Crucifixion of the Chart Axis, Yods and Ends

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
I'd like to share some personal astrology observations.
First off, I"m 71 years of age and I've been studying astrology since August of 1984.
Take a look at my natal chart below.
Screenshot 2024-07-30 12.34.16 PM.pngYou'll notice that I have a Scorpio Asc. in the 18th degree, Moon conjunct Nadir in the 25th degree, the Sun in the 17th degree of Taurus conjunct the the 18th degree within a one degree orb. At the top of the cross, at the M.C. in the 25th of Leo, notice that the Part of Fortune is conjunct in the same degree, and Pluto in a conjunction within a four degree orb. Pluto, the Planet of Death and Transformation at the top of this crucifix of the self... the Asc. being the personal awareness, the Sun is the Ego, and the Moon the Emotional Being.... the Trinity of the Self, crucified on the chart axis>
Let's look at the Sabian Symbol for the Asc. in the 18th degree of Scorpio. The Asc., the awareness but also the physical appearance.
From Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala".

The exalted feeling of a work well done and a truly consummated life.

The person who has lived with faith the transpersonal life — the life through which spirit radiates creatively — can experience blessedness and peace, even though his or her cycle of experience nears its end. It has been a life full of seed. The seeds are hidden perhaps, yet they are filled with the power to overcome cyclic death. The soul is at peace. The clear autumnal sky silently intones the great message: 'Well done, little man!'

In this third symbol of the five-fold sequence we see the smile of the youth brought to a more mature, more spiritual culmination. Human nature is a magnificent symphony of warm, rich colors, now that the strictly biological green of vegetation experiences its TRANSFIGURTION."

Transfiguration. A word coined specifically for the condition Yeshua/Jesus was in appearance as after He rose from the tomb. The alteration of ones' physical apperance.
What a Sabian Symbol for ones natal ascendant.
Now, at the Nadir, in fact conjunct with it, the "WHY" of ones' natal chart when read for the understanding of ones' spiritual evolution in this present lifetime, is the 25th degree of Aquarius. The Moon, the feminine side, the emotional being, in a Sabian Symbol as thus... [ibid.]

The capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect of the mind ahead of normal evolution.

What seems implied is a kind of mutation, and more specifically the special development of whatever is symbolized by the 'right side' of the organism. Here, however, the spiritual body (the butterfly) is what the Image represents. A strong process of conscious individualization is suggested, perhaps at the expense of the instinctual-emotional aspect of the personality (its 'left side').

This last symbol fittingly concludes this sixty-fifth sequence, which began with 'A disappointed woman . . .' The five-fold set deals with the management of human energies at the emotional level; here management means overcoming — this, on the basis of negative or ego-challenging experiences. This fifth symbol refers thus to the results of a TRANSMUTATION OF EMOTIONAL ENERGIES."

Transmutation. That's a lot like transfiguration, only in an energy sense and not physical, the emotion energy, the emotional being, so yeah, it is a lot like transfiguration in that it does alter the "being", the emotional being where-as transfiguration alters the physical being. So another part of the "Trinity" on the crux of crucifixion. The Moon, the emotional being, being transmutated.
Now, the Sun, the Ego, by it's own estimation, is the god-danmed Being, and don't you forget it [ha ha].
My natal Sun does not share the same Sabian Symbol as the Desc. it is conjunct to, and within a one degree orb, but it is the Sabian that precedes it, or follows it when read in the direction of Spiritual evolution [From Virgo 30* clockwise to the first degree of Libra, Libra 01*] My natal Sun is in the 17th degree of Taurus. [ibid.]

Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal "Great War. "

When Gautama, having sought in vain for the answers to his questions among the teachers of tradition, sat under the Bodhi Tree, he had to fight his own battle in his own way, even though it is an eternal fight. The spiritual light within the greater Soul must struggle against the ego-will that only knows how to use the powers of this material and intellectual world. There is no possibility of escape; it is the energy that arises out of the present moment — the inescapable NOW — that the daring individual has to use in the struggle.

This second stage symbol suggests that salvation is attained through the emergent individual's readiness to face all issues as if there were only two opposed sides. So teaches the Bhagavad-Gita. This is the dharma of this stage of human evolution: a stage of POLARIZATION OF VALUES."

