Did my "luck" just run out?

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Feb 22, 2014
So I have my NN conjunct my pluto in the 8th house. And many uranus and mercury transits have been going on for the past couple of months. I always write my ex husband on issues involving our child. I feel as if he has been the lease amount helpful and only is with our child as the law permits when I offer him more. Tonight he allowed his new G/F or wife to come to our home and state she is calling child services on me. For reasons that were going on during my marriage. I take excellent care of our daughter. She said that she will be calling my job to tell them all of this. My e-mails may or may not work in my benefit. But my message was always clear. Am I going to get fired or have my daughter taken away. I know in my gut and by experience he is a terrible man but in the "laws" eyes I can not prove it. Our divorce took 2 years and it is not even a year and a half later to have to go through all of this again. It is very painful and I just want what is best for her. I am very scared because he has the money to take me to court for a long time and it is mentally exhausting on me and on our daughter.
Will my daughter be ok and safe with me. Will my E-mails get me in trouble? Will I have the resources and support to get me through this?


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Hi, I am a novice and those charts are so small I have to look them up myself on astro.com just to have a better look. I just wanted to answer quickly to give you an answer of some kind.

First thing I saw is that you have Sun trine Jupiter. That is a good and beneficial aspect to have. Fortunate for you.

Second thing I saw was on his chart. Grand Cross and Mars conjunct ascendant opposed Saturn. Whoa! He is probably a jerk to say the least. Very Angry person is my guess. Mars opposed Saturn is very telling. He does not choose battles well.

As for the threats. Go ahead and record her, whatever ammo you need. Let her say whatever she wants, the more info and threats you have the better for your case. Any court is going to see that in your favor. Please try to relax and realize you have an inner blessing in your chart that will help you. I will look at them some more in a minute. Just wanted to send this out to you to help set your mind at ease.
I see where you have put your chart out prior. I feel for you, you are going thru a lot of emotional pain and turmoil. Try to remember this:

Ex husband's new girlfriend is just plain mean. You have to learn not to let people manipulate you. All you can really do at this point is stop thinking about the past. What's done is done. Try to move forward with your life.

You mentioned you are having financial issues. Is there any way you could ask your ex husband and his new girlfriend if you could all try to be more respectful of each other all around for the sake of your daughter? If you stop adding fuel to the fire by fighting every step then that may help.

Instead of focusing on what you cannot control, you should try to improve what you can control. Sobriety, meditation and attending positive parenting classes can really help. If the court sees that in your spare time away from your daughter you are not engaging in drama then that will be to your favor. If you conduct yourself in a reckless fashion then you make yourself look worse. Having a good work record and proof of attending parenting classes or sober living/anger management group therapy will help you look better in a court of law.

Calm yourself and stop giving all your power away. Start living like the best person available to raise a daughter. You are divorced. It was hell but you are alive. Instead of thinking about your chart and transits, you should be thinking about taking baby steps every day to stabilize your life. You need income and a safe place to live. You need to be sober and you need to surround yourself with people who are living a stable life themselves. Ask your local YMCA or WIC or welfare agency office where free workshops and support groups are and try to attend. If you prove by your presence that you are either at work or at a positive group setting when you are alone it will really help you in the long run.

You chose ultimately to marry this man and bear his child. Is there anything positive he can contribute to her life? If so, be grateful that he and his wife want to take care of her. My father beat my mother, hospitalizing her when I was 11 and ran off to marry another woman. They did not want me around at all and the loss of a father in my young life had a very negative effect on me. You need to realize that many people have horrible family situations. You need to learn the simple gratitude of being alive and to spend the most quality precious time you can with your daughter when you have her.

Life has a way of turning out better than what we worry about. We can only control ourselves and our own reactions. We cannot control others. Try to learn meditation. Read up on it in the bookstore or the library or online. Eat healthy food and take care of your health. Try to let go of anger and forgive. Forgiveness is not for others, it is for yourself to cope.
P.S. If she calls your work that is harassment and it is illegal. Do not mention this, just stay calm. If she actually does call then you will have legal proof and this is very damning to say the least.

If your husband does not want to take extra time with your daughter, do not push it. Is there any way you could forgive your parents if they have any more stability than you do and temporarily accept any help that they can offer? Being a poor, broke and frightened single mother is a horrible place to be in. If you can swallow your pride and allow yourself some help from a family member who is willing to help you, that is key.

You must stop insisting on making your ex husband be a better father. If it is a financial issue, sometimes the best thing you can do for your peace of mind is to let him go and to accept the terms he wants. If he would like to spend time with his girlfriend than maybe he won't be so quick to give you trouble.

