Do aspects have to be applying to be a ‘yes’ answer

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Obviously you're struggling to have peace in your heart about this.
If we keep in mind his ethnic background, and his connections (not everyone agrees with my reading, but I stand by it, he does have connections), very probably he will choose someone from his culture, rather than you. These values supersede any feelings he may have for you. It isn't you, it's the cultural link that is missing.
Remember in the original chart you are cazimi, which is protective of you. The separation is in reality saving you. Try to move on, try not to think about him any more. Consider it as a beautiful experience that helped you grow, and you will be better prepared for a future relationship because of it. It wasn't you, it was the situation. Mentally close the door. Peace.
Something about the way you worded that rang true. I don’t know why I haven’t before but I just looked up the syndicates by region and there is a very strong and violent group in his exact area, with major affiliations in the cities he travels to regularly for ‘meetings’, and a speciality in laundering. I suspected it before but I feel like someone just turned on the light.. so many other things suddenly make sense.. thanks ElanaJ
Not gonna keep posting about this topic I promise but if anyone wants to comment on my previous post and interpretation of the story, I would still like to know if I’m analysing a chart with the right idea or not
Moon separating from Saturn square says it all. That's an unsympathetic square, as opposed to a sympathetic square. The difference being a sympathetic square in any chart indicates a conflict, contention, challenge, difficulty, obstacle, issue etc etc which can be resolved, although not always exactly the way you want, while an unsympathetic square can never be resolved.

It's also a left-hand square and not a right-hand square and in this instance that's good for him, but not for you.

What is a sympathetic square? Can you also explain more of the left-hand, right-hand square?

Good for learning. Tks!
Not gonna keep posting about this topic I promise but if anyone wants to comment on my previous post and interpretation of the story, I would still like to know if I’m analysing a chart with the right idea or not

I'm trying to read this chart very simply according to your question. Will he go back to his ex?

I see L1 as you which L7 separates from. This aptly describes your breakup. Is he(Moon) moving towards anyone? Yes, to Venus and Jupiter by sextile with Moon in Venus' rulership so Moon is attracted. Since your qn is about his ex and not some other random gal, then I would think Venus is his ex.

But their patch-back may be short-lived as Moon is changing sign soon going into detriment of Venus, indicating he will have a change of heart.

I don't see Mars as another woman. Rather, it may represent strife in this chart.
What is a sympathetic square? Can you also explain more of the left-hand, right-hand square?

Good for learning. Tks!

There are "dexter" = to the right, i.e squares which can be read as positive and almost the same as trines.

There are "sinister" = to the left, i.e squares which are (as their name suggests) sinister and negative.

This can affect an interpretation, of course. If it's an applying "bad" square with no reception, it's pretty difficult. If it's a "good" applying square with no reception it's a situation that can be some help, and if it's a square with reception, it can be an even better outcome.

I know that doesn't answer your question in entirety and with examples, but I suggest you look up the words "sinister aspects" and "dexter aspects" in a good teaching text with examples or on website. You'll also find there a table showing the quality of aspect with or without reception to help in interpretation.
However, in understanding aspects and their relative impacts, I think it's a bit more simple to first understand the speed of the planets and their moieties (i.e the degrees allowable by both planets involved.)

I've summarised here -
Moon is fastest moving planet - moiety is 6 deg15mins
Mercury is next quickest moving - moiety is 3deg30mins
Venus is next quickest moving - moiety is 4 deg
Sun is next quickest moving - moiety is 8deg30mins
Mars is next - 3deg45mins
Jupiter is next - 6 deg
Saturn is slowest - 5 deg.

Moon can apply to all the planets and she can of course separate from all of them too. But the other planets cannot apply to Moon.
Venus can apply to Sun, but Sun cannot apply to Venus.
Jupiter can apply to Saturn but Saturn cannot apply to Jupiter (or Venus or any of the other planets.)

Keep this info close by when learning Horary. It's important till you get to memorise it all, I'd suggest. _____
There are "dexter" = to the right, i.e squares which can be read as positive and almost the same as trines.

There are "sinister" = to the left, i.e squares which are (as their name suggests) sinister and negative.

This can affect an interpretation, of course. If it's an applying "bad" square with no reception, it's pretty difficult. If it's a "good" applying square with no reception it's a situation that can be some help, and if it's a square with reception, it can be an even better outcome. [/b]

Thanks for the explanation. So Moon in Pisces square L7 Sag Sun is a dexter square, right? Sun has mild reception towards Moon (by Face). In this case the square is still helpful?
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Thanks for the explanation. So Moon in Pisces square L7 Sag Sun is a dexter square, right? Sun has mild reception towards Moon (by Face). In this case the square is still helpful?

Yes and yes - PROVIDED THAT the degrees of the 2 planets are within their moiety.

For instance, if Moon in Pisces was at 25deg and Sun in Sag was at 14 deg, then there is NOT an applying aspect and 'dexter' or sympathetic square is irrelevant in Horary.

Moon at later degrees than Sun is not applying so you need to check the degrees and see which planets are in close degrees (e.g within about 5 degrees).
Then, before you consider the Signs they're in, you need to see whether or not the planet has any dignity or not in that Sign because that also influences the positivity or negativity of the outcome.

This quote from Professor Ben Dykes book Traditional Astrology for Today, An Introduction should help you. It's a fairly inexpensive little book and contains a great deal of useful information.

You might find his definition of "Applying, application" useful:

When a planet is in a state of connection, moving so as to make the connection exact. Planets assembled together or in aspect by sign and not yet connected by the relevant degrees, are only "wanting" to be connected.