Whatever it is lagna chart works first rest all secondary only. Train engine is important coaches follws it.
Strong karma need to put hard efforts. I have seen Saturn in Aries gives mental depression fear factor also if saturn is in aswini native will lose his dad. Siblings gives trouble Saturn is inimical to mars n aries fool rogue dull dirty no fixed job. Not clean hands. Debiliated planets lose their power and natural malefic like Saturn good to be weak no suffering life but reduces longetivity. For any planets it's karagatwa acts first saturn signification gets spoiled Aries has two main enemy nakshatra for Saturn bharani n kritika bharani is ruled by yama his half brother with whom he had many bitter experience n krittika no need to say though its father he feels humiliated to stay in his domaun so he shows all revenge with native indicates bad karma in precious birth n person have to reap it. Its all happens in prescribed mahadasa only. From Aries he sees thula which is 7th house of zodiac like partner business forgein battle market place legal social life so you get those good but only after undergoing bitter experience. Saturm is delay not deny. Saturn in 5th good for relugious occult things but other things like children education love mind affects. Gives serious rough dull nature late childbirth pessimistic fear ful low self esteem no good relationship with spouse elder siblings slow learner make everything at last. But in aries good for legal side. If mars aspects that saturn then things goes worst will do anti social things. If saturn happens to be 6th or 8th lord in debiliated then good strongly no for taurus n libra ascendants as he is yogakaraga. Natural malefic should be weak n natural benefic should be strong. If asc lord is friend to saturn then evil things reduced or you will have the power to bear. Ayushkaraga debiliated reduce lifespan karma likewise karma karaga weak is not good all he do is bad karma if Jupiter aspects saturn then all evil vanishes n saturn becomes good, though hes humilation sign wont do harm by virtue of Jupiter.
Rest other matter we have to check full chart lke placements aspects nakshatra current dasa...
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