Death by Transit?!? D:<

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May 15, 2012
in my shock i don't even remember what caused me to check the tranit for this year. i must have been trying to, oh yes, i was looking for when T.Uranus would oppose my Pluto... anyways, i projected forward to November 2018 and...I mean, i *am* a hypochondriac, I'll admit. Not that I have to, its pretty apparent, I think.
TELL ME this doesn't creep you out when I say what I see on first glance!
----Ruler of my 8th is Uranus
-T.Uranus opp. Pluto...@29 degrees no less!
-T.Uranus inconjunct Mars
-T. Jupiter conj. Mars (seems good, but expansion on the neg. aspects?)
-T.PLUTO opp. Ascendant
-T.Pluto sq. Sun
-T.Sun conj. Saturn---i'm no expert, but on first glance that doesn't seem rad
-T.Mars in 8th, Mars opp. Sun, Mars sq. Mars
----Ruler of my 6th is Jupiter
-Saturn Transiting Jupiter
-T.Saturn conj. Jupiter
-T.Jupiter (ruler of 6th) critical degree

i'm sure i could go on, but i'm a little freaked out as it is. XD
anyways, tell me i'm a crazy hypo-astro-chondriac!!!

any alternative views on my observations?


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Hi there

Not sure what is freaking you out about that chart? Which particular transits indicate a 'death' to you?

To be honest, it is darn near impossible for more astrologers to predict accurately death. There is so much you would have to take into consideration, solar returns, lunar returns, solar arcs, progressions and transits, and all combined with each other, and even then, the intense transits can indicate another type of life change.

Pluto in the 7th can indicate meeting a powerful person in your life, but even then, that is more likely when it aspects your natal chart or progressions/transits indicate as such.

Uranus opposite Pluto? Lol, I've got this coming up next year, and so has everyone else born in 1975, within a few degrees. Don't worry about that.

Sun conjunct natal Saturn, that happens every year.

You also have Jupiter conjunct Mars, Mars rules your 5th and intercepted 10th.. why is this bad? Probably a nice time for romance, creativity, or lots of physical activity (Scorpio and Mars in Scorp) and such like.

I like the tr Venus opp tr Uranus which involves your natal Pluto, a sudden romance?

Its all down to interpretation. You can choose to see 'death' in loads of transits. I've done it myself, being a worrier. End of the day, that is something none of us can control, even if we knew each of our times. I've taken the wisdom that I've learned, from contemplating death, to live each day and each moment fully in the present, as much as I can.
Yes, you're probably not going to die.
Not yet. Later.

common sense indicates that all of us have ancestors.

Our ancestors have in common that they all died.

at some stage we must all face the inevitable transience of life. If the prospect is nerve wracking, then meditation, tai chi or similar practice assists with calming the mind and the emotions :smile:
awkwaaard. XD
next time i have a bottle of wine and a bad night i am going to ban myself from any forums! XD people are not supposed to hear bout what a ridiculous worrier i can be under stress!!! hahahaha
but anyways, i was pretty effing freaked last night. haha
and i totally see a lot clearer, definitely nodding in agreement about the transits that are applying to a LOT of people, we can't all die during one grand transit! ...or *can* we?! j/k j/k
i think i am just so freaked about my chart never seeming to give me a break. :/ lol...that would def. be a break, though!!! hahahaha! *sigh* very focused on death right now, strange.

but too interesting, i think.
would it be safe to say its near impossible to predict death, ones own OR another persons?
awkwaaard. XD next time i have a bottle of wine and a bad night i am going to ban myself from any forums! XD people are not supposed to hear bout what a ridiculous worrier i can be under stress!!! hahahaha
but anyways, i was pretty effing freaked last night. haha

and i totally see a lot clearer, definitely nodding in agreement about the transits that are applying to a LOT of people, we can't all die during one grand transit! ...or *can* we?! j/k j/k
i think i am just so freaked about my chart never seeming to give me a break. :/ lol...that would def. be a break, though!!! hahahaha! *sigh* very focused on death right now, strange.