The "Sword", symbolically represents the Ego. The "Torch", symbolically represents the Soul. This is the necessary death of the Ego. The Sun, the Ego, the final piece of the Trinity of Self, dying on the chart crux.
At the apex of this crux, is the M.C., the "HOW", and it is conjunct in the same Sign and degree as the natal charts Part of Fortune. "Most auspicious" is what a lot of Astrologers consider this conjunction to be. The Part of Fortune, interpreted through the Sabian Symbol found for the degree of the Zodiac it is in, is the most fortuitous action, attitude, and, or, or mental construct by which one produces the most fortuitous circumstances by which to complete ones dharma, which is also summarized symbolically b y the four points of the chart axis. The Asc., The "WHO", the Desc., the "WHERE-TO", or "WHOM-TO" in a sense too. The M.C., the "HOW", and the I.C. gives the answer, "WHY", for an interpretation regarding ones spiritual evolution, if regarding the mundane, just reverse the purposes of the M.C. and the I.C.. The Sabian Symbols are the representation of the 360 phases of Human transformation. From Aries 01* to Pisces 30*, they represent the immersion into Maya, the illusion. When read in the opposite direction from Virgo 30" to Libra 01*, the symbols represent the 360 phases of spiritual evolution, the escaping, the transcending [TRANS?, AGAIN!?] of Maya, the Illusion.]
My natal M.C. and Part of Fortune in the 25th deg. of Leo... [ibid.]

Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.

The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey. (The original formulation of the symbol did not refer to 'a man on camel back.') The organism carries within itself what is absolutely needed for survival. At the deeper human level 'of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as one enters the occult Path leading to a more dynamic and more inclusive realm of existence.

The camel carries water within its body, and it is said that the dromedary is able to utilize the matter stored in its large protuberance as food. The suggestion here is that in order to be released from bondage to the 'old world' we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face "the desert," nothingness, Sunya . . . until we reach the "new world." We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE."

That's HOW I've had to learn, to live, to do, to exist my entire life... pretty much.
I've had a good number of lovers, I've been in three serious relationships with women...each one was a cohabitation just short of marriage, but never lasting more than a few months, as for the being boyfriend/girlfriend, they lasted as long as five years, but trying to cohabitate is what ended each of those.
In my youth, I did have a a full family life. Parents stayed married all their lives. Younger brother and sister, but more than three years younger. Didn't get to play on any teams, much, in my youth. I did manage to play for the varsity tennis team in high school and in college, but only the singles game.
Studied art for years, but mostly self taught, although my father was an excellent fine artist and He did teach me a great deal. But he painted in oils and I preferred watercolour. You may find it of interest is that the 25th degree of Leo is also where-in the natal Part of Eros, [a Hermetic Lot, which symbolizes "those whom you wish to seek out as your cadre of spiritual aspirants"] is derived to be taken from the natal chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus, that I produced 20 years ago this November. It is also in semi-quintile aspect to the Asc. of that chart in the 1st degree of Libra
Now, look to the top of this crux and find Pluto, conjunct the M.C., the "HOW" of the chart axis, adding to the symbolic, "HOW", in the 21st degree of Leo.
Pluto, the Planet of Death and Transformation [and there's that damn, ""Trans", again...Man, talk about your "Trannies"] seeing to it that the crucifixion is getting done. [ibid.]

KEYNOTE: The often-negative and at times ludicrous first experience with spiritual teachings.

In Near Eastern symbolism wine, intoxication, and vineyards always refer to ecstatic experiences and to the contact with mystical or occult schools. 'Chickens' here suggest that we are dealing with human beings who are the standardized products of their culture, and more or less undifferentiated specimens of a social norm. Brought accidentally or prematurely to mystical or occult experiences, they usually react to them in a highly confused and 'dizzy' manner. What reacts in them is the ego, and the ego can never 'fly' (i.e. experience spiritually transcendental realities in an effectual manner).

