Thank you for including your natal chart, as it is more beneficial for both the astrologer and the querent to compare a horary to a natal chart.
2h Moon/Saturn conjuncts your natal 8h cusp which shows family (Moon) worries (Saturn) regarding finances,
2nd ruler Jupiter is in its detriment which shows difficulty in earning money, which has a negative impact on present finances and puts their finances at risk.
2/8th Sun/Neptune opposition shows that you are being taken advantage of. The fact that your father does not pay you a salary to work for him is exploitation. His justification is that you still live at home and have food and other necessities.
2h Saturn and 9h Venus exalt each other which is the trip to the UK you want to do. It's just showing how badly you'd like to go and see your Aunt.
L4 Venus applying to square Pluto in approx 7 time units suggests family will hit a mini-crisis point. Home/family developments (relocation, renovations, family business, parents) can be frustrating, as financial issues are challenged and reach a peak.
Your natal Sun/Saturn/Pluto opposition is activated for you this year too, w/ Saturn ruling your 6h of work/service. This is a difficult, heavy. tiring aspect as it is where you are doing everything you can, or working as hard as possible to achieve something. However, Saturn is activated for you for two years, so this energy will also follow you into your next solar year 2025.
2026 looks better for you w/ your dignified, in-sect benefic Jupiter becoming your new time lord. March 3rd 2026 will be a positive date for you. There will be a lunar eclipse at 13°Virgo in your money 2nd/8th axis, which will activate your Jup/Ura/Ven aspect. So, there should be some good news around this period regarding money owed.