a potential partnership - does it look like some emotions are involved? thank you
On with your more recent question
This chart is intriguing. I mentioned in my other post to you that horary charts about relationships are best described by the dignity of the significators. And that a significator in fall means that that person can hold a grudge or resentment towards you. However, that can only make sense for someone you already had a history with (such as an ex). In brand new encounters it holds a different meaning. Is it possible that you are a bit intimidated by her, that you feel she is out of your league, that you don't even stand a chance?
Venus is in Cancer and in its face (not triplicity). Not a mind blowing position. It shows sympathies for you but not much else.
As concluding remarks, I turn to the Moon
It makes a trine with Mars, your significator. In my experience, whenever the Moon (co-significator of the querent) aspects the querent (the primary significator or the Ascendant degree) or when the primary significator aspects the Ascendant degree, there is a boomerang effect taking place: you ask the question but you also have insight into the outcome of the question before anyone else answers it for you. It's like you ask the question and it's also you who discovers the answer by yourself.
Is it possible you already guessed the (correct) answer to your question?
For future relationship questions, have a look at the following elements before anyting else:
-- Planetary dignities of each significator
-- Aspects between the two significators. Even squares are good, they're definitely better than no aspects at all. Regardless of dignities and type of aspect, applying aspects between significators indicate a deeping of the relationship (well, compared to point zero which is the moment you asked the question). The extent of that advancement of the relationship depends on the dignities (no major planetary reception and/or one of the planets is peregrine = superficial advancement, maybe a first date and that's it; major reception and/or "mutual" dignities = the sky is the limit). Hard aspects (squares/oppositions) might mean false expectations, illusions of the other person or simply awkwardness in interacting with the other one (think about having two left foots). Easy aspects (sextiles/trines) mean a transparent, familiar/comfortable way of interacting with the other person.
-- Moon's upcoming aspects