You need to let go of your fear. You need to pray for help and guidance. You need to learn to accept the current circumstances and moment for what it is. Make friends with it and work with it, not against it. Just humble yourself and accept. Realize that raising a young child is very difficult and don't try to avoid any responsibility. Realize that one day it will slowly start to improve if you are open to the hope and possibility. I know, I was there. I was in a shelter and I raised my son alone. His father didn't want much to do with us. I just ultimately accepted and moved on. It was years of depression and angst. But now he is 19 and life is drastically happier. I will pray for you. You are in a very tough spot and you have to make your life better by controlling what you can control and accepting what you cannot control.
Speaking of charts, stop agonizing your own chart and realize your husband's chart has violent, powerful jerk written all over it.

If I were you, I would stop sending him emails and stop trying to persuade him to change. You are literally waving a red flag in front of a bull. A guy like that is going to make your life hell as it already has. He is a classic bully. And a rich one at that.

You have some aspects in your own chart that make you vulnerable to a person like him. You would do so much better if you somehow slowly began to make him think you are on his side instead of at odds with him. You certainly will not change his behavior, ever. Accept this fact. I would not want to antagonize him or make him my enemy. He is a dominant guy. Stop pushing him and stop insisting on getting him to change. He won't.

Stop letting them both scare you. Stop the threats and stop the fighting. Do whatever you can to keep the peace. And please, utilize your time more productively. Try to live a better life and to be more patient. Unfortunately you used poor judgement choosing him for a partner. Try to learn from your mistakes and stop repeating them. You cannot change other people. Only yourself.
hopefully the charts look bigger


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Speaking of charts, stop agonizing your own chart and realize your husband's chart has violent, powerful jerk written all over it.

If I were you, I would stop sending him emails and stop trying to persuade him to change. You are literally waving a red flag in front of a bull. A guy like that is going to make your life hell as it already has. He is a classic bully. And a rich one at that.

You have some aspects in your own chart that make you vulnerable to a person like him. You would do so much better if you somehow slowly began to make him think you are on his side instead of at odds with him. You certainly will not change his behavior, ever. Accept this fact. I would not want to antagonize him or make him my enemy. He is a dominant guy. Stop pushing him and stop insisting on getting him to change. He won't.

Stop letting them both scare you. Stop the threats and stop the fighting. Do whatever you can to keep the peace. And please, utilize your time more productively. Try to live a better life and to be more patient. Unfortunately you used poor judgement choosing him for a partner. Try to learn from your mistakes and stop repeating them. You cannot change other people. Only yourself.

Thank you very much for your quick response. A little more of she situation is that I put myself through school during our divorce. I found myself a good man and an excellent job. Still feeling that my daughter needs her father and her fathers contribution in life to help her. And he was ok with that before he met this woman. I have changed into a much better woman since I have been with him. I have saved a decent amount of money but it took me 3 years to do that. And to spend it all in and out of court will take my whole savings. And that was for her or if anything else went wrong. My boyfriend and I do go to counseling and I am involved very much as an educational officer for my organization that I am a part of for my career.

What concerns me is that I wrote a lot of e mails. Not sure if they will be used against me because in them when I said things he did not like. The name calling and belittling would begin. Having child services in my life is beyond me when my daughter is coming home telling me that her dad threw his gf down the stairs. "and yet that is hearsay" so courts don't care. If I lose my job over this he is impacting her life. And he does not care.
I am sick I do not want to go to work. Will my daughter and I come out of this together and ok or will they find things that may take us apart?
Daughter tells you he threw his girlfriend down the stairs yet you still feel your daughter somehow needs him in your life. You met a wonderful guy. You have a good job. You are allowing him to interfere with your career. You are bringing all this drama on yourself. In my opinion you are not following my advice at all. I don't see how you are really ready to stop being a drama queen. Btw, your daughter's chart has suffering at the hands of you two for parents written all over it.

Go to work and stop worrying about what you cannot control. Your boyfriend sounds like a saint. Stop dragging him to counseling. Try to focus on a positive relationship with him. Focus on your job before you lose it.

Saturn is about to conjunct your Uranus and it's going to be a *****. If you refuse to learn anything now, and I suspect you are standing in your own way then you are in for a tough few years and your daughters life is going to be hell. You have no good judgement as a mother to even consider letting your daughter spend any time with that monster. You think he's going to treat her any better than he has treated any other woman in his life? Please take some of that court money and invest in some common sense. Don't mean to be cruel but you desperately need it. I'm done.
Daughter tells you he threw his girlfriend down the stairs yet you still feel your daughter somehow needs him in your life. You met a wonderful guy. You have a good job. You are allowing him to interfere with your career. You are bringing all this drama on yourself. In my opinion you are not following my advice at all. I don't see how you are really ready to stop being a drama queen. Btw, your daughter's chart has suffering at the hands of you two for parents written all over it.

