackpot kind of games???

Too less punter oriented games this cwc and this can be one.

More updates tomorrow
Re: Sports astrology

This is not a prediction, just a question:

NZ vs WI game where Corey Anderson massacred WI bowling for a record breaking century. I remember that game happened when moon on ketu constellation. Ketu must be favoring NZ when these two teams play each other, even though Ketu has changed star and sign since then.

Tomorrow Moon & Ketu closely conjunct, moon is afflicted by ketu indicating against home and favorite team New Zealand, or by past inference Ketu helps NZ??

Are you using vedic astrology to predict games? As I know using that system every planet goes back 24 degrees so moon was debilitated and ASC team (Australia), was stronger.

I was thinking maybe toss winner gets ASC.
Moon was and is in pisces since morning for sure and how can it go to scorpio in any case? Ps - I am a novice and no practiotoner of any method.. But I have made my small weird dictums by observing awesome stuff provided by masters here time and again :) IMHO finding the real asc is the key to a game always.
Re: Sports astrology

Moon was and is in pisces since morning for sure and how can it go to scorpio in any case? Ps - I am a novice and no practiotoner of any method.. But I have made my small weird dictums by observing awesome stuff provided by masters here time and again :) IMHO finding the real asc is the key to a game always.

My mistake! :) I Did not check the chart properly and how can it go back to Scorpio! Yeah I absolutely agree, finding the real asc is key.
Re: Sports astrology

Nz have won the toss to bat. So, in the first observation, favourite has become dsc again, and looks like a bit tough time for west Indies again, IF nz are indeed playing as dsc. I request to seniors to confirm and guide please. Thanks :)
This is not a prediction, just a question:

NZ vs WI game where Corey Anderson massacred WI bowling for a record breaking century. I remember that game happened when moon on ketu constellation. Ketu must be favoring NZ when these two teams play each other, even though Ketu has changed star and sign since then.

Tomorrow Moon & Ketu closely conjunct, moon is afflicted by ketu indicating against home and favorite team New Zealand, or by past inference Ketu helps NZ??

Wonderful observation.

Ketu has been extremely toxic for windies no doubt about that. Record of fastest odi ton has bettered twice in span of last 15 months and we all know that it was ketu star on both incidents and windies were on receiving end both times.

Similarly moon was also conjunctinv ketu transiting in revti on 25 Jan when sa took on windies to register their single loss of series. Though moon in revti was surely disadvantage to sa but can we ignore conj to ketu . I think no.

Nz should reach their. Comfort zone in first half for sure but last hour may bring some dramatic reversal.
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Re: Sports astrology

West Indies hv all the chances on earth to win this game. All they need to do is not fumble too much in last hour of game
West Indies hv all the chances on earth to win this game. All they need to do is not fumble too much in last hour of game

Amen sir. Hoping the same, as indeed they have all the last hour for them, more or less, let's hope to see some gangnam style today. :) cometh the hour, cometh the man.
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Re: Sports astrology

1st Semi-Final: New Zealand v South Africa at Auckland, Mar 24, 2015.

First half belongs to RSA, second half to belongs Kiwi’s.
Re: Sports astrology

South africa must survive in a difficult game, unless NZ happens to be the favorite team after toss, due to market conditions.
Re: Sports astrology

Asc at 28.50 deg taurus saturn sub sub. For the start time which indicate a clear adv to asc which should be nz. But a tight match till las 1 hour.
Re: Sports astrology

sa vs nz
first 10 to 12 overs looking good for nzland
thn africa will come back in the game
till the end of first inning
in second inning nzl will fight back till 20 to 30 overs
thn start loosing momentum and will lose the match
final call sa will be winners
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