My question was ‘is he going back to his ex (from before me)’. She is Italian and will be in his hometown over Xmas. She has tried to interfere in our relationship for a long time.. trying to get him back.. he didn’t exactly try to stop her sincerely until just a few months ago. I certainly know who she is and she me, but I’ve not met her in person and I hope I never will.. But he thrives on the adoration and I don’t know really the truth of what’s between them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was getting back with her and even if she was accompanying him on his work trip.
Do I assign her a significator based on her relationship to me, like 12th, or to him, like his 5th or 7th? I still don’t understand how it can be ‘yes’ if I’m asking about him and the two of us have no applying aspect
Do you assign the Ex of your Ex a significator based on her relationship to you? I would say, definitely not.
Her suspected relationship is to him, not to you, in relation to this question. So, just ignore you, for now.
Does L1 apply to L7? or vice versa? If not, the answer is no, they are probably not getting back together.
If aspects apply, it describes the future - e.g. say Mercury applies to Jupiter in 3 deg by any sort of aspect.
If the aspect separates, contact has happened in the past, in Horary.
The type of aspect plus any reception can describe yes or no more clearly.
There are also limits to the moiety of aspects for the various planets.
Generally, though, wide aspects of more than 5 degrees can be ignored.
But don't forget you can also use the ephemeris and see the date when the two signifiers might be in contact (or not.)
You can usefully look at a second pair or significators sometimes, if they are NOT in use already! for relationship questions only.
The Sun for the male person and Venus for the female (this ex of his.)
Venus would have to be applying to Sun, not the other way round because Venus is moving faster.
It can also be helpful to look at the reception between Venus & Sun.
Does Sun receive Venus? If so, how strong is the reception?
Does Venus receive Sun? If so, how strongly?
This can give you an idea of their mutual 'attraction' too - or not.
It's always difficult when you ask questions about other people, and they haven't asked the question themselves. You must turn the chart whereby the person asked about (in this case your ex) becomes the 1st House and its ruler his signifier.
Overall, the Moon signifies the action that you are asking about.
Ask yourself, what is the Moon doing? What Sign & House is she in? Who does she receive? If she's translating light, who is she translating it from and to?
I hope this helps a bit. _____