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gumnihao, haven't you posted variations on this question before, and each time rebuffed the chart readers who tried to be helpful? Will you react constructively this time, even if you don't like the answers?
Pluto in Capricorn has been opposing your Venus, Mars, Vertex point for years now. That was extremely difficult. Pluto takes away what you don't need in order to provide you with what is better for you. The people who have rejected you or abandoned you were never meant to be in your life for long. Accept what is. Moon Pluto aspect in your natal map can be intense + dramatic, particularly with women. It does not define you nor your life. Your map doesn't have any particular red flags about relationships so there's no reason why you cannot meet the right person when the time is right.
Based on the chart you have given me, there may be some difficult aspects or placements in the 7th house of partnership or the 11th house of networking. As for the aspects regulating personal relationships, Virgo and Leo will be under pressure, which can lead to excessive focus on the relationship’s details or the desire to avoid communication at all.

Also, any areas related to Neptune and Pluto may cause some sense of miscommunication or feeling of not being seen, which may point to significant spiritual healing related to trust and self-esteem. Relocation could indeed bring fresh energy as suggested by mutable placements but the inner healing and self acceptance is the way to form meaningful relationships. According to your chart, you may be experiencing some difficulties in your life, but you are strong and may be able to start anew.​
You are safe to come out of your cave now that the potent Pluto transits have lost their power + passed. Jupiter is in good aspect in your chart so get ready to mingle + mix. The upcoming weekend will be very very important to you as the all important Venus, Pluto exact conjunction hits your Vertex point. You could meet someone very important to you that will change your life forever. It may not be a romantic partner but it could be but it could be a mentor or a person who has great significance in your life.