Do I have a potential to do well in life?

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Apr 12, 2018

I am right now getting very close now to the point of my life when I am supposed to reach a real "adult life", meaning to just become completely independent. Although I am quite worried about this change, I am planning to make a really big I am turning to you with question if someone could look into my chart and try to hint me if I have a potential to do well in life? or just any insight about if I should be careful about something.

I very much appreciate every help.


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I am right now getting very close now to the point of my life when I am supposed to reach a real "adult life", meaning to just become completely independent. Although I am quite worried about this change, I am planning to make a really big I am turning to you with question if someone could look into my chart and try to hint me if I have a potential to do well in life? or just any insight about if I should be careful about something.

I very much appreciate every help.

Of course you'll be succesful my dear! Silly question, as far as looking out for something I'm not sure what you mean, do you have a specific question in mind? Your chart screams issues w/women in your home/romantic sector - but, that could just have been having a mom that smoothered you or was absent - do you have a certain question that's more specific?

Looking at your 2nd it's in Virgo, you're a good worker - Mercury is in the 1st which is in Leo - you might be famous or do great in some form of artistic exspression or writing (merc rules writing) and leo rules music, theater and fine arts, including dance!
My stupid post got deleted cause I went back to look at your house rulers.

Anyway long story short, Sun is in GREAT shape ruling AND conjunct the ascendant, you’re probably extremely attractive and freckled and blonde or red head or something with a nice round head. My Sun rules my Descendant and is conjunct it, in Leo. So I’d probably be extremely into you since my “other” in my chart is exactly what your ascendant (you) is. The ruler of the ascendant in a chart is YOU. So you’re probably authoritative, but sweet and kind. People probably love you. And you’re probably really healthy too.

Mercury is also nice. He is Domicile, Exaltation AND Term (like mine) but yours rules 2, 3, and 11. You’ll be great with money, and you probably have nice friends, and siblings (maybe, I don’t know though). Him being under the horizon kind of isn’t as potent as above the horizon.

Jupiter is also good. He is in Domicile ruling the 5th, 8th and 9th from the 5th. You probably love sports and competition. You’re probably very good at them. You’ll probably profit off of university and other people’s money, maybe. I’m too lazy to look at aspects.

Be careful of Venus, Mars, and Saturn. Venus is good but not so good. People might be annoyed with you because you’re better than them. I’m just throwing ideas out there. Mars is in fall in 3rd, at least he is cadent. You might have brothers that are jerks, or not so fortunate. Or bad neighbors. Saturn is Rx in Pisces in 9th, so maybe be careful with university since he is there. At least your malefics are stuffed away in weaker houses. He doesn’t see his house ruler though (Jupiter) so he might not get any help while he is floundering about.

I never know how to translate the Moon. So yeah.

You can probably be a painter, or a model. I’m just remember Andy Warhol’s first house.

Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. You have a handful of good.
hope helps reflect and pick as relevant and integrate,

jup lord 9th for luck own sag 4th, advisory aptitudes;
aptitudes for medicine, law-justice, philosophy;

growth-riches through knowledge roles;

seek blessings of saint of your faith,
offer yellow flowers thurs mornings;
wear yellow sapphire over jup finger;

jup now transit scorpio for research-occult,
jup scorpio trine pisces 9th for luckp-edu;
jup now retro for 4-5m reviewing-delaying things;

sun-venus own leo asc, high self-pride,
individualistic, sensitive; artistic aptitudes,
impressive personality, appreciation of inner beauty,
health issues during infancy probably,
venus combust, needing zinc supplements,
wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum pendant;

rahu now transit sun-venus leo asc, clouding things,
tending to foriegn lands and relationship probably;
while care for toxic health issues of heart-stomach-kidneys etc;

mer elevated virgo first house,
critical thinking, intellectual,

mer zero deg, wear green emerald over pendant;

growth-riches through intellectual pursuits;
mer-sat opp negotiation skills, tactical;

prone to chronic skin issues however;

moon acq 6th, diplomatic aptitudes, reformist;
prone to circulatory-lung-intestinal health issues;

ketu separative node now 1.5yr transit moon-acq 6th,
pain-injury-surgery intestinal-heart-lungs-legs-sciatica etc;
accident prone, job separation;

mars 3rd courageous, accident prone;
mars aspect own aries 9th protective of luck-edu-travels,
but may not be good for health of father;
jup too aspecting aries 9th and sun-venus leo asc, protective;
mars elevated aspect over cap 6th for health-employment;

sat lord 6th over 8th, success amidst adversity,
prone to chronic urological health issues, constipation, feet, etc;
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

sat now transit cap 5th, seeking change but feeling stuck perhaps;
later sat transit own cap 6th good for health-employment prospects,
and success through adversity;

ketu SNode impulsive aries 10th, hyper-impulsive, career-job changes;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers tues mornings;

do share pointwise feedbacks, how true-insightful-helpful etc etc,
talents-traits-health-prospects-plans etc etc

wishing well with jupiter,

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Of course you'll be succesful my dear! Silly question, as far as looking out for something I'm not sure what you mean, do you have a specific question in mind? Your chart screams issues w/women in your home/romantic sector - but, that could just have been having a mom that smoothered you or was absent - do you have a certain question that's more specific?

