Discovery of DNA fingerprinting

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John Thompson

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2023
On the 10th of September 1984 at 09:05 at Leicester University, Sir Alec Jeffreys had a eureka moment when he discovered DNA/genetic fingerprinting. Although our first impressions of this bring the criminal world to mind, Jeffreys himself was glad that this wasn't its first application, for he saw too many legal challenges that wouldn't have done his cause any favours. The first application was actually to do with an immigration case, and then paternity issues. Reading about this on the fortieth anniversary of discovery, I immediately thought of Nick Kollerstoms booklet 'The Eureka Effect' and his studies of scientific discoveries. In that booklet he noted the mixture of both quintile and septile series of aspects as being clearly involved. When I checked the chart for these aspects, I found that Mercury was quintile to Saturn whilst Jupiter was septile to Saturn; Saturn is the ruler of the 4th of ancestral inheritance, whilst Mercury and Jupiter [in trine] shows sound thinking and has a sociological association with scientists. In Kollerstom 's introduction of scientific 'Eureka' moments, he quotes Arthur Koestlers 'The Act of Creation', when he says 'That moment was, Koestler explained, an experience of 'bisociation' when two previously unconnected frameworks or 'matrices of logic' came together. This really does speak of Mercury/ Jupiter and Saturn combinations in the highest form. The ascendant has Libra rising, with Venus strong in conjunction; Libra talks of making connections between people, as also intellectually based observations. The full Moon across the 6th/12th axis and Pluto in Scorpio in the 1st has so many ramifications for medical application, and with Mars 0 Uranus opposite Chiron across 3rd/9th Gemini/Sagittarius polarity the legal implications and global application are easily understood. When using antiscia we find the full Moon is on the ascendant, and the Mars 0 Uranus at the IC [ Chiron at MC]. Something else of note is that in 1977 [the year of Chiron's discovery]Fredrick Sanger was the first to sequence the first complete genome, just as Jeffreys took up his post at Leicester University. I'd always thought of Chiron somehow being related to DNA/genetics, and with its 51 year orbit is it related to the septile aspect? I remember another astrologer [can't remember who] saying that the 'natural' time phase of women entering the menopause is around 51 when Chiron returns, and the progressed Sun is septile its natal position. Jeffreys was born on the 9th of January 1950 in Oxford, and a brief look at a noon chart shows that Chiron has both a quintile from Mars and a septile from Jupiter [both within half a degree] ; Jupiter [conjunct stationary Mercury] is also bi-quintile Uranus. This seems to indicate someone who dedicates his energy to specific tasks, with a zeal for intellectual pursuits with a great measure of success [note it was Mercury and Jupiter making these not so minor aspects to Saturn in the discovery chart]. If we look a little deeper at this configuration, we find Pluto is semi square to Uranus [indicating breakthroughs of the unseen/underlying], in trine to Chiron and quincunx the Sun [at the IC of discovery] The Sun also squares Neptune in Libra and trines Saturn which is square Chiron [good for medical imaging]. Jeffreys made his discovery after extracting DNA from cells, attaching it to photographic film and then left it in a developing tank. When he finally looked at the film he made his discovery.

