Do aspects have to be applying to be a ‘yes’ answer

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May 1, 2017

I’m wondering if a separating aspect between significators is still a ‘yes’, or only applying aspects.
I asked if my boyfriend that just broke up with me is going back to his ex

He is Moon, separating from a square with me Saturn, and about to perfect a sextile with Venus. So I think the answer is yes, and this is a translation of light so the love he gave to me he is now giving to her. But on the other hand his cosignificator Sun in his 5th makes no aspects at all. Could someone tell me?
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The moon acts as a timer, separating aspects show what happened, applying aspects show what will happen.
Moon separates from Jupiter, applies to Venus. In libra, looking for a partner.
Who is Venus? She rules his 4th and 11th, and is in his 6th.
Could be someone he met through his family, in his home, a friend.
As you wrote, there is no connection between you and him.
Sorry about this news for you, I know you are suffering.
You are coming to a conjunction with pluto, breaking off.
Uranus rules your 2nd of self esteem, and mars is coming to oppose it, hopefully you will accept the situation and not let it knock you off your balance.
The moon acts as a timer, separating aspects show what happened, applying aspects show what will happen.
Moon separates from Jupiter, applies to Venus. In libra, looking for a partner.
Who is Venus? She rules his 4th and 11th, and is in his 6th.
Could be someone he met through his family, in his home, a friend.
As you wrote, there is no connection between you and him.
Sorry about this news for you, I know you are suffering.
You are coming to a conjunction with pluto, breaking off.
Uranus rules your 2nd of self esteem, and mars is coming to oppose it, hopefully you will accept the situation and not let it knock you off your balance.
Yes this is why I’m wondering if the aspect between us is a yes, or a no because it’s a square, or a no because it’s separating by quite a large orb. Venus does make sense because in a couple of weeks he’s going back to his family home in his family country, where is business is and where his friends are. So it could just be that, depending on whether I took the separating square between significators as a ‘yes, to her’ or a ‘no (but probably will get together with someone in his hometown)’
It's a square, and it's separating, there is no aspect between you two.
His 5th of love affairs is mars, approaching the opposition with unpredictable Uranus.
This is not you.
It's a square, and it's separating, there is no aspect between you two.
His 5th of love affairs is mars, approaching the opposition with unpredictable Uranus.
This is not you.
Yeah I understand that but since the question was is he going back to his ex (the one before me) I’m wondering if no aspect between me and him means no, he’s not going back to her
yeah.. look

next aspect moon does is Venus which sits in your 12th house - your hidden enemy.
yeah.. look

next aspect moon does is Venus which sits in your 12th house - your hidden enemy.

That’s what I was thinking. Especially that the north node is in his 12th, my 6th.. and she’s in his 6th.

But I’m just wondering how I get a ‘yes’ from a separating square between main significators, because even if she’s the 3rd party, I wouldn’t have put Venus as significator for her.. Mars is his L5 and Saturn his L7. Venus just rules his 4th and 11th — a friend he might end up with maybe.. but would they rule an ex-girlfriend he was reuniting with? ..what am I missing?
That’s what I was thinking. Especially that the north node is in his 12th, my 6th.. and she’s in his 6th.

But I’m just wondering how I get a ‘yes’ from a separating square between main significators, because even if she’s the 3rd party, I wouldn’t have put Venus as significator for her.. Mars is his L5 and Saturn his L7. Venus just rules his 4th and 11th — a friend he might end up with maybe.. but would they rule an ex-girlfriend he was reuniting with? ..what am I missing?

Furthermore he also then aspects Jupiter as well who is in domicile, but Jup is L6 and L8... is this the same situation/person because they’re conjunct? Still not clear on why they would represent a lover or new gf as lords of those houses. ALTHOUGH I know he’s travelling again soon after getting home so this could be meeting in their hometown (4th) then sex (8th?) while travelling (Sag) with her (Venus) for work (6th) ...?
What was your real question of this chart? Then look at the receptions between the significators.
Do you know her? She is Jupiter and could also be Venus, if Venus isn't you. Venus in conjunction with Jupiter. I don't think you will meet her. So both planets are representing her.
Do you know her? She is Jupiter and could also be Venus, if Venus isn't you. Venus in conjunction with Jupiter. I don't think you will meet her. So both planets are representing her.