This first symbol of the twenty-ninth five-fold sequence presents to us a picture of the unsatisfactory way many people today — especially young people — approach what purports to be spiritual reality. The 'food' may be intoxicating, consciousness-expanding, but the inner openings lack depth and constructiveness, whether or not they produce what appears to be wonderful feelings. One may speak here of the danger of PREMATURE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS."
I achieved samadhi with the bij, OM, the first time I attempted meditation at age 15, in August of 1968 [lots of things happen to me in August all the time] I found out years later, from an emissary, a "sishya" [spiritual disciple] of Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas, Suryakant, aka the late Stephen Johnson, whom had a copy of the book, "Sidha Yoga" by Swami Sivananda. 1977, Himalayan Press, that I became a yogi with the rarest path of all...a real solo trip... I'm a sishya of the bij,. only the "Word of God is my guru, and my satguru, it is a path of yoga where everything is done in reverse. One remains immersed in the world, doesn't renunciate, and the chakras are worked on in the reverse order... but more like the chakras work on you, whether you want to or not.
Also, I was raised in old time Quaker beliefs, a 12th generation Quaker, since 1683, Free Quakers since 1778 [meaning, we don't get to congregate with the others, anymore... more solo chit. Quakers are brought up to learn and belief that the "Inner Voice", which we are to listen for, is the "Voice of God" and abide by it. The Word of God, is One with the Light. The Ego needs to be overcome, that's where that Torch comes in, the inner Light, which needs to "fight the eternal war", and defeat that sword, the Ego.
The Moon, the emotional, needs to just STFU, and sit still... as illustrated by the symbol for the Nadir...the transmutation of those emotional energies.
and the Desc., the "WHERE-TO", or "WHOM-TO", symbolically given by the Sabian Symbol for the 18th degree of Taurus. [ibid.]

The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.

In this third stage of the present sequence the first two stages should be considered background. The traditional teachings concerning man's nature are somehow reconciled with the youthful enthusiasm that sees in every problem of growth an issue between the 'good' and the 'bad.' The symbol suggests that the real enemy is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. The mind is shown in the likeness of a 'bag,' now empty and needing to be aired in the sunlight. But the 'window' must first be opened and the bag emptied.

The phrase 'cleansing the doors of perception' has become well known of late. But even more to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images — i.e. the ego mind. The Keyword is

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
It may be of additional interest that my Part of Imprisonment, that which one cannot embrace, employ, etc., is in the 21st degree of Virgo, [ibid]
"VIRGO 21°): A GIRL'S BASKETBALL TEAM... ... A definite type of educational activity is implied with cultural, and as well emotional, overtones. It implies the training for GROUP INTEGRATION of "girls," i.e. of a type of consciousness more specifically receptive to collective forces. "

...Yeah, well that just wasn't going to be allowed to happen, that's why it is my Part of Imprisonment.
Next up, about that YOD, and what it means to the I.C., the "WHY" of the chart, which is the focal point and the two degrees that are in semi quintile to the M.C., that will help facilitate that HOW so as to become for WHY
I know that this thread is seemingly very self indulgent, but I feel that I should share my life experiences and how they have been given indication in my natal chart as my life has been one more focused on the spiritual than the mundane and I have had many spiritually oriented experiences. Spiritual "revelations" did occur prior to my becoming thirty years of age and it wasn't until after I turned 31 years of age, in August of 1984, did I get introduced to, and earnestly began the study of, astrology with a particular interest towards the Sabian Symbols as introduced and interpreted by the late Dane Rudhyar. It was this study of astrology that revealed to me that this path, which I was already upon, was in fact, is in fact, my astrologically indicated destiny. It all then became clear to me and understandable and that all of those experiences were not just some random happenstance that I had inadvertently produced.

So, if this subject is of interest to you then please bear with me as it will take an explanation of some length. I'm not saying that I have it all figured out, I'm just presenting those findings through Astrological study that give indication in support of what has transpired during my life. I am still learning something new every once in awhile. Those concerning aspects of quintiles and bi-quintiles being among the latest and now seemingly so significant... and these aspects are so overlooked, so underrated, in my humble opinion and especially as to how the M.C. and the I.C. relate symbolically through the Sabian Symbols to pentagrams constructed to their location... a matrix consisting of quintiles, semi-quintiles, and, very notably, those of bi-quintiles.

