Re: Sports astrology
Query - Will New Zealand defeat Australia on 29th March 2015 to win the World Cup.
Date - 27-3-2015
Time- 19.15.57
Longitude - 72.57.52 E
Latitude - 20.37.25 N
KP new Ayanamsa
House Rotation - 9th House treated as Asc.
Hint - For team under query to win the sublord of 6th House and 11th should be strong significator of 6th,10th or 11th House.1,2,3 are supportive house. For opponents we check the 12th and 5th Cusp. 7,8,9 and 4 are supportive house.
I'm doing by best to predict using 4 step theory.
Bracket's indicates strong significators.
Moon's reflection
Moon - Occupies 8, Owns 10
Step 1 - Moon as planet itself
There are other planets in the star of Moon, hence does not signify's cusp occupies or owned.
Step 2 - Starlord of Moon - Rahu
Rahu occupies (11). Rahu is in Virgo, hence it's signlord is Mercury.
Mercury occupies (5) and owns (9) and (12).
Step 3 - Sublord of Moon - Venus
Venus is in its own star. Venus occupies (6) and owns 1 and 8
Step 4 - Starlord of Venus - Venus.
Venus occupies (6) and owns 1 and 8
So strong significator of Moon - 11,5,9,12,6
Moon showing the connectivity for the concern question, hence we can proceed further.
For New Zealand
6th Cusp Sublord - Jupiter(R).
Jupiter - Occupies 10 and owns 3 and 6
Step 1 - Jupiter as planet itself
There are other planets in the star of Jupiter, hence does not signify
the cusp occupies or owned.Cusp conj (10).
Step 2 - Starlord of Jupiter -Mercury.
Mercury occupies (5) and owns (9) and (12).
Step 3 - Sublord of Jupiter - Ketu.
There are other planets in star of Ketu, hence does not signify cusp
occupied or owned.
Step 4 - Starlord of Ketu - Saturn.
Saturn is in its own star. Saturn occupies (1) and owns (4) and 5.
Strong Significator of Jupiter - 10,5,9,12,1,4
Jupiter has become strong significator of 10 1 house which is advantage for Newzealand, however it has also become strong significator of 5,9,12,4 which is for Australia. Hence Jupiter is favoring Australia.
11th Cusp - Rahu
Rahu - Occupies 11
Step 1 - Rahu as planet itself
There are other planets in star of Rahu. Hence does not signifies cusp
occupied or owned.
Step 2 - Starlord of Rahu - Moon
Moon occupies {8} and owns 10.
Step 3 - Sublord of Rahu - Saturn
Saturn is in its own star. Saturn occupies (1) and owns (4) and 5.
Step 4 - Starlord of Saturn - Saturn.
Saturn occupies (1) and owns (4) and 5.
Strong Significator of Rahu - 8 1 4
Rahu is supporting Australia because of 8th and 4th House signification.
For Australia
12th Cusp - Jupiter
5th Cusp - Jupiter
Jupiter signification as explained above - 10,5,9,12,1,4
Jupiter is strongly favoring Australia. Hence Australia will lift 2015 Cricket World Cup.
All the best to both the team.
Feedback Appreciated..