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It means a lot of things, but the simplest is that you tend to be more introspective than many.
I've been looking at my birth chart and noticed Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all in retrograde!

Does this mean, my personality is full of fear?
Not necessarily :smile:

An important consideration in HELLENISTIC ASTROLOGY
is whether a planet is “able to conduct its business” or not

and Hellenistic astrologers considered that

when a planet is in the interval of first station to second station
(i.e. retrograde),
the planet is considered not fit to conduct its business
because it is described as “walking backwards”

Keep in mind that those born on the same day
share planetary configurations




at least one planet is retrograde more than 92% of time
thus making for only 8% of time when there are no retrogrades
in the sky from the Earth’s perspective.

The highest frequency in the population
are those people born with two or three planets in retrograde

The result is quite similar to normal distribution.

However, to have no retrograde planets is still more likely than to have five in retrograde.

Six or more planets in retrograde is quite rare
......' Gregory Rozek

My moon is in my 12th house so I prefer to suffer secretly and not show my true feelings or find it hard to share my feelings with others.

Everything in a particular natal chart 'means something'


Each individual natal chart is different

and so
each individual natal chart requires individual delineation of planets and planetary aspects
with their relevance to sign and house location

necessary to delineate their natal chart beginning with the planet that rules the particular house of interest
then the sign of the particular house of interest
then the significations of the particular house of current focus
to do otherwise
is to generalise
and although generalization is fun
it is unreliable

Venus in my 10th house, praying for success in my career as I dream of being a successful business woman or something to do with the arts.

My Sun is at 0 degrees in Taurus. Does that mean my personality is true Taurus? The only other famous person with this is Queen Elizabeth II.

My 7th house is empty! No love?
Empty houses all have rulers
the location of the ruler of your 7th house
provides more information regarding 7th house matters

Guidance on what is indicated:



'…....When only one planet occupies a house
it principally decides whether or not realization will occur
and what quality will characterize events and affairs signified by the house
nevertheless, its dispositor will participate in this.
Any planet which has analogy with significations of house where it is posited
(or where it rules),
realizes matters and events of the house,
whether in a helpful or harmful way,
depending on harmony or disharmony of zodiacal state.
If its analogies are contrary to house meanings,
it will more or less hinder or prevent the realization,
or destroy what it first produces,
or make realization a source of trouble......'


'…..A benefic planet by nature,
but in mediocre zodiacal state,
and in a fortunate house,
will anticipate the realization of affairs signified by the house
with more certainty than if it were badly disposed,
but will make this realization equally mediocre
from the point of view of quality and quantity,
as also from the point of view of the affair's duration....'

A planet malefic by nature and zodiacal state
and in a fortunate house,
will not effect the advantages signified by the house,
but will rather hinder them so that they are not achieved; a
nd if they are achieved in any case,
the planet will turn their acquisition into a source of misfortune.
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It's not bad, but it is a challenge. It depends on if you like that kind of thing, or not! I have a lot too-Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. It means we have lessons to learn regarding each of the corresponding planets. There will be a need for introspection. Remember planets only appear to be moving backward when in retrograde motion.
My own research shows retrograde planets don't seem to affect anything adversely. One of the best Treasurers Australia has ever had, Paul Keating, has Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Ceres all retrograde, with the Nodes stationary-direct. (18th January 1944, Sydney, Australia)

Sometimes outer planets retrograde can be an advantage. For example, Pluto retrograde may incline a person to delve deeply into research of some kind, whilst Pluto direct often seeks power in the outer world. Saturn retrograde will often require people to understand why rules and regulations are there and to develop their own sense of ethical behaviour, whilst Saturn direct will tend to obey the strictures of society without questioning them.

The outer planets are often retrograde for long periods of time so many, many people have these placements - for example, Saturn is retrograde four months of the year, Uranus for approximately 155 days, Neptune 160 days and Pluto 165 days i.e. about 40-45% of the year. Inner planets when retrograde are closest to the Earth in their orbit and usually this should be a good thing.

retro planets review-delay things. tend to give impact of previous sign towards which retro, aspect other signs/planets from previous sign.

jupiter retro, lord 5th over 4th, delaying education, housing, etc. retro towards scorpio occult research aptitude. trine aspect cancer 12th promoting foriegn lands/travels. aspects 10th house supportive of career.

sat retro towards libra 3rd good for initiative and communications. aspects moon leo 12th impacting health and foreign travels. debilated aspect over aries 9th impacting luck-higher education-father-husband-distant travels. aries 9th inimical for leo asc stress-delays. lord mars over 9th stress-delays 9th matters.

natal saturn opp sun-mars taurus, stress and struggle, home-career matters.
saturn aspect own cap 6th supportive of employment prospects .

hope generic observations help give a feel - could share specific feedbacks,

wishing well,

My life has been delayed, yes, due to family problems mainly caused by my siblings.

I've travelled all my life and lived in different countries, but feel my home is the UK as that is where I was raised.

When you say "impacting," is that a good thing?

I have 5 retrograde planets and 0 degrees Sun. Is that rare?
4.2 percent of the population have 5 retrograde planets natally :smile:

I found this article about retrograde planets and it was true in my case: . I`ve also got 5 planets retrogade and this stubborn bull wants to think that a retrograde planet isn`t a bad thing. A retrograde planet is suppossed to hold lessons already learnt from past lives.Also, it means that planet does not want to go with the crowd,which in my point of view, it`s awesome. A retrograde planet makes you care about the essence, the insight and that`s pure magic to me.
I also have all the same planets retrograde in my natal chart! And have a taurus sun! I feel as if every single issue in my life drags on! I feel as if I always suffer from depression. But people tell me its from my own doing. Not sure if it is because of the retro planets or because of the 17 natal trines that come with my chart also. So I am always getting hit with something.


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