but too interesting, i think.
would it be safe to say its near impossible to predict death, ones own OR another persons?
As you probably already noticed, astrologers tend to disagree so there's never just one answer to any question. Best answer to your question then is: "Depends who you ask!"

double_frick, death IS interesting... although many of us tend to shy away from discussions of it and on this forum we prefer to avoid upsetting anyone who finds the subject distressing. Good idea to be prepared for it IMO because so far everyone who was ever born died at some stage - although there's generally an exception that proves the rule :smile:

Also what do we mean by the word death? There have been a few good discussions on this forum on that topic

no. you might have a close to death experience, but not a near death experience.

theres nothing transiting the 8th (death/transformation) nothing transiting the 12th (endings, hospital).

T sun conjunct saturn is like a little mood dint that lasts 6 hours. lol.
The sun traveling around the zodiac lights up your "structure" the contents of this would be inherent to the Suns zodiac and your natal chart. you might receive recognition or something, or a message of structure from the sun.

these look more like some problems with others. doesnt look like a death chart.
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i think i am just so freaked about my chart never seeming to give me a break. :/ lol...that would def. be a break, though!!! hahahaha! *sigh* very focused on death right now, strange.

I wonder if you are focused on the energy of 'death' now because transit Pluto is heading to sextile your natal Moon again. the energy of Pluto is part of your emotions at the moment over the next year. It can be ultimately empowering and may involve a deeper exploration of your 9th house matters, whether they are study, travel or your general life philosophy.

Also, transit Sun was sextile the transiting Pluto today, making a little talent triangle with Sun, Moon and Pluto. Albeit a brief transit, maybe that Sun triggered the Moon/Pluto energies: transforming and empowering, its also about letting go of whatever needs to be released in your life, it could be anything from an attitude to clearing out the cupboard with the change of seasons.
there is SO much deep transformation right now...its blowing me away!
a lot of things that were affecting me, but were previously unreachable, are now being brought up to the surface more and worked out intellectually and emotionally. its tough, and i don't think its going to get much easier for awhile, but through it all i feel stronger everyday...even though life keeps dishing out more. XD
Sounds like a very constructive time!

It may also be to do with Pluto sextiling your Moon and natal Saturn, while in trine with Venus/Mercury midpoint? If thats the case, there are lots of opportunities for change, and renewal. Apparently, the Universe only hands us what we can handle :D
Please post a chart with your transits on it. All this data is tedious and I am not sure you are using the right aspects that may be relevant anyway.

No one will address your death as it is not ethical to do so. It is very difficult to forecast anyway. No competent astrologer will even look at that issue. So beware.
Please post a chart with your transits on it. All this data is tedious and I am not sure you are using the right aspects that may be relevant anyway.

No one will address your death as it is not ethical to do so. It is very difficult to forecast anyway. No competent astrologer will even look at that issue. So beware.
It is ethical and routine in some countries, particularly Eastern countries, to 'assess death'.
i.e. It's simply a matter of cultural taboo
. This matter has been previously discussed on this forum eg

Everyone is entitled to have their own interests and opinions - clearly not everyone thinks death morbid. Medieval astrologers delineated death. :smile:

"Western Predictive Astrology is some 2000 years old.

Modern Psychological astrology has only developed over the last 100 years. Modern astrology normally passes for mainstream astrology in the West today and in its most watered down version is called Sun-Sign astrology

...."The fundamental difference is that Modern astrology cannot be used for accurate prediction and is basically character analysis.

Medieval or Western Predictive Astrology is a predictive Art that concerns itself not just with the temporal, worldly affairs of men and women, their societies and nations but deals with the deep spiritual and philosophical questions that lie at the root of Western civilisation and thought. It is the astrology that all the great masters of astrology, without exception, have studied"
Source: Robert Zoller
awkwaaard. XD
next time i have a bottle of wine and a bad night i am going to ban myself from any forums! XD people are not supposed to hear bout what a ridiculous worrier i can be under stress!!! hahahaha
but anyways, i was pretty effing freaked last night. haha

Hahaha Double frick! I have to say you make me laugh! good sense of humour!