I know that my claim to have achieved what I did on my first attempt at meditation at the young age of 15 is rather unbelievable. Yet there are records of other youths that had similar type experiences. Paramahansa Yogananda wrote of such experiences in his autobiography and I have read of a number of yogis, gurus, and swamis of renown that had such experiences at early ages. There are stories that are alike pertaining to a few Christian saints. Yet there are Astrological influences in my natal chart that give strong evidence in support of such an occurrence. I have a Saturn - Neptune conjunction in my natal chart. It is, perhaps, the most influential aspect one can have to effectively assist one in the practice of meditation. At least the authors Sakorian and Acker described it as so in their book "Astrologers Handbook", which happens to be one of my fav. books to reference. The two seemingly know, and know better than any other author I have encountered,. the metaphysical proclivities some aspects provide. That which they provide for the aspect of Pluto conjunct the Asc. being so "spot on" as to have convinced me that was an aspect that would be found in the natal chart of the Nazarene... as it so accurately described the condition and abilities of the woman that I met that I found to be so "Christ like" in her ability to heal and see what needed to be healed. i.e. that ability to actually see energy and had learned how to discern when it was out of balance or in need of assistance, as that is both what she claimed and did so demonstrate.
It took me some time to realize just exactly what had happened to me that night the first time I ever tried to meditate.. Initially it made little sense to me as to why it happened, other than to be an early confirmation that the best spiritual path that I could choose to undertake was one based in Vedic philosophy and knowledge.

I had two other, similar, type experiences in the years that followed. One was in 1974, after having discussed my experience with a fellow that was a disciple of a Jewish mystic, whom told me how to redirect the meditation practice by switching the mantra from the bij, OM, at the moment I felt that certain "rush" that let me know that I was near the state of samadhi. I was told to switch to the name of my archetype, my satguru, and I said at that time, without hesitation, without any forethought that entity is Sri Rama.

So, that's what I did, and instead of going out of body I found that by repeating the word Rama, I opened my third eye and I saw a spinning, continuously morphing Mandala. It would change colours and even become multi-coloured and then it morphed into a wheel of heads in profile and there were so many that I couldn't count nor estimate how many but they were finally followed by my own head in profile followed by a number in white silhouette, and that faded out and behind it an image came into gradual focus and there stood Sri Rama.
It became understood to me after some reflection that all those silhouettes I saw were my previous lives, and then I was shown my present incarnation, with the implication that there will be more to follow.

I had never heard of such a vision before but years later I was reading Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and read the chapter in which the boatman reveals himself to Siddhartha in exactly the same imagery.

No preconceived notion, no pre-suggestion, my vision occurred spontaneously, entirely unexpected, and was not something I recognized other than there being a similarity to the cover of the vinyl record of Jimi Hendrix's Abraxas Bold As Love album. But that is faces in a row, not in a wheel, and just like the description given by Herman Hesse. Herman was either "experienced" himself, or had a very good source for information.
The other experience involved meditating while sitting on a hilltop overlooking the Pacific Ocean and vocally chatting the bij, when suddenly the ocean echoed it back to me. I could stop and the ocean would continue on for at least 20 to 30 seconds, and it got louder the more I continued on.
What I eventually concluded from the three experiences was confirmation of God without, God within, and God all about.

Why me? Why was I so able to achieve that state of meditation without years of effort beforehand? I believe that to be a result of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction that I have within a half of one degree orb. I have found from my forty years of studying astrology that it's those conjunctions that occur within one half of a degree that are most profoundly potent... in both ones natal chart and in synastry with others. All are like the Casimi aspect that occurs in a Sun Mercury conjunction within a half of a degree. I also pointed out what the Sabian Symbol for my natal Pluto is and that it has to do with {Rudhyar, ibid.] "THE PREMATURE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS".

So, those experiences may have been facilitated by the arrangement of my natal horoscope but even so they did come rather prematurely. I was just barely 15 when I made samadhi on the bij for the first time and had no spiritual aspirations when I went about attempting it that time, I was curious about conscious out of body experiences, but the meditation technique along with the bij to use as a mantra was the suggestion of my mother who saw, what she thought was, an opportunity to get me into meditation in the hope that it would tame my unbridled mind, calm my overactive hormonal nature, make me a more focused and mature student, whom was about to begin high school in a month.

