You appear to be a very sensitive person, in tune with your spirit.
There are four signs intercepted in this chart, so quite a bit of energy is being blocked.
You as mercury stationery retrograde are rethinking things. Conjunct POF, this will help to give you insight, and in your 2nd of self esteem, will help build your confidence in yourself.
Moon is in your 12th, and his 12th ruler Venus is with you, so there is a lot of deep contemplation going on by you. Moon is intercepted, so doesn't have a "doorway" to express itself easily, but it is strong by sign and approaching the sextile with Neptune of the inner sanctum, also intercepted. So there is a lot going on for you aimed at better understanding. First moon touches mars, ruler of the 12th.
This is all very positive for you, for your introspection.
Once you have completed this, with a better understanding of yourself and your subconscious motivations, moon will trine Jupiter, him, in your 9th of higher intellect. Jupiter nears the conjunction with Pluto, who's sign scorpio is intercepted in his 12th, and pluto always pushes to get to the bottom of things, so he too will be working on the same themes of inner knowledge.
You have a lot of karma going on at the moment, make the most of it, you can learn an enormous lot from it.