My question was ‘is he going back to his ex (from before me)’. She is Italian and will be in his hometown over Xmas. She has tried to interfere in our relationship for a long time.. trying to get him back.. he didn’t exactly try to stop her sincerely until just a few months ago. I certainly know who she is and she me, but I’ve not met her in person and I hope I never will.. But he thrives on the adoration and I don’t know really the truth of what’s between them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was getting back with her and even if she was accompanying him on his work trip.

Do I assign her a significator based on her relationship to me, like 12th, or to him, like his 5th or 7th? I still don’t understand how it can be ‘yes’ if I’m asking about him and the two of us have no applying aspect
Do I assign her a significator based on her relationship to me, like 12th, or to him, like his 5th or 7th? I still don’t understand how it can be ‘yes’ if I’m asking about him and the two of us have no applying aspect

It is a yes, because we don't look at the aspects between you and him! rather if his significators are in any aspects with other planets (which are not your significators). Then we check the receptions between these planets - also the receptions between your and her significators.
My question was ‘is he going back to his ex (from before me)’. She is Italian and will be in his hometown over Xmas. She has tried to interfere in our relationship for a long time.. trying to get him back.. he didn’t exactly try to stop her sincerely until just a few months ago. I certainly know who she is and she me, but I’ve not met her in person and I hope I never will.. But he thrives on the adoration and I don’t know really the truth of what’s between them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was getting back with her and even if she was accompanying him on his work trip.

Do I assign her a significator based on her relationship to me, like 12th, or to him, like his 5th or 7th? I still don’t understand how it can be ‘yes’ if I’m asking about him and the two of us have no applying aspect

Do you assign the Ex of your Ex a significator based on her relationship to you? I would say, definitely not.
Her suspected relationship is to him, not to you, in relation to this question. So, just ignore you, for now.
Does L1 apply to L7? or vice versa? If not, the answer is no, they are probably not getting back together.

If aspects apply, it describes the future - e.g. say Mercury applies to Jupiter in 3 deg by any sort of aspect.
If the aspect separates, contact has happened in the past, in Horary.

The type of aspect plus any reception can describe yes or no more clearly.

There are also limits to the moiety of aspects for the various planets.
Generally, though, wide aspects of more than 5 degrees can be ignored.
But don't forget you can also use the ephemeris and see the date when the two signifiers might be in contact (or not.)

You can usefully look at a second pair or significators sometimes, if they are NOT in use already! for relationship questions only.
The Sun for the male person and Venus for the female (this ex of his.)
Venus would have to be applying to Sun, not the other way round because Venus is moving faster.
It can also be helpful to look at the reception between Venus & Sun.
Does Sun receive Venus? If so, how strong is the reception?
Does Venus receive Sun? If so, how strongly?
This can give you an idea of their mutual 'attraction' too - or not.

It's always difficult when you ask questions about other people, and they haven't asked the question themselves. You must turn the chart whereby the person asked about (in this case your ex) becomes the 1st House and its ruler his signifier.
Overall, the Moon signifies the action that you are asking about.
Ask yourself, what is the Moon doing? What Sign & House is she in? Who does she receive? If she's translating light, who is she translating it from and to?

I hope this helps a bit. _____
Do you assign the Ex of your Ex a significator based on her relationship to you? I would say, definitely not.
Her suspected relationship is to him, not to you, in relation to this question. So, just ignore you, for now.
Does L1 apply to L7? or vice versa? If not, the answer is no, they are probably not getting back together.

If aspects apply, it describes the future - e.g. say Mercury applies to Jupiter in 3 deg by any sort of aspect.
If the aspect separates, contact has happened in the past, in Horary.

The type of aspect plus any reception can describe yes or no more clearly.

There are also limits to the moiety of aspects for the various planets.
Generally, though, wide aspects of more than 5 degrees can be ignored.
But don't forget you can also use the ephemeris and see the date when the two signifiers might be in contact (or not.)

