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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2005
I have another question for any and all. It's about "Dispositors" in our natal charts. I recently was experimenting at astro.com with their charts for my dispositor......which I've thought for many years was Venus. But the info I got showed not only a "Sign dispositor hierarchy" but also a "House dispositor hierarchy". Again I'm telling my Mercury to be quiet and calm right now! :wink: Isn't this basically the same thing just tracing from planet to sign to planet to sign etc.? Or is the "House" a different thing and influence than the "Planet" dispositor?

Next obvious :?: is........how strong an influence do you believe the final dispositor to be in our natal charts/personalities? And could you give a couple of examples of how to figure the final dispositor in our natal charts. Thanks everyone.
I could give two examples of final dispositors that are particulary interesting.

Pope John Paul II and Adolf Hitler both had their charts final dispositor Venus.

May 18, 1920, 5:30 om EET, Wadowice, Poland
Apr 20, 1889, 6:30 pm LMT, Branau Inn, Austria

A final dispositor is the natal planet located in its domicile that "disposits" all other planets. In Pope John Paul II's case Mars in Libra is disposited by Venus (Libra ruler), Saturn in Virgo is disposited by Mercury in Taurus (Virgo ruler), which in turn is disposited by Venus (Taurus ruler) and so on for all planets in their charts.
There isn't a final dispositor in a chart where no planets is in its domicile or where there're several in their domicile. Even if there's only one planet in its domicile it doesn't necessarily mean that there's a final dispositor. Depends from case to case.

Going back to the two examples - two persons born with Sun in Taurus, Libra rising and Venus in Taurus as the final dispositor... How similar is that? yet they had such different destinies.

The explanation for this huge difference is given by Venus' status:
in Hitler's case - Venus is retrograde, and aspecting both malefics (conjunct Mars and square Saturn) - so Venus' is manifesting its worst qualities. In Pope JP II's case, Venus is direct, and aspecting Jupiter and Neptune (religious planets).
Wow. I didn't know about this whole dispositor thing and when I did mine I disovered that the Sun is the final dispositor of ALL the planets and other objects in my chart since its the only planet in its sign and I have stellium in Leo.

Does this mean anything in particular or just that Leo is strong in my chart?
I'm still a bit confused about this phenonmenon...can someone please explain it to an astrology novice? :wink:

Here's my first question: I don't have any planets in my Rising Sign of Aquarius, so how do I know which one is my natal planet? Is it the one closest to the Ascendent? In this case, I believe it would be Saturn, but it is already exalted in Capricorn...

Aquarian Maverick
Aquarian Maverick,

I don't know what you mean by the "natal planet", but here are some tips.

The ruler of the chart is the ruler of your rising sign. In your case, it's Uranus. Another ruler that is quite important is the ruler of your Sun sign. I understand that your Sun is in Aries, so this palent for you is Mars.

The dispositor of the chart, which is the topic of this thread, is the one planet that finally disposits most of the other planets in the chart. I don't know if you know what "disposit" means so here's a quick example. Your Sun is in Aries and Aries is ruled by Mars. So the Sun is disposited by Mars.

To find out the dispositor of the whole chart you follow each planet to the final dispositor. So, Mars disposts your Mars? What Disposits Mars? Find out that planet and continue to find the dispositor until you finally reach a planet that is in its own sign. That's the final dispositor of the series of the planets your were following. Do this for all planets and then see which planet disposits the most planets. That's the chart dispositor.

Note that if no planets in your chart are in their sign of rulership, then there is no dispositor for your chart.

Another key planet is the Guding planet. There's a separate thread about that one here http://astrologyweekly.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5871#5871
Thanks for the tips, sorehearted! I'll see if I can get this right...

My Ascendent is Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus; therefore, Uranus is my ruling planet. Since my natal Uranus is in Capricorn, I would next go to the planet which rules Capricorn...this would be Saturn, but Saturn is already in the sign of its exaltion. So would this be the end of the disposits?

My Sun is in Aries, which is ruled by Mars. Since my natal Mars is in Gemini and Mercury rules this sign, Mars would be disposited by Mercury in Aries...which is right where I started from. Am I doing this right? :?

Aquarian Maverick
Aquarian Maverick said:
...this would be Saturn, but Saturn is already in the sign of its exaltion. So would this be the end of the disposits?
Aquarian Maverick

No, continue until your find a planet in its sign of rulership (e.g. Sun in Leo, Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, etc)

My Sun is in Aries, which is ruled by Mars. Since my natal Mars is in Gemini and Mercury rules this sign, Mars would be disposited by Mercury in Aries...which is right where I started from. Am I doing this right? :?

Yes. If you end up where you've started then this series of planets does not have a final dispositor. Just move on to other planets.

Again, is any of your natal planets in its sign of rulership? Coz if this answer to this question is no, then your chart does not have a final dispositor.
Again, is any of your natal planets in its sign of rulership? Coz if this answer to this question is no, then your chart does not have a final dispositor.

Ah, that would explain it...I'll check my natal chart now :wink:

My natal Saturn in Capricorn is the only planet that could be considered being in its sign of rulership...and I read that this is only one by "nocturnal association" :|

Thanks for your help!

Aquarian Maverick
Aquarian Maverick said:
My natal Saturn in Capricorn is the only planet that could be considered being in its sign of rulership...and I read that this is only one by "nocturnal association"

Nocturnal association is a traditional term from when Saturn ruled Capricorn as a night sign and Aquarius as day sign, Auqarius being by the "diurnal association". Your Saturn is in fact in its sign of rulership. If there are any other planets in Capricorn, then Saturn dispoists them and will probably be the final dispositor of your chart.