Diabetes the root?

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The rust on dust

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2014
Good day,

I have been struggling with this problem for a lot of years now. Started out with minor itching of the scalp and some thinning on the crown. Which over the years has just progressed and seems to just evolve further.

I currently suffer from thinning hair on my scalp all over and the sensation where when you touch or move your hair it hurts. Hair pain is what it feels like and its intense. Nothing seems to help or alleviate this pain. Thinning of my entire beard, first I thought I might have been suffering from male pattern baldness. But since my hairline is pretty decent still after all this horrible stuff its been through and also my beard is thinning like all over, same as my scalp I had to dismiss that. People with Male pattern baldness have full thick beards which is not the case with me.
Also experience thinning of my pubic hair like pretty insane thinning and it also hurts when I move or touch my pubic hair. My eyebrows are slightly thinning mostly at the inside of the brows and my armpit hair also suffers some slight thinning. The weirdest place has been this recent development where the hair on the back of my left hand has started to thin out. Where the hair thinned out there are like small stumps of hair and when I move my right hand over the back of my left the places with those stumps feel like when you move your hand over short spiky hair...very strange and the hair barely seems to grow, been 1 month like this now.

I have been wondering if it might have been diabetes related, so I asked the horary question. Any help is much appreciated, thank you!


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Good day,

I have been struggling with this problem for a lot of years now. Started out with minor itching of the scalp and some thinning on the crown. Which over the years has just progressed and seems to just evolve further.

I currently suffer from thinning hair on my scalp all over and the sensation where when you touch or move your hair it hurts. Hair pain is what it feels like and its intense. Nothing seems to help or alleviate this pain. Thinning of my entire beard, first I thought I might have been suffering from male pattern baldness. But since my hairline is pretty decent still after all this horrible stuff its been through and also my beard is thinning like all over, same as my scalp I had to dismiss that. People with Male pattern baldness have full thick beards which is not the case with me.
Also experience thinning of my pubic hair like pretty insane thinning and it also hurts when I move or touch my pubic hair. My eyebrows are slightly thinning mostly at the inside of the brows and my armpit hair also suffers some slight thinning. The weirdest place has been this recent development where the hair on the back of my left hand has started to thin out. Where the hair thinned out there are like small stumps of hair and when I move my right hand over the back of my left the places with those stumps feel like when you move your hand over short spiky hair...very strange and the hair barely seems to grow, been 1 month like this now.

I have been wondering if it might have been diabetes related, so I asked the horary question. Any help is much appreciated, thank you!
That sounds like there's something severely out of balance. But I don't see diabetes (Ve/Ju) in your chart. What I see is Ma.

But before I go into details, I think I better post a disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional and I also don't have much experience with medical horaries. I just find this field of research fascinating. So whatever I am going to tell you, you need to check that with people who have some experience in these fields and know what they are doing.

Okay, here's my opinion: After reading your story, without even looking at the chart, the first thought that came to mind was there must be something wrong with your metabolism, specifically with one of the major glands. And severe hair loss seems to be connected to the adrenal glands (I looked it up). Now, the major glands correspond to the major chakras in the body which correspond to one of the 7 classical planets. And from what I could ascertain, the adrenal glands seem to be connected to Ma. And if we look at your chart, Ma is both L1 and L6. So there you have it.

Also, I looked into your archive and last year you posted something about skin problems. So maybe you have bad circulation which probably could be remedied easily (like dry brushing). It's likely that you need to do a detox to get your lymphatic system going again. From what I am aware of, there's a ton of things that can be done. But since your doctors obviously couldn't help you because this just like your previous skin problems taken to the next level, I'd suggest you go to a naturopath instead and ask him/her specifically about 'adrenal glands', 'lymphatic system', 'acidosis' and the connection to extreme 'hair loss'. That will probably ring a bell. And don't just rely on google or youtube or some horary hobbyists on a forum. What you are describing here sounds rather serious. So go talk to someone who understands this stuff and can get to the bottom of this. Good luck!
Mars in the 8th points to the sexual organs. Change in hormones.
Check out male hormones, thyroid and other hormone-secreting glands of the endocrine system.
NN in the 8th is encouraging: simple blood work may give some good leads.
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Thank you both for your reply's it is much appreciated!

@Muchacho - I find it very interesting the part you shared about the chakra's I will have to look into this a bit more. I do not know what a naturopath is or if we even have one close by here, but I will check out my area and see, thank you! I have done a detox before but nothing seemed to change or improve. Never done dry brushing I might have to try this.

@Ilenek - I have done a lot of blood work over the years, and it is always 1 or 2 slight below average values and all the rest good. I will try to ask for something specific maybe related to the hormones or the glands since you both point towards this. Done a thyroid test before when this was already a issue and it came back negative was 2 or 3 years ago though might have to try again.

Curious though that the horary does not show a clear yes or no regarding the diabetes or does it? Since both of you allude to other things hehe

Thank you so much for the replies!
Curious though that the horary does not show a clear yes or no regarding the diabetes or does it? Since both of you allude to other things hehe

Thank you so much for the replies!
The sidereal chart shows diabetes (L1 Ve in H6/ L6 Ju).

