Deeper Analysis on this chart please?

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You appear to be a very sensitive person, in tune with your spirit.
There are four signs intercepted in this chart, so quite a bit of energy is being blocked.
You as mercury stationery retrograde are rethinking things. Conjunct POF, this will help to give you insight, and in your 2nd of self esteem, will help build your confidence in yourself.
Moon is in your 12th, and his 12th ruler Venus is with you, so there is a lot of deep contemplation going on by you. Moon is intercepted, so doesn't have a "doorway" to express itself easily, but it is strong by sign and approaching the sextile with Neptune of the inner sanctum, also intercepted. So there is a lot going on for you aimed at better understanding. First moon touches mars, ruler of the 12th.
This is all very positive for you, for your introspection.
Once you have completed this, with a better understanding of yourself and your subconscious motivations, moon will trine Jupiter, him, in your 9th of higher intellect. Jupiter nears the conjunction with Pluto, who's sign scorpio is intercepted in his 12th, and pluto always pushes to get to the bottom of things, so he too will be working on the same themes of inner knowledge.
You have a lot of karma going on at the moment, make the most of it, you can learn an enormous lot from it.

There is interference with mars. Mars gets to Jup. Someone else or something else is interfering this relationship to happen.

Mars and Jup just adore each other ... not liking this one bit.

She really really wants him but Merc cant do anything since it is about to turn retro (she is changing her mind or backing out of it)

On the ephemeris it looks like moon reaches mars before mars reaches Jupiter.
Correct me if I'm wrong. We don't have the data from the chart to reconstruct it and check accurately.
On the ephemeris it looks like moon reaches mars before mars reaches Jupiter.
Correct me if I'm wrong. We don't have the data from the chart to reconstruct it and check accurately.

Elena .. yeah and that is another problem. because mars signifies another person or issue. it is almost like a competition. also take a look at who wants whom.
Mars is on 11th house IMO has a power to dictate. above the horizon
it is too messy for a yes ..
merc about to go retro + below the horizon + succeedent/cadent border. meh plus would have opposed jup.

offtopic.. I had a chart. who gets the job.
It was THAT hysterical. 7th house in 10th house no strength - peregrine
lord of 10th adored Lord of 7th - and H10 was hardballing making a huge mistake. You could see it in the chart. yes there was an aspect.
Moon was jamming into Lord of 10th (I was thinking grrrr someone else or querent gets the job) then I looked at the querent. Querent loved H10 but was in 12th house (weak)

so it was like moon was 12 deg lord of 7th was 22 and lord of MH was 25 all in aspect. Logicaly, moon gets to MH 1st speed of the planet.

my call was the 7th gets the job then eventually get fired moon gets the job (someone else not the querent) I even got into an argument with the querent. a. you are not getting it .. b you are changing your mind about it c. eventually you wont even care.
4 years later much much better person comes into that job and so far they still have her and everyone is happy. querent because she was turning retro just doesnt give a **** about the job. I told her -- you are idolizing this job you will make more money in another job than on this. She kinda got the numbers out of HR on hours and effort, she goes it is not even worth it.
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VenusinFurs, thanks for the info.
I've recalculated the chart, so that primarily I can confirm that moon will in actuality reach mars, before mars reaches Jupiter.
While I was at it, I've added some asteroids to see if they can add any more insight.
Pallas, wisdom, intelligence and healing, is almost exactly conjunct him, Jupiter.
Karma in the first house is almost exactly square mars, involved in both 12th houses.
Chiron the wounded healer is conjunct the cusp of the 12th.
Again, emphasis on 12th house matters, that was already outlined in my first post.
Hygeia, asteroid of physical and mental health and preventive healing, falls in your 2nd of self esteem, opposing Saturn in the 9th of your higher mind. So you are working at healing, but with Saturn opposing it is difficult for you, your higher mind is fighting you in your search.
Hope this helps somewhat, and thanks again for sharing your info.
You are at a very important moment for your spiritual growth, make the most of it, it will serve you the rest of your life.
This is really interesting. I may be reading between the lines too deeply with this vignette. Is this chart showing that I like this man but that I will change my mind, either something better for me/him, or even both of us albeit separately?

I just shared how speed planets work. ;) need to read between the lines. Moon gets to mars first ..thats interference
The fact that his birthday was on the 12th is significant, it means his Solar Return has more or less a mercury turning direct, which could be a theme for the year. Rethinking a lot of things from the past.