It was my meeting a group of Bhakti yogis [aka Hare Krishna's] that were visiting my college campus the Fall of my freshman year, that I and my roommate invited to let them crash overnight in our off campus apartment, and the talks I had with them, that got me interested more info other areas of Vedic studies and practices. The Fall of my sophomore year, when the roommate I drew to share a dorm room on campus whom had a copy of "Be Here Now" by Ram Das, did I begin to somewhat seriously pursue trying to find which particular form of yoga I would best adapt to and make a commitment to it.
Now, I'm involved with Christianity, but as one that came into its provenance in a roundabout way. That being through these practices of yoga that are preserved in the Vedic. But the truth is that the Vedic knowledge came to be because of those practices, that is to say that it was the practice of meditation that brought us that knowledge that is presently identified as Vedic. Those practices are available, and of assistance, to a person of any religion. The Sabian Symbol for my natal chart and my Part of Fortune, that for the 25th degree of Leo [ibid.]

Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.
... need[ing] TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE." ...
...reveals why. As there is at present an estimated number of, between 30,000 and, 40,000 different sects of Christianity and not a single one of them has "got it right", then how was I to be able to look for, produce, and recognize the true natal chart of the Nazarene? It wasn't going to happen had I been an adherent of any of those sects.
The man has been mis-represented, mis-quoted, and wrongly identified for nearly 2000 years. People were tortured and then put to death for even questioning church doctrine, all the more so for spreading "heresy"

Look at my natal North Node of the Moon. It is said to reveal the direction of the soul in the present incarnation. The South Node that from where the soul was coming from before this incarnation.
My natal North Node is the same as the South Node for the natal chart of the USA [Zero Hour chart, I.e. 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776] that is the 7th degree of Aquarius. [ibid.]

The emergence of new mutations according to the great rhythms of the cosmos.

The ancient symbolism of the Cosmic Egg (Hiranyagharba in Sanskrit) out of which a new universe is born can be interpreted at several levels. Here we see the appearance of a new type of human being who is not born from 'Ancestors' and who therefore is free from the inertia of mankind's past. He is a new product of evolution, a mutant. He constitutes a fresh projection of the creative Spirit that emanates from the cosmic or planetary Whole, and not from any local culture and racial tradition.

This second stage symbol is in contrast with the preceding one. It can be said to announce the EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age. The power of the whole is focused within him in perfect freedom from ancient standards of value based on local conditions."

That is a description of the folks that were the founders of the United States of America. That is from which this nation, of mine, was born. They were the kind of people that could not exist in the "Old World" because they would not be tolerated with their new ideas of democracy and the doing away with monarchies, their particular forms of protestant beliefs and practices were, for the most part, exiled from Europe and allowed to try to exist here, in the "New World".
So, I'm not just a "loner", that "solitary camel" finding its own path through the desert, but also some sort of, relatively, unique individual... a "new mutation", at least in thought and philosophical practices.
The opposite degree, that for my South Node and that which is the North Node from the USA's natal chart, that of the 7th of Leo, is given as thus [ibid.]

The power of basic spiritual values which refer to man's common humanity and to all enduring archetypes.

The experience of the night sky with its multitude of stars, especially brilliant in all the countries from which astrology came, is just as basic and archetypal an experience as that of sunrise, full moon and seasonal changes. Every people on this Earth has developed the concept of constellations, probably because of a need to find order in existence and to personalize everything that could be given a permanent form. Such personalizations can be called 'psychic projections', but the projection concept should be worked out both ways. If man projects his basic human nature upon the star-filled night sky, is it not just as logical to say that the universe projects its own forever-evolving patterns of order upon human nature? In either case we deal with archetypal factors which endure through a long series of generations.

This second stage symbol once more stands in perfect contrast to the preceding one. The nearly unchanging patterns of star groups are opposed to the sequence of ever-changing fashions and social ideals. The Keyword here is PERMANENCE."

