This is a composite of a man I’ve been seeing for the last few months. Literally did not expect to meet such an empathic, sensitive, caring person, is the opposite of all narcissistic men I’ve dated in the past. His Venus conj my NN, my moon/ Mars his NN, his cancer asc conj my Sun, Mars opp my Venus / ASC, his moon on my sun/moon midpoint.
I feel safe and seen and I sense him as a stable person.
But I did notice he is a bit secretive and mysterious, he watches me intensely, (natal sun in 8th?) and I’m super scared of entering into another relationship with a cover narcissist or to be deceived again or to miss a red flag.
We have an super stellium of Sun/Moon/Venus/Mercury in 11th all conjunct in composite sextile ascendant and trine Saturn / Uranus.
BUT Saturn / Uranus sit exactly on the descendent opposing Chiron. And Mars in 8th forms squares to Pluto in 5th and Jupiter and sun and Venus.
Can this be dangerous ?
This is a composite of a man I’ve been seeing for the last few months. Literally did not expect to meet such an empathic, sensitive, caring person, is the opposite of all narcissistic men I’ve dated in the past. His Venus conj my NN, my moon/ Mars his NN, his cancer asc conj my Sun, Mars opp my Venus / ASC, his moon on my sun/moon midpoint.
I feel safe and seen and I sense him as a stable person.
But I did notice he is a bit secretive and mysterious, he watches me intensely, (natal sun in 8th?) and I’m super scared of entering into another relationship with a cover narcissist or to be deceived again or to miss a red flag.
We have an super stellium of Sun/Moon/Venus/Mercury in 11th all conjunct in composite sextile ascendant and trine Saturn / Uranus.
BUT Saturn / Uranus sit exactly on the descendent opposing Chiron. And Mars in 8th forms squares to Pluto in 5th and Jupiter and sun and Venus.
Can this be dangerous ?