The first conviction of a criminal through the use of Jeffreys discovery came on the 22nd of January 1988. Two girls in Leicestershire had been raped/sexually assaulted and murdered in 1983 and 1986 respectively. The police had asked Jeffreys for his help, and to their dismay he proved their prime suspect was not the murderer. The police then decided to DNA test over 5,000 men from the area but to no avail. Later on Colin Pitchfork [born 23rd March 1960] was identified, after a colleague of his was overheard saying he had given a blood sample to cover Pitchforks back; he was arrested on 19th September 1987, with Mars on discovery Sun, Saturn on discovery Mars and Chiron opposite discovery Neptune. Mars = blood, Saturn = solid proof and Neptune in Sagittarius those who try to evade the law.
Colin Pitchfork Noon Chart Pitchfork has the Sun at 2 Aries, square Jupiter and in sequi quadrate to Uranus in Leo which opposes the midpoints of Moon 0 Mars. This is an arrogance with a high potential for sudden acts of extreme violence. Saturn in Capricorn is also tightly quincunx Uranus, an aspect of being out of step with societal norms and with Venus opposite Pluto an obsessive desire nature. At the time of his arrest the transiting Node sat in tight conjunction with his natal Sun, and bringing all the hard aspects of Moon/Mars, Jupiter and Uranus with it. Transiting Uranus was square his progressed Node, and curiously the progressed Noon chart ascendant had joined Uranus with progressed Moon opposite, and transiting Jupiter was conjunct progressed MC; transiting Chirons antiscion opposed his natal Jupiter. Conviction By far the most intriguing of these charts is that of the discovery, for since Pitchforks conviction the police have used this technology extensively in revisiting cold cases. Transiting Pluto was conjunct Saturn [ruler of IC] within 3 minutes of arc, the transiting Saturn 0 Uranus was conjunct Neptune with transiting Mars conjunct Uranus. This really was groundbreaking territory with so much more to discover. As far as Pitchfork is concerned, transiting Node was opposite its natal position and in square to natal Chiron, the midpoints between Saturn 0 Uranus and Neptune = Pitchforks progressed Jupiter showing his inevitable loss of freedom etc.

We could go on and on with this, but would rather leave others to experiment themselves. For those that are interested, please do look at the synastry of Pitchfork and Sir Alec Jeffreys for it is quite phenomenal.

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Sir Alec Jeffreys.gif
Colin Pitchfork.gif
All of the aspects to the North Node are exact. As are the Quintiles, the “super power” aspect. Heavy Mutable.

What’s your take on Neptune in the 3rd, in Gemini’s house?

Been working late, and early, hard to get here sometimes.


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All of the aspects to the North Node are exact. As are the Quintiles, the “super power” aspect. Heavy Mutable.

What’s your take on Neptune in the 3rd, in Gemini’s house?

Been working late, and early, hard to get here sometimes.
I'm really glad you bought the issue of Neptune up Opal, for it is stationary in this chart which often brings such strong over-riding energy with it. When we look at its position, we realise it's also conjunct the Galactic Centre [GC]. This point in Sagittarius is often said to be the point that all technological advances are emanated for the consumption of the human race; it's the point that our Sun revolves around, in the same way the the Earth revolves around the Sun. Although it's loose, it is also quintile the ascendant and if we remember the discovery occurred via a photograph [Neptune] which had been left overnight [ stationary ? ]. Jupiter in Cap is in an out of sign conjunction with its antiscion right on the GC and even closer to the quintile of the ascendant. I think this talks of the dissemination of this new technology to the world [Sagittarius] and given practical usage via Jupiter in Capricorn whilst also recognised in common language [3rd]. This article by Phillip Sedgewick really is worth reading.
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The Mercury Saturn sextile, gifts “thinking inside the box”. Doing things by the book or numbers.

But, that would be a good thing for what it is used for. I guess.

I will read the GC article. It is the midpoint, conjunct Jupiter and my Moon. And if you use other aspects with it, some do, some don’t I would have more.

As for this subject, Neptune conjunct GC, it could represent deception of communication, in some way, it’s use maybe. How data is gathered, processed.

Also Neptune is sextile Pluto Scorpio in the 1st. And trine Mercury Virgo 11th. Both domicile, positive energy, sometimes too easy of aspects gifts abuse of others, with the expectation of, being right. Kind of apt.

Off to read your link.
Hi, John --Thanks for posting another interesting topic.

just a couple of reactions.

One is that I think often (not always) mental health problems show up as moon conjunct or in hard aspect to Uranus. There's a close opposition in Pitchfork's chart with the assumed noon default birth time. As you know, the moon could move 6 degrees on either side, depending on the actual birth time, but the opposition would still pertain.

