4leafclovah said:
What would be considered red flags in a chart if you were looking for signs of a deceptive individual? Neptune in the 1st could indicate deception, yes?
I am not talking about someone who tells little white lies, but someone who deceives with malicious intent.Any comments?
Wow...I have the dastardly Neptune in the 1st...and if I TRY to tell a lie...I feel sooooo guilty...ridiculously guilty...the Catholic kind of guilt...(I'm not even Catholic). And I don't think it makes me malicious at all...I wouldn't hurt a living soul. If anything I think it makes me overly-sensitive and empathetic. I literally put myself in another's shoes more often than not.
HOWEVER...I DO have two different names. I have my name that I was given at birth...and then...I have a "stage name" for my job. There more people that know me by my air name...than by my birth name...for sure. If I had a dollar for every person that admitted they'd had the wrong impression of me...after having been able to get to know me...well...I'd be rollin' in cash.
Neptune in the 1st causes duality in my personality...it's in Scorpio...so you blend that with Nep/1st with a Scorpio Ascendant...and it's all surrealistic at times...but malicious????? NEVER. It would break my heart to think I'd hurt another person. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I caused pain or suffering to another person...even if they had done something bad to me...and I've got two ex-husbands that would attest to that.
But...I think that if Nep was afflicted with negative Pluto/Mars/Saturn with a cold natured Moon...it's possible. It all depends on placement and I think how you were reared as a child.
(For the record...my Neptune is sextile my natal Pluto and Jupiter and square to Mars in Leo...and my parents beat me half to death when I was kid if I even so much as THOUGHT about telling even a little white lie...so maybe that helped?)
By the way...I draw...paint...play music...write...none of those exceedingly well...at least in my opinion...so I believe that is part of that 1st House Neptune as well.
Other things that I believe are more accurate markers...
The Moon Square Mercury...or in negative aspect to Uranus and Pluto...teamed up with a nasty Mars square Pluto is a pretty good indicator I think. And as far as those smooth, easy trines...you betcha! The 12th house is a good place to look for those signs of deception, as well.
In the case of the 12th...the deception isn't always with other people...sometimes it's a person being deceptive with themselves...or they furrow into addiction trying to medicate themselves.