But it's most likely all connected anyway. In medical astrology as well as in naturopathy you have to think holistically, not like a car mechanic as they do in modern medicine. This is a totally different mindset. In modern medicine the basic assumption is that once you've lost your health, it's hard to restore it, if at all. In naturopathy the basic assumption is that the body can restore health itself, and easily, if only you let it do what it needs to do. So modern medicine is more focused on isolating and then fixing a problem like a skin rash while naturopathy is more focused on restoring balance to the whole system, which will then automatically take care of all the other specific issues like a skin rash. So don't be surprised if your naturopath instead of giving you a better ointment for your skin rash suggests that you change your diet and do certain exercises to get your circulation going again. So these are very different approaches - sometimes similar, sometimes the exact opposite.

Check your PM.
I am a little confused now, so I have diabetes then? Neither you or Ilenek wrote about this before hehe.

Also I did some looking around and is the 8th house not related to death? So is this a positive or a negative thing the lord of both the 1st and 6th house being in the 8th of death??
Also been losing a lot of weight lately like the last 2 weeks or so have seen me getting quite skinnier than I already was. Always been like 60 kilos and im a 33 year old male so always been skinny but feels a lot more so lately. Some places on my body like feel skin on bones.

Also Muchacho I read your PM - I have done diet changes a few years ago when this all started did water fasting for 4 days and that was being 60 kilo's, eating only fruit and veggies nuts etc for quite a while. I do not eat progressed foods, its pretty much all healthy foods. None of those things changed anything the issue just kept staying and progressing steadily and the last year and a half or so it feels like it has really accelerated hard. Also never take medicines that I can afford not taking. So nothing like aspirines for headaches etc
I have been struggling with this problem for a lot of years now. Started out with minor itching of the scalp and some thinning on the crown. Which over the years has just progressed and seems to just evolve further.
[FONT=&quot]I have been wondering if it might have been diabetes related, so I asked the horary question. Any help is much appreciated, thank you![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hello rust on dust,[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]it would be fine if you could tell- since when/year exactly ?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I would not think about diabetes. More about the liver. Losing hair on the top of the head is liver zone meridan and bladder meridian area in TCM - showing a disfunction. Get you awake on a certain hour in the night ?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I had a look in your natal chart and took the horary question as a transit around. Don't know whether this is allowed on horary to tell here. Or wether it would be better placed in your last topic about work - I found your natal in. As work house 6th - is same time also health connected - and if one is unhappy in own job and can't get out - this might cause health issues - not easy to be diagnosed.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Losing hair - often there is an issue with losing own power and feeling powerless and helpless as a victim of circumstances. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]And your horary combined with your natal - makes even more sense - in this very sensitive matter.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Health here in horary is mars ruled. Mars is in a mercury ruled 8th house - genetic inheritance- conj. northnode. Mercury is in nearly degree exact small interacting aspect with jupiter. Jupiter rules physical body house functions - 2nd house. Mercury also rules MC/10th house - where the head is -if one imagine a person in the chart. Midheaven is on special vulnerable degree of 0° virgo - the health sign. Between two signs and between two opportunities.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In your natal your 3rd house cusp is on special 0° libra and your BLM on 0° leo.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]0° degree is a special spark energy - for example 0° aries- is spring-birth-point in natural zodiac to start a new cycle. But birthpoint to start something new - is also the most vulnerable moment - for mother and child - and therefore called as a "critical degree".[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Sun here in horary co-rules intercepted leo-(mane) in 9th -and sun in fire sign aries conj. venus as DC ruler - in 5th house and both inconjuncting moon as main ruler of 9th house.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]9th house in natural zodiac is a jupiter ruled house. And your natal jupiter is in 9th house on 29° aries.
[FONT=&quot]IMO - your hair loss issue has a deeper cause below.
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[FONT=&quot]I had a look in your natal chart and took the horary question as a transit around. Don't know whether this is allowed on horary to tell here. Or wether it would be better placed in your last topic about work - I found your natal in. As work house 6th - is same time also health connected - and if one is unhappy in own job and can't get out - this might cause health issues - not easy to be diagnosed.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Losing hair - often there is an issue with losing own power and feeling powerless and helpless as a victim of circumstances. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]And your horary combined with your natal - makes even more sense - in this very sensitive matter.[/FONT]

David, perhaps you can tell me - where my insight on your natal ref. to this question - would be placed best for you.
Hello Zora,

That is a lot of stuff to take in at once. You can PM me with any further information you have to discuss that you feel cannot be shared here thank you!
Hello Zora,

That is a lot of stuff to take in at once. You can PM me with any further information you have to discuss that you feel cannot be shared here thank you!

No - you misunderstood me. I am not a PM fan - therefore my PMs are closed for everybody.

But here on Horary - IMO is not the right place to discuss a natal with transits - I fear.
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Ah I apologize for that. I will make a post with my natal chart then in the "read my chart" section, where you could post and reply with what you feel is not adequate here then. Would that satisfy you? Let me know if it does or does not so I can go ahead of make that post.
Ah I apologize for that. I will make a post with my natal chart then in the "read my chart" section, where you could post and reply with what you feel is not adequate here then. Would that satisfy you? Let me know if it does or does not so I can go ahead of make that post.

You don't need to apologize, David. It is o.k. and doesn't matter.
And you don't need to satisfy me by opening a topic.

Sorry for the confusion.
Just updating the blood results.

Had a blood test done for some standard stuff and also the hormones, thyroid etc. It all came back within a good range so nothing there seems wrong. The only thing was Hemoglobine which has a normal range of 8.50 to 11 and my Hemoglobine was 8.4. Was told that it is normal for it sometimes to be slightly lower and it is no cause for concern or a indicator of anything being wrong with me.