Dating - Is he seeing someone else?

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OK I am not that great at deciphering horary charts, however I know one thing: he is represented by Mars, and Mars is located in the 1st house, which represents you. This means that he thinks about you.
Right: so you're Venus and he's Mars. Mars in the 1st house, as Wan noted, should indicate that he's favorable towards you. But Venus and Mars really aren't connecting.

Mars does make a trine to a domiciled Saturn, ruler of his turned 5th house of "dating" and more casual love affairs. I think it's likely that he thinks highly of you, but his commitment is elsewhere.

I am personally more inclined to use the sun as a husband or partner, vs someone you don't know well. Venus conjuncting the sun, in any event, is not always desirable because it is a detrimental condition known as combustion.

Keep in mind that in a horary chart, we don't look at all of the planets, unlike when we do a natal chart reading. We focus on the main significators, which leaves out the less relevant planets.
I am looking at this through a whole sign house lens.
So I see him in the 2nd sign/house. He may be developing something of an interest in someone in the work place because he/Mars applies to trine Saturn, which rules the 10th work place/office and is also domiciled in the 10th sign/house. It may be even a boss or supervisor. Saturn is strong by dignity in this matter.

You as Venus do not aspect him/Mars, and Venus' proximity to Sun, in effect, harms you, burns you, and also makes you unseen in Sun's brightness.