He was diagnosed as a psychopath.
I wonder if the vertex gets knocked out with a default noon time. The vertex supposedly indicates "fateful encounters." The event chart Mars conjuncts Pitchfork's vertex.

As you can imagine from the above, I personally prefer not to use houses where the actual birth/event time is unknown. My eyes tend to read the house cusps as correct. With an educated guess about the time, I'd probably use whole signs, as less likely to indicate precision in house cusps. I wonder what is your take on this.

The science of the DNA project would suggest roles for Neptune, Uranus, quintiles, and septiles.

The quintile as "talent plus ambition" describes a lot of top scientists,

Uranus is the modern ruler of science.

The septile supposedly indicates an ability to sense life "beyond the veil," an attribute also given to Neptune. This sounds a bit fuzzy for a scientist, but actually their whole endeavor, like formulating hypotheses, is about looking into a reality that is not yet manifest-- and may not become manifest. I once looked at the charts of scientists, and found that sun-Neptune contacts were common. It's a bit wide, but it looks like a sun-Neptune bi-septile for Jeffries, pulled a bit forward by the Jupiter conjunction.

I used to ignore the GC. Now I think it's really important.
Hi, John --Thanks for posting another interesting topic.

just a couple of reactions.

One is that I think often (not always) mental health problems show up as moon conjunct or in hard aspect to Uranus. There's a close opposition in Pitchfork's chart with the assumed noon default birth time. As you know, the moon could move 6 degrees on either side, depending on the actual birth time, but the opposition would still pertain.

He was diagnosed as a psychopath.
I wonder if the vertex gets knocked out with a default noon time. The vertex supposedly indicates "fateful encounters." The event chart Mars conjuncts Pitchfork's vertex.

As you can imagine from the above, I personally prefer not to use houses where the actual birth/event time is unknown. My eyes tend to read the house cusps as correct. With an educated guess about the time, I'd probably use whole signs, as less likely to indicate precision in house cusps. I wonder what is your take on this.

The science of the DNA project would suggest roles for Neptune, Uranus, quintiles, and septiles.

The quintile as "talent plus ambition" describes a lot of top scientists,

Uranus is the modern ruler of science.

The septile supposedly indicates an ability to sense life "beyond the veil," an attribute also given to Neptune. This sounds a bit fuzzy for a scientist, but actually their whole endeavor, like formulating hypotheses, is about looking into a reality that is not yet manifest-- and may not become manifest. I once looked at the charts of scientists, and found that sun-Neptune contacts were common. It's a bit wide, but it looks like a sun-Neptune bi-septile for Jeffries, pulled a bit forward by the Jupiter conjunction.

I used to ignore the GC. Now I think it's really important.
With hard Moon/Uranus aspects there are often [broadly] abandonment issues. With Moon Mars opposite Uranus, it could manifest as demands for feeding with an impatient mother; get the feed out of the way, with the baby feeling alienated etc Uranus in hard aspect to the MC/IC often does the same. Many years ago I had a very interesting conversation with a prominent London astrologer touching on how Uranus and Neptune can swap roles in certain circumstances [as in 'flip side of the same coin']. We were talking about British political parties, all of which have hard Uranus/Neptune aspects. In mundane astrology Uranus as a planet of the free market economy is inherently right wing, whereas the dissipation of Neptune aligns with left wing sentiments/communism. And yet this woman was telling me about some researches into same sex relations and how Uranus/Neptune are different for the opposite sexes. Her hook on this equates to a similar situation to the old adage that the Sun rules the right eye in men and the left eye of women, where the Moon rules the right eye in women and the left in men. She believed that Uranus has sway over the minds of men and the emotions of women, whereas the reverse applies to Neptune. It's a very interesting concept when looking at the midlife transits.
As far as house systems are concerned I do not use whole sign houses; Koch is my preferred system as they tend to react to transits far more uniform ally in the mundane. I have no problem using Noon charts for a day, as when the Sun is at the MC it's at it's highest point [the old point of fate] and is manifest for all to see. When people become famous/infamous often progressions will still work over angles. That said, if someone is said to be born early in the morning I'd use a midnight chart, or mid morning a sunrise chart etc. The reason for this, is about chart shape and hemispheres. This type of thinking for me, comes from my work on the Mundane possibly reflecting the use of the four cardinal ingress charts.
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Interesting.... I read all of Liz Green's/Howard Sasportas's early psychological astrology books, and balked at the then-popular idea of a troubled moon indicating the Bad Mother. For one thing, we never hear Mom's side of the story. Then siblings' moons may look very different, yet it's the same mother (although parents can exhibit favoritism or ostracism of their children.) I take the moon to mean one's experience of one's mother, vs. Mom herself. The moon might just be one's emotional nature. I don't know that a link between Mom and psychopathy has been established; although I can believe there are cases where it does.

