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Money...oh yeah. You have NO idea. He STILL makes money off me. He was the biggest mistake of my life...and I couldn't see it. In a perfect world we'd never have to ever speak to each other again. Yuck!
4leafclovah said:That really sucks. Well, at least you have the experience to never let it happen again right?
Can we assume you mean December 7th and not July 12th???kizmetbaby said:Right on, Clovah...I promise I didn't take it in a bad way at all. : )
Check this out though...if you want to see the chart of a bonafide pathological liar...the mean this one...
408 am
Bremerhaven, Germany
You have all the elements in abusive person...pathological tendencies...charisma...evil to the nth degree...
I find it very difficult to isolate factors. For instance, last night as I spent a great deal of time looking at Mercury and Uranus square and in opposition, I was either lucky or I was looking in the right direction. For instance, in composers, I looked for people who were geniuses, who were known for breaking rules and looking ahead, and of course for those who are admired for the expressiveness of their music.wayne penner said:While Neptune is often deceptive, it is more often self-deceptive than actually evil. An afflicted Saturn is more serious and can indicate a person capable of active deception.
I agree. When people literally do not know when they are stating a fact, exaggerating a bit or totally making things up, I'd look perhaps for a combination of hard aspects to Jupiter and Neptune, but again that is a simplification.There is active and passive deception, the former is a conscious act in order to coerce another, usually for a criminal purpose, the second is complicated by vanity and self-approbation and is often harmless, as are the exaggerations of an afflicted Jupiter.
I'm open to any theories here, because I have not know liars personally. However, one person I personally think is a liar is Sarkozy.Saturn is more important than Neptune when it comes to deception.
I want to get back to this idea:wayne penner said:The question is whether it is harmless ego-inflation or something more sinister, whereby the person actively wants to deceive you ... but that is the Saturn situation, not Neptune.
For me this is an excellent example of putting it together. Yes, Saturn is conjunct Mercury. But that conjunction is also sextile Neptune/Mars/AC, IF we can trust the BT given, always a problem.Bill Clinton's 12th is ruled by Mercury, which conjoins Saturn.
wayne penner said:Gaer I don't know much about Sarkozy other than he has very good taste in women. Carla Bruni is hot.
However, yes any aspect or sign position that can inflate, will inflate. So all afflictions to Jupiter and Neptune will inflate the ego and cause more promises than deliverance. If you ever see Jupiter afflicted in a chart with some "fluff" (fluff is lots of Pisces or Fire, both are the foundations for the con man) you are dealing with con.
The question is whether it is harmless ego-inflation or something more sinister, whereby the person actively wants to deceive you ... but that is the Saturn situation, not Neptune.