Cricket Predictions USING Sports astrology

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Re: Sports astrology

Will PM You the findings. Only challenge is I wouldnt know what excatly happened in a particular sub sub period to the utmost accuracy. Live game obeservation is best for that where we can note from start time to end time.
Re: Sports astrology

Meaningful and worthy discussion.

Its nice to see something useful after so many meaningless fights.
Keep it up guys.

I would like to add that instead just focusing on nos. Like 5/6/11/12 it's better to concentrate on personal properties of planet. Study nature and behaviour of planet primarily and then move towards significations to get pin point accurate results
Re: Sports astrology

Mercury sub in second innings strongly favours India irrespective of the ASC/DSC concept and hence they go through. First innings should also see a good performance from the men in blue.

NZ v/s India on Sunday :D
Re: Sports astrology

For India to beat Australia, game has to start before 14:31:21 local, and game has to go on till 22:21 local.

Since moon starlord Mars does not favor Australia while playing on home grounds, above two conditions will be met, and hopefully India will emerge as the winner. Not an easy game for both sides.
Re: Sports astrology

Somebody on Astrogle said this - "Aussies loosing on Mars stars days badly I doubt as per what I am learning till now aus dominates and had more winning track as compared to India on Mars star may be since I had started learning so I would be wrong"

Does this make sense? Sorry just a newbie to understand this. Does aus not do well on mars star days or does india fare worse?

Assuming obviously that tomorrow is a mars star day
Re: Sports astrology

Buddy any one can post anything on forums. Go by past record of the person posting mars star day is bad for aus and then see posts by person saying mars star day is good for aus. U vill get the ans :smile: I am vid INDIA

Somebody on Astrogle said this - "Aussies loosing on Mars stars days badly I doubt
Re: Sports astrology

Good to know. 160-1 in 31st over. Aus poised for 335+. Let's hope India chases this down.
Re: Sports astrology

Retro Planets

Any direct/retro planet in starlordship of direct planet, matter signified will materilize after some difficulties.
Any planet in retro star then the matters signified by that planet will not materialize.
“”This is as per Shri KSK Ji and not me””

So if a planet(direct or retro) is in retro star and if it signifies asc win then the asc win will not materialize and other possible results will materialize.
It means either ASC loose or tie. Tie being a rare possibility of 5 %.

So in case of an event like a game. If a direct or retro planet in retro starlordship, it will not give the resuklt as per signification and other possible result will happen.

So can we conclude from this that planets in retro starlordship yields opposite of what they signify????? I have noticed this in 5 6 games.

Request seniors to review and comment on the validity of this concept.
Re: Sports astrology

For now, only two sentences;

a) It is very easy to make "assumptions" in astrology.

b) Currently Jup and Sat are retro and sun is in retro sat star and mercury is in retro jup star; from your own horoscope, observe if they are delivering opposite results of what they signify.
Re: Sports astrology

It is not assumption. It is conclusion from the written rules by Sri KSK.

For Natal charts retro planets are NA as per KSK. it is only applicable for Transit or horary charts. Is event chart not a transit chart?

One query. If planets are supposed to give results as per their fixed house in natal chart then why a person is effected when planet moves into different houses.

I think we can discuss eveulate and then conclude for the event chart thing as of now for sports astrology to focus on specific inscope.
Re: Sports astrology

One query. If planets are supposed to give results as per their fixed house in natal chart then why a person is effected when planet moves into different houses.

Source, Starlord & Sublord. (In natal & in transit)
Re: Sports astrology

I think we can discuss eveulate and then conclude for the event chart thing as of now for sports astrology to focus on specific inscope.

Your gesture to call forward other members and seniors to discuss and contribute is nice.

Other day, shiva gave you an article on retro planets, from astro secrets book, did you consider that at least from sports p.o.v?

What is the point in asking for theories?
Re: Sports astrology

Query - Will New Zealand defeat Australia on 29th March 2015 to win the World Cup.
Date - 27-3-2015
Time- 19.15.57
Longitude - 72.57.52 E
Latitude - 20.37.25 N
KP new Ayanamsa
House Rotation - 9th House treated as Asc.
Hint - For team under query to win the sublord of 6th House and 11th should be strong significator of 6th,10th or 11th House.1,2,3 are supportive house. For opponents we check the 12th and 5th Cusp. 7,8,9 and 4 are supportive house.
I'm doing by best to predict using 4 step theory.