Got it, on the mundane ingress charts. I'm less sanguine on individual nativities.

Wondering where or if DNA would show up in a nativity. The 4th for ancestry? The 1st for one's body?
Interesting.... I read all of Liz Green's/Howard Sasportas's early psychological astrology books, and balked at the then-popular idea of a troubled moon indicating the Bad Mother. For one thing, we never hear Mom's side of the story. Then siblings' moons may look very different, yet it's the same mother (although parents can exhibit favoritism or ostracism of their children.) I take the moon to mean one's experience of one's mother, vs. Mom herself. The moon might just be one's emotional nature. I don't know that a link between Mom and psychopathy has been established; although I can believe there are cases where it does.

Got it, on the mundane ingress charts. I'm less sanguine on individual nativities.

Wondering where or if DNA would show up in a nativity. The 4th for ancestry? The 1st for one's body?
I very much doubt that DNA as such can be traced through a chart, but definitely can see if hereditary disease is present; personally I believe we can only do this from quadrant house division. However, I have an interesting little story from my own life which also involves the vertex. Twenty five years ago I moved two hundred miles from where I was born. In possession of a vast database of astrological charts of the towns and cities in Britain, my move was an astrological election. My brother had been tracing our genealogy for some time and traced my mothers family back some 240 years in North East London and then drew a blank. Then 10 years ago, the website he'd been using introduced a system whereby if you were tracing the same family they'd put you in contact with each other. It turned out that the reason he couldn't trace my mothers family back any further, was because they were originally from where I'd been living for all that time. Alice Portman once said that when relocating we should look to resonations with our natal vertex to the area we relocate to; my local mundane chart has the degree of my natal vertex as the areas ascendant.
For the DNA Fingerprinting chart:

Ascendant @ 13LI40 = Libra 14 (A noon siesta) but a mere 10-15 minutes earlier it was 10LI = Libra 11 (A professor peering over his glasses)

Far more important though is the position of Saturn @ 12SC22 = Scorpio 13 (An inventor experimenting)!

In the Sir Alec Jeffries chart we have

Pluto @ 17LE31 = Leo 18 (A teacher of chemistry)
Mars @ 05LO07 = Libra 6 (The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized)

In the chart of Colin Pitchfork we have:

Uranus @ 17LE22= Leo 18 (A teacher of chemistry)
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For the DNA Fingerprinting chart:

Ascendant @ 13LI40 = Libra 14 (A noon siesta) but a mere 10-15 minutes earlier it was 10LI = Libra 11 (A professor peering over his glasses)

Far more important though is the position of Saturn @ 12SC22 = Scorpio 13 (An inventor experimenting)!

In the Sir Alec Jeffries chart we have

Pluto @ 17LE31 = Leo 18 (A teacher of chemistry)
Mars @ 05LO07 = Libra 6 (The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized)

In the chart of Colin Pitchfork we have:

Uranus @ 17LE22= Leo 18 (A teacher of chemistry)
Always great to see others techniques in practice. This is how we all learn.