Day Energy Date Selection Mechanics Questions.

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Mar 15, 2022
So ... first things first. Giving greater context, so the questions make actual sense.

Vara and Chinese Week Energy.
Moon (Cancer)

Goat (Yin Earth)

Mars (Aries) , Pluto (Scorpio)

Dragon (Yang Earth), Pig (Yin Water)

Mecury (Gemini and Virgo)

Horse (Yang Fire), Rooster (Yin Metal)

Jupiter (Sagittarius) , Uranus (Aquarius)

Rat (Yang Water), Tiger (Yang Wood)

Venus (Taurus and Libra)

Snake (Yin Fire), Dog (Yang Earth)

Saturn (Capricorn) , Neptune (Pisces)

Ox (Yin Earth), Rabbit (Yin Wood)

Sun (Leo)

Monkey (Yang Metal)

Day Energy:

If you look at the Chinese Days in Bazi, Purple Star Astrology, Qimen Dun Jai, or the Chinese Farmers Almanac.

Then check Mayaz Tzolkin (Not Galactic Tones, but the Day Sign itself), and Japanese Date Selection Rokuyo.

The same Tzolkin and Rokuyo day. Will always fall on the same Hn-En combination.

For example:

(Jia Zi / Yang Water Rat). Will always land on Shakku (Rokuyo) and Seed (Tzolkin)

H5-E7 (Wù Wǔ / Yang Earth Horse). Will always land on Shakku (Rokuyo) as well, and on Knife (Tzolkin).

This works because 60 sign-element combination (or 10 Planet (10 Heavenly Stem) - 12 Sign combinations.) 3 combinations hit 1 of the 20 Tzolkin Signs (20 * 3 iterations = 60). And Rokuyo is a 6 day cycle (so repeats 10 times.)


So the two questions:

While Modern, There are 10 Sephiroth that align with their 10 Heavenly Stems and 10 Planets.

So when do Zodiac Signs and Planets change Ruler Ship of a day of the week? (Asked once in Reddit and was met with People frothing in rage. Hopefully will be better met here.)

Not in a Traditional Aspect, but in a 1 Sign and 1 planet rules at a time aspect. Or are both viable?

2nd, and more important question.

If Day Energy is more important than Weekday Energy (which tbh, Week Day / Vara energy. We've always treated as coloring / directing day energy. If it's compatible it betters the day. If it isn't, it weakens. At least how we use it (and probably incorrectly due it based off intuition / feel).)

How would we determine Zodiac Days, to fold into the Chinese Zodiac? Or would Numerology Days and planetary Rulers of those numbers fit better?

Trying to figure out how to place the 22 Paths of Kabbala, and Western (Babylonian / Hellenistic / Jewish (and by Greek transmission) Vedic) Signs into days of the month.


Aries = ?
Taurus = ?
Gemini = ?


Then all that's left is using Heavenly Stem (10 Elements), and the 10 Planets to the 10 Sephiroth.

Have our own list. But getting it checked and looked over by an Astrologist to get a better placement.

ATM (not full list, just snippets from the top of my head):

H1 : Yang Wood (Action, Creativity, Rebellious Spirit, Creativity), Uranus, Chokma

H2: Yin Wood (Hun / Spiritual Mind / Psychic Senses), Spirituality, Intuition, Insight. Neptune, Da'ath.

H3: Yang Fire, Judgement, Passion, Active Force, Mars, Gevurah

H4: Yin Fire, Life Force, Vitality, Nurturing, Growth, Parenthood, Saturn (Cosmic Parent. And parents can be strict, and can feel restrictive. But not because they are malicious, but because they truly, deep in the depths of their being. Want their child to Grow up right, and do well.), Binah (Mother of the Sephiroth, Draws in and contains the energy of Chokma, to radiate the light that defines the rest the Sephiroth.)

H5: Yang Earth, Structure, Stability, Judgement, Order, Mercury, Hod.

H6: Yin Earth, Emotions, Inner Self, Nurturing force, Reflective, Spiritual, Moon, Yesod.

H7: Yang Metal, Attention Seeking, Authoritative, Boundaries and form, Projective Force, Sun, Tiferet

H8: Yin Metal, Abundance, excess, wealth, good fortune, prosperity, Gold, Jupiter, Chesed

H9: Yang Water, Passion, Drives, Intent, Adventure, Travel, Beauty, Venus, Netzach

H10: Yin Water, Start (Where Wood comes from) and End (Drains / weakens Yang Water and what metal's energy is siphoned away to noirish) of the Elemental Cycle; Life - Death Cycles, Omnipresent and untouchable (Think Fog / Mist. It's all around, but can't be touched. Or how Water is all around you in microscopic form, but unnoticeable by the naked eye), Psychic Energy, Enlightenment, Pluto, Keter.

So Day Master Hn. Can easily translate to Day Ruler Planet + Day Sign Zodiac.

10 Planets + 12 Signs = 22 letters of the Path in the Tree of Life.


End game? Trying to find shards of truth hidden in the various systems and fold them together to try to see if we can spot a greater whole. Rather than simply saying X is the only way, or only Y is correct.

But Day Energy for the Babylonian Born Signs, most of world uses. Doesn't seem to have a lot to find when it comes to day energy / Computational Astrology (a set of variables (Tzolkin + Galactic Tones; Heavenly Stems + Earthly Branches; Rokuyo 6 Day Cycle) representing set interplay of energies. That move in a consistent cycle. Unique to each day.)

Nakshatra is close? But Lunar Mansions make us nearly cry legit blood.

If you do something simple. Like:
Horn (Chinese Zodiac, Lunar Mansion), The Unarmed / Al Simak (Arabic Lunar Mansions), and Chitra (Nakshatra). α Virginis Designating Star


Encampment (Chinese), Foresprout (Arabic), and Pūrva Bhādrapadā. α pegasi

But it never matches up. At least every time we cross checked all 3 last year. Same starting point Stars, Same access to seeing Moon and Stars. No one matches up.

So ... can't really say. Day Energy can be found atm. So reaching out for help.