Hobart vs Sixers
Match will play on Hobart city in Hobart ground... So I taken Hobart as ASC. Sydney is a outsiders so given DSC to sixers. So if I goes ryt. How match works and who wins.
Toss win by Sixers
Match win by Sixers
Flow is like.. sixer win toss go for bowling first, Hobart to bat first Starting 3 over of power play, Hobart can struggle, but pick up a speed from 4th over Hobart to play more gud from 7-18 overs with bat. Last 2 over sixers put break on score. Can able to see average near 155-165 between. Or near
In chasing horbat bowl gud for starting 5 over or can say sixer play slow 5-8 over sixers facing some problems for making runs. Give a wkt in such time. But from 9th over to 20 over sixer to chase gud n win this fighting match.
Note - if I have done any mistakes in flow or judging something wrong.. so will make it cover ryt at Innings break.
Rest it's SEDNEY SIXER game today