My own research shows retrograde planets don't seem to affect anything adversely. One of the best Treasurers Australia has ever had, Paul Keating, has Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Ceres all retrograde, with the Nodes stationary-direct. (18th January 1944, Sydney, Australia)
Sometimes outer planets retrograde can be an advantage. For example, Pluto retrograde may incline a person to delve deeply into research of some kind, whilst Pluto direct often seeks power in the outer world. Saturn retrograde will often require people to understand why rules and regulations are there and to develop their own sense of ethical behaviour, whilst Saturn direct will tend to obey the strictures of society without questioning them.
The outer planets are often retrograde for long periods of time so many, many people have these placements - for example, Saturn is retrograde four months of the year, Uranus for approximately 155 days, Neptune 160 days and Pluto 165 days i.e. about 40-45% of the year. Inner planets when retrograde are closest to the Earth in their orbit and usually this should be a good thing.