I have another question for any and all. It's about "Dispositors" in our natal charts. I recently was experimenting at astro.com with their charts for my dispositor......which I've thought for many years was Venus. But the info I got showed not only a "Sign dispositor hierarchy" but also a "House dispositor hierarchy". Again I'm telling my Mercury to be quiet and calm right now! Isn't this basically the same thing just tracing from planet to sign to planet to sign etc.? Or is the "House" a different thing and influence than the "Planet" dispositor?
Next obvious :?: is........how strong an influence do you believe the final dispositor to be in our natal charts/personalities? And could you give a couple of examples of how to figure the final dispositor in our natal charts. Thanks everyone.
Next obvious :?: is........how strong an influence do you believe the final dispositor to be in our natal charts/personalities? And could you give a couple of examples of how to figure the final dispositor in our natal charts. Thanks everyone.