You can usefully look at a second pair or significators sometimes, if they are NOT in use already! for relationship questions only.
The Sun for the male person and Venus for the female (this ex of his.)
Venus would have to be applying to Sun, not the other way round because Venus is moving faster.
It can also be helpful to look at the reception between Venus & Sun.
Does Sun receive Venus? If so, how strong is the reception?
Does Venus receive Sun? If so, how strongly?
This can give you an idea of their mutual 'attraction' too - or not.

It's always difficult when you ask questions about other people, and they haven't asked the question themselves. You must turn the chart whereby the person asked about (in this case your ex) becomes the 1st House and its ruler his signifier.
Overall, the Moon signifies the action that you are asking about.
Ask yourself, what is the Moon doing? What Sign & House is she in? Who does she receive? If she's translating light, who is she translating it from and to?

I hope this helps a bit. _____
This is such a clear answer so thank you, it helps so much

So if she’s his L7, Saturn, then although he’s in her sign of exaltation (Lib), the separating square with huge 8° orb between him (Moon) and her suggests no.

He in his 4th next applies to Venus in Sag in his 6th, (travelling home for work) and although Venus receives him in her domicile, his L4, (parents’ house) they don’t have mutual reception, so he doesn’t give anything back. Venus also rules his 11th. So it looks more like Venus is friends and family welcoming him home.

His co-significator Sun is in the same sign as Venus but different house and no contact. The Sun makes no aspects AT ALL, except interestingly, a trine to Chiron, which ONLY squares Venus and Jupiter. Whatever he’s going back to may hurt him somehow.

His last perfecting aspect is a sextile with Jupiter, which rules his 6th and 9th, so he travels again for work soon after he gets home.

So overall, I think they’re not getting back together
I agree with aquarius that we can ignoring you. However the ex is not only represented due to L1, she could be signified through any other planet in the chart. Look at his significators moon and sun. Moon is in venus' rulership and in sextile with venus! Venus doesn't receive moon but sun in triplicity. Venus isn't received by sun in any dignities but sun is in jupiter's rulership and term. Jupiter, on the other hand, is in Sun's triplicity. Moon is in Jupiter's face, both are aspecting each other. She is represented by jupiter and venus and he is moon and sun. There is mixed mutual reception between jupiter and sun.
If we don't ignoring you in the chart, then you are Saturn and receive Jupiter in term and fall, which indicates she is a thorn in your side.
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I agree with aquarius that we can ignoring you. However the ex is not only represented due to L1, she could be signified through any other planet in the chart. Look at his significators moon and sun. Moon is in venus' rulership and in sextile with venus! Venus doesn't receive moon but sun in triplicity. Venus isn't received by sun in any dignities but sun is in jupiter's rulership and term. Jupiter, on the other hand, is in Sun's triplicity. Moon is in Jupiter's face, both are aspecting each other. She is represented by jupiter and venus and he is moon and sun. There is mixed mutual reception between jupiter and sun.
If we don't ignoring you in the chart, then you are Saturn and receive Jupiter in term and fall, which indicates she is a thorn in your side.

So any applying aspect with any planet that could technically represent a 3rd party, can be a ‘yes’? regardless of what house it rules?

I’m wondering if a separating aspect between significators is still a ‘yes’, or only applying aspects.
I asked if my boyfriend that just broke up with me is going back to his ex

He is Moon, separating from a square with me Saturn, and about to perfect a sextile with Venus. So I think the answer is yes, and this is a translation of light so the love he gave to me he is now giving to her. But on the other hand his cosignificator Sun in his 5th makes no aspects at all. Could someone tell me?

Hi lux111,

I understand your confusion. In natal charts, Sun is the key, but in horary it;s Moon. That's why generally Moon is co-significator or when the ASC ruler is in bad shape (like retrograde) Moon is the primary significator.

But, those rules go out the window when Moon is primary significator for the house governing the question.

You might see better with this:


I suspect what you really want to know is whether he's coming back. Not gonna happen. Or, whatever it is you're hoping for is not gonna happen. Saturn in H1 along with Dragon's Tail makes that painfully obvious.

He's Moon. Venus is currently the object of his affection and rules his H4 and H11. That comports with what you said. That will be short-lived. Why? Moon at 26 Libra is a critical degree and Libra is a tropical sign aka cardinal sign indicating change and Moon is about to change signs and he'll move on to Scorpio woman (Mars).