So, you see that the destiny of the soul of the nation of the USA is to find and establish an enduring form of an archetype, a "True" form of the archetype that was demonstrated by the Nazarene, and those true spiritual values and precepts that are in accordance with it.
While, what is implicated, is that is where I arrived from... in a previous existence, or from a previous existence. Let me remind all that my Astrological Part of Inheritance and Legacy is in the same degree is that of the Part of Fortune derived from that natal chart of the Nazarene, I.e. the 19th degree of Pisces, [ibid.] "A MASTER INSTRUCTING HIS DISCIPLE." From what my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse Conner, told me and from what I've personally seen in "signs" that I was given, I have some sort of very strong connection to the Nazarene and his twelve, or thirteen, disciples... allegedly I may have been one of them....and it is implied that Parsival was the reincarnation of Judas.... that's all I know other than the one that Rudolf Steiner said would be present as the reincarnation of Parsival could possibly be a substitution. How that is supposed to work, and, or why, I have no idea? Why any should would volunteer to reincarnate and assume the karma of Judas is beyond me... a Pretty Tall Order, if you were to ask me.
I bring all this to light so as to proceed here with the explanation as to the "Yods" mentioned in the title I gave this thread.
but, first off, know that I believe that the true Yod is based on quintiles and semi-quintiles and not that of sextiles and semi-sextiles, as is the current accepted belief and practice.
The word Yod is also the name of the letter of the Hebrew alphabet that is the equivalent of the English alphabets' letter "Y". It is also the letter used in place of the numerical value of ten... as the Hebrews used letters as quantities of numeric value, as like did the Romans. [Arabic numerals weren't even known of in Europe until around 1000 A.D. Initially they were only known of to the scribes and then to some of the royalty also, but it wasn't for another five hundred years before they became of common knowledge to the general population of Europe] If a Yod is supposed to represent the finger of God wouldn't it make more sense if it was based on a ten point matrix, I.e a Grand Semi Quintile, two pentagrams, symmetrically interlaced, a matrix of ten points rather than one based on a twelve point matrix, as like that of the Grand Semi Sextile. After all if we are created in the image of God then wouldn't it make much more sense that God also has ten fingers and not twelve?
It is the two opposite aspects at 144* to each side of a planet, [or luminary, or node, or otherwise active astronomical object] and not those in quincunx at 150*, that are the matter of attention to be focused upon as bi-quintiles are genius like solutions, complimentary precepts, to that planet that the finger of God is pointing to. God is pointing out to you that there is a solution to implementing, or dealing with, whatever it is that the particular planet, or luminary, is involved with and this is all best accomplished by referencing the corresponding Sabian Symbols involved here.

As the M.C. is involved in a important pentagram to be aware of, that is to say that the "HOW" of ones' natal chart [in an interpretation concerning ones spiritual evolution this lifetime, or the 'WHY" in a mundane interpretation], and that 10th House cusp also representing ones career [thus demonstrating as to why ones career is one best chosen for spiritual progress, for spiritual concerns] Then the bi-quintiles' Sabian Symbols in aspect to ones' M.C. should be understood to be precepts of great assistance to the "HOW" of your present dharma.

Dane Rudhyar gets briefly into this subject in his book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala, The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases", in Part Three, Chapter 3, "The Cross and the Star". The "Cross" in mention is that of the chart axis, the "Star" is that pentagram. that can be perfectly constructed to the M.C. of a natal chart. There are 72 perfect pentagrams, I.e. Grand Quintiles, in the Zodiac and each one is the perfect plot line synopsis of a story, a play, a movie... Marc Edmond Jones discovered this and made a nice side income selling movie scripts to Hollywood for many years after obtaining the Sabian Symbols in the mid nineteen twenties. In some folks lifetimes the Sun and Venus will be actively influencing those natal charts that have an M.C. in one of those degrees that the Sun and Venus conjunct in that takes all of approx. 1200 to complete. I'm currently one of those so designated folks. It began in the early 1990's and it will complete sometime in 2033.

It makes far more sense that the "Finger of God" would be pointing to a solution that is spiritually compatible, spiritually conducive to our souls' evolution than to some problem of perplexity and leaving us alone, without a clue, to resolve such. I think we can all readily identify those "perplexities", but it is the opportunities which might slide by us unnoticed.

Thus, so why this is a subject that I studied and what I have concluded from the study and the experiences that have resulted during this span of time that began in the early 1990's.

It is this type of Yod, that which I believe to be the true Yod, and how it operates through the M.C. and the I.C. that I wish to address here... which I will get around to sometime during the next week or two. Maybe sooner, but my present living arrangements have caused me to become less spontaneous in my writing and have become periods of opportunity that I can only hope to be ready for and able to accommodate.
What I will point out is that the tenor of the Sabian Symbols involved in this type of Yod to my M.C. and I.C. are very much in conducive harmony to all the other symbolism of the precepts involved that I have revealed so far.

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