Go to work and stop worrying about what you cannot control. Your boyfriend sounds like a saint. Stop dragging him to counseling. Try to focus on a positive relationship with him. Focus on your job before you lose it.

Saturn is about to conjunct your Uranus and it's going to be a *****. If you refuse to learn anything now, and I suspect you are standing in your own way then you are in for a tough few years and your daughters life is going to be hell. You have no good judgement as a mother to even consider letting your daughter spend any time with that monster. You think he's going to treat her any better than he has treated any other woman in his life? Please take some of that court money and invest in some common sense. Don't mean to be cruel but you desperately need it. I'm done.

Thank you for your reply and I do not think you are being cruel. My daughter is only five I have called the court to tell them what she said and they say it's hearsay. I don't have a foot to stand on in keeping him away from her. The courts don't care. And it will be abuse on my end if I talk bad about him to her. I did file the report with police incase she does contact my job. But other than that I am done. I do not want to live like this. I am sure this will all go to court. Like you said I can't control that now. I can focus on my time with my daughter and my new bf whom is very good to us. But as for being a drama queen and bringing this on myself. I do the best that I can. Now I can truly see that he will never change. It very upsetting to me though knowing that and still by law have no control of what he is doing to her. I think that is what hurts the most. I did not contact him after that happened yesterday. I went to police to protect my job incase she does follow through with threats. Next week I have a vacation and hopefully that may help us all.
Your north node is conjunct your descendant. Pluto is in your 8th house. Venus, your ascendant ruler trines Pluto. That's a good aspect. I would not worry so much about the court rulings. Like I said, you have Jupiter trine Sun. That is a beneficial, protective aspect. Pluto in the 8th house is where your issues are coming from. The lesson there is to stop trying to control situations and others because you are ultimately responsible for your present situation, like it or not. You made the choices that brought you here.

Saturn transiting conjunct Uranus is going to teach you some lessons you won't like to learn. Like patience. Your north node conjunct your descendant says you should depend upon and trust your intimate partnerships more. Stop wondering if you should stick with your current boyfriend because you really aren't sure. I'm sure he is paradise compared to your daughter's boyfriend and escaping to a shelter.

Stop listening to politics on the radio and find a music station that plays music you have never listened to before, preferably something mellow or better yet, turn the radio off. Do not play the radio or watch adult tv shows when you are with your daughter, ever. Take the precious time and focus on her.

Meditate on these words before you go to sleep or cannot sleep. "I am a lucky and blessed person". "I want to receive guidance from God in my life and I give control of my life and my child to God who sustains and nourishes all his children."

When your ex creates more courtroom drama and battles than you do, the court is going to start seeing things your way. You need to take responsibility for your actions and stop being a flake. And love your boyfriend like he was the last man on earth. Spend time with your daughter as if it were your last day together.
You have Transiting Saturn and Mars moving through your 9th house of law which is most likely pointing to the legal issues you are having(btw way watch your driving, don't speed as you could get a ticket). In the fall both will conjunct your natal Uranus while at the same time square your natal Mars in your 7th house. The 7th house rules partnership and enemies. I would not be surprised if your ex tries to do something legally to gain custody of your daughter. I think your emails will be critical, make sure you print them off. Also in regards to his girlfriend calling your work, did she write this in an email? If she does this and there are ramifications from your work she could be held liable for defamation of character and for loss of wages. The above transits will move on quickly. I don't feel you will lose your daughter.

As for your husband, he seems like and over indulgent guy who might end up with a drinking problem. Your daughter, according to her natal chart experiences her dad as someone who is critical, not overly loving or stern, while at the same time rather unpredictable. Does this ring true?

I suggest you tape your conversations with your husband. There are free applications on your cell phone. Just let him know you are doing it each time you speak and make sure to store the taped conversation is some kind of ICloud or something similar.

So I have my NN conjunct my pluto in the 8th house. And many uranus and mercury transits have been going on for the past couple of months. I always write my ex husband on issues involving our child. I feel as if he has been the lease amount helpful and only is with our child as the law permits when I offer him more. Tonight he allowed his new G/F or wife to come to our home and state she is calling child services on me. For reasons that were going on during my marriage. I take excellent care of our daughter. She said that she will be calling my job to tell them all of this. My e-mails may or may not work in my benefit. But my message was always clear. Am I going to get fired or have my daughter taken away. I know in my gut and by experience he is a terrible man but in the "laws" eyes I can not prove it. Our divorce took 2 years and it is not even a year and a half later to have to go through all of this again. It is very painful and I just want what is best for her. I am very scared because he has the money to take me to court for a long time and it is mentally exhausting on me and on our daughter.
Will my daughter be ok and safe with me. Will my E-mails get me in trouble? Will I have the resources and support to get me through this?
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