Bracket's indicates strong significators.
Moon's reflection
Moon - Occupies 8, Owns 10
Step 1 - Moon as planet itself
There are other planets in the star of Moon, hence does not signify's cusp occupies or owned.

Step 2 - Starlord of Moon - Rahu
Rahu occupies (11). Rahu is in Virgo, hence it's signlord is Mercury.
Mercury occupies (5) and owns (9) and (12).

Step 3 - Sublord of Moon - Venus
Venus is in its own star. Venus occupies (6) and owns 1 and 8

Step 4 - Starlord of Venus - Venus.
Venus occupies (6) and owns 1 and 8
So strong significator of Moon - 11,5,9,12,6
Moon showing the connectivity for the concern question, hence we can proceed further.

For New Zealand
6th Cusp Sublord - Jupiter(R).
Jupiter - Occupies 10 and owns 3 and 6

Step 1 - Jupiter as planet itself
There are other planets in the star of Jupiter, hence does not signify
the cusp occupies or owned.Cusp conj (10).

Step 2 - Starlord of Jupiter -Mercury.
Mercury occupies (5) and owns (9) and (12).

Step 3 - Sublord of Jupiter - Ketu.
There are other planets in star of Ketu, hence does not signify cusp
occupied or owned.

Step 4 - Starlord of Ketu - Saturn.
Saturn is in its own star. Saturn occupies (1) and owns (4) and 5.

Strong Significator of Jupiter - 10,5,9,12,1,4
Jupiter has become strong significator of 10 1 house which is advantage for Newzealand, however it has also become strong significator of 5,9,12,4 which is for Australia. Hence Jupiter is favoring Australia.

11th Cusp - Rahu
Rahu - Occupies 11

Step 1 - Rahu as planet itself
There are other planets in star of Rahu. Hence does not signifies cusp
occupied or owned.

Step 2 - Starlord of Rahu - Moon
Moon occupies {8} and owns 10.

Step 3 - Sublord of Rahu - Saturn
Saturn is in its own star. Saturn occupies (1) and owns (4) and 5.

Step 4 - Starlord of Saturn - Saturn.
Saturn occupies (1) and owns (4) and 5.

Strong Significator of Rahu - 8 1 4

Rahu is supporting Australia because of 8th and 4th House signification.

For Australia
12th Cusp - Jupiter
5th Cusp - Jupiter
Jupiter signification as explained above - 10,5,9,12,1,4
Jupiter is strongly favoring Australia. Hence Australia will lift 2015 Cricket World Cup.
All the best to both the team.
Feedback Appreciated..
Re: Sports astrology

ZAPPY Bro, Good To See your contributions!!

Request you to also consider KP SEED # (if it is not already considered ) required for horary questions and use original KP Ayanamsa.

Suggestion, dont just go in rework mode and immediately recalculate, evaluate when u get an original urge to know the answer again.
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Re: Sports astrology

ZAPPY Bro, Good To See your contributions!!

Request you to also consider KP SEED # (if it is not already considered ) required for horary questions and use original KP Ayanamsa.

Suggestion, dont just go in rework mode and immediately recalculate, evaluate when u get an original urge to know the answer again.

Forgot to mention KP seed . It's 222
Re: Sports astrology

Toss prediction -

Toss usually happen's 30 min's prior to the start of the match that is 2.00 pm. The lagna at 2.00 pm @Melbourne Cricket ground is Gemini and lagna lord is Mercury.

Mercury's signification as per 4 step theory from our horary chart detail's posted in previous post.

Mercury - Occupies 5 and owns 9,12

Step 1 - Mercury as a planet
There are other planets in the star of mercury, hence does not signify cusp occupies or owned by it.

Step 2 - Starlord of Mercury - Jupiter
Jupiter occupies (10) and owns (3) and 6. Cusp cojoined (10).

Step 3 - Sublord of Mercury - Moon
There are other planets in the star of mercury, hence does not signify cusp occupies or owned by it.

Step 4 - Starlord of Moon - Rahu.
Rahu occupies (11). Rahu signlord is Mercury. Mercury occupies (5) and owns (9) and (12).

Mercury's strong significators - 10,3,11,5,9,12.

Due to presence of 5,9,12 house Australia will win the toss.
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