Moon separating from Saturn square says it all. That's an unsympathetic square, as opposed to a sympathetic square. The difference being a sympathetic square in any chart indicates a conflict, contention, challenge, difficulty, obstacle, issue etc etc which can be resolved, although not always exactly the way you want, while an unsympathetic square can never be resolved.

It's also a left-hand square and not a right-hand square and in this instance that's good for him, but not for you.


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Hi lux111,

I understand your confusion. In natal charts, Sun is the key, but in horary it;s Moon. That's why generally Moon is co-significator or when the ASC ruler is in bad shape (like retrograde) Moon is the primary significator.

But, those rules go out the window when Moon is primary significator for the house governing the question.

You might see better with this:


I suspect what you really want to know is whether he's coming back. Not gonna happen. Or, whatever it is you're hoping for is not gonna happen. Saturn in H1 along with Dragon's Tail makes that painfully obvious.

He's Moon. Venus is currently the object of his affection and rules his H4 and H11. That comports with what you said. That will be short-lived. Why? Moon at 26 Libra is a critical degree and Libra is a tropical sign aka cardinal sign indicating change and Moon is about to change signs and he'll move on to Scorpio woman (Mars).

Moon separating from Saturn square says it all. That's an unsympathetic square, as opposed to a sympathetic square. The difference being a sympathetic square in any chart indicates a conflict, contention, challenge, difficulty, obstacle, issue etc etc which can be resolved, although not always exactly the way you want, while an unsympathetic square can never be resolved.

It's also a left-hand square and not a right-hand square and in this instance that's good for him, but not for you.

Ah so interesting! Thanks so much, I didn’t even know about L/R-hand and sympathetic squares either.

So the answer is yes..? ..but he receives her (takes what she offers) but doesn’t reciprocate in some way, and the situation soon changes, ie. he moves onto Jupiter (perhaps ‘lots of other women’?) and then leaves libra. So, then, their respective houses are each other’s detriment (Scorpio for Venus and Cap for Moon), which would indicate bad blood.

Is that accurate so far?!

One last question. Can I continue to see the story unfolding once the moon changes sign? Like, does ‘end of the matter’ just mean end of ‘that’ matter which was asked about, but the new sign shows the next part of the story anyway?

I’m wondering what you think about the idea that since he, a feminine body, moves on to conjunct Mars in Scorpio (exact opposite Uranus and conjunct Merc) a masculine planet/sign with two aspects that indicate homosexuality.. This might show something else. Mars rules his 5th house of sex.

Furthermore, Mars rules his 10th. I know this is getting away from the question so can I analyse that? ...A conjunction with Mars in its domicile, while he’s in fall *and* via combusta, could mean big trouble in work.. Mercury is in contact with Mars, and rules his 12th of downfall and enemies, and 3rd of communication. Merc *has* been in contact with Mars (during the retrograde) but is getting away from the situation now, and Mars is basically waiting for Moon.

I know I’m going a bit far with this but while I want to just wish him the best and forget it all, it would so help to know that even if he’s ditching me for someone else, it won’t go well.. and that his dishonesty and shady practices in work might catch up to him, and check his selfishness and arrogance. Also, if he was really more gay than he let on, I would feel less hurt and more smart like.. it’s not me, and I knew it

This isn’t to say “pls tell me those things” if you don’t agree!

Anyway, sorry for the long post. These charts that I’m more interested in studying really help to learn so many new parts of horary :) and to process / understand / accept my situation of course
Obviously you're struggling to have peace in your heart about this.
If we keep in mind his ethnic background, and his connections (not everyone agrees with my reading, but I stand by it, he does have connections), very probably he will choose someone from his culture, rather than you. These values supersede any feelings he may have for you. It isn't you, it's the cultural link that is missing.
Remember in the original chart you are cazimi, which is protective of you. The separation is in reality saving you. Try to move on, try not to think about him any more. Consider it as a beautiful experience that helped you grow, and you will be better prepared for a future relationship because of it. It wasn't you, it was the situation. Mentally close the door. Peace.