Looking at your 2nd it's in Virgo, you're a good worker - Mercury is in the 1st which is in Leo - you might be famous or do great in some form of artistic exspression or writing (merc rules writing) and leo rules music, theater and fine arts, including dance!

First of all, thank you very much! I can see what you're no talking about - not surprised about the trouble with women in my home, it is definitely spot on. But what made me really happy is that said that actually there is writing or art in my chart - I am planning to work with literature and would love to become a theater/literary critic. If I had to be more specific about what I'd love to have answered, I am planning to move to a different country to achieve my job plans and life plans, although most of my family do not trust that I can make a sustainable living in the field I am studying I guess my question would be if I have some future abroad?
Thank you very much
My stupid post got deleted cause I went back to look at your house rulers.

Anyway long story short, Sun is in GREAT shape ruling AND conjunct the ascendant, you’re probably extremely attractive and freckled and blonde or red head or something with a nice round head. My Sun rules my Descendant and is conjunct it, in Leo. So I’d probably be extremely into you since my “other” in my chart is exactly what your ascendant (you) is. The ruler of the ascendant in a chart is YOU. So you’re probably authoritative, but sweet and kind. People probably love you. And you’re probably really healthy too.

Mercury is also nice. He is Domicile, Exaltation AND Term (like mine) but yours rules 2, 3, and 11. You’ll be great with money, and you probably have nice friends, and siblings (maybe, I don’t know though). Him being under the horizon kind of isn’t as potent as above the horizon.

Jupiter is also good. He is in Domicile ruling the 5th, 8th and 9th from the 5th. You probably love sports and competition. You’re probably very good at them. You’ll probably profit off of university and other people’s money, maybe. I’m too lazy to look at aspects.

Be careful of Venus, Mars, and Saturn. Venus is good but not so good. People might be annoyed with you because you’re better than them. I’m just throwing ideas out there. Mars is in fall in 3rd, at least he is cadent. You might have brothers that are jerks, or not so fortunate. Or bad neighbors. Saturn is Rx in Pisces in 9th, so maybe be careful with university since he is there. At least your malefics are stuffed away in weaker houses. He doesn’t see his house ruler though (Jupiter) so he might not get any help while he is floundering about.

I never know how to translate the Moon. So yeah.

You can probably be a painter, or a model. I’m just remember Andy Warhol’s first house.

Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. You have a handful of good.

Thank you so much, that has been a great help!
hope helps reflect and pick as relevant and integrate,

jup lord 9th for luck own sag 4th, advisory aptitudes;
aptitudes for medicine, law-justice, philosophy;
growth-riches through knowledge roles;
seek blessings of saint of your faith,
offer yellow flowers thurs mornings;
wear yellow sapphire over jup finger;

jup now transit scorpio for research-occult,
jup scorpio trine pisces 9th for luckp-edu;
jup now retro for 4-5m reviewing-delaying things;

sun-venus own leo asc, high self-pride,
individualistic, sensitive; artistic aptitudes,
impressive personality, appreciation of inner beauty,
health issues during infancy probably,
venus combust, needing zinc supplements,
wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum pendant;

rahu now transit sun-venus leo asc, clouding things,
tending to foriegn lands and relationship probably;
while care for toxic health issues of heart-stomach-kidneys etc;

mer elevated virgo first house,
critical thinking, intellectual,

mer zero deg, wear green emerald over pendant;
growth-riches through intellectual pursuits;
mer-sat opp negotiation skills, tactical;
prone to chronic skin issues however;

moon acq 6th, diplomatic aptitudes, reformist;
prone to circulatory-lung-intestinal health issues;

ketu separative node now 1.5yr transit moon-acq 6th,
pain-injury-surgery intestinal-heart-lungs-legs-sciatica etc;
accident prone, job separation;

mars 3rd courageous, accident prone;
mars aspect own aries 9th protective of luck-edu-travels,
but may not be good for health of father;
jup too aspecting aries 9th and sun-venus leo asc, protective;
mars elevated aspect over cap 6th for health-employment;

sat lord 6th over 8th, success amidst adversity,
prone to chronic urological health issues, constipation, feet, etc;
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

sat now transit cap 5th, seeking change but feeling stuck perhaps;
later sat transit own cap 6th good for health-employment prospects,
and success through adversity;

ketu SNode impulsive aries 10th, hyper-impulsive, career-job changes;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers tues mornings;

do share pointwise feedbacks, how true-insightful-helpful etc etc,
talents-traits-health-prospects-plans etc etc

wishing well with jupiter,

Thank you so much kshantaram! Definitely some on the things you described were spot on, especially what you said about the meaning of sun-venus, that perfectly describes my personality, however I often feel shy about showing these qualities to others and rather sometimes pretend to not have them - is there some reason for it in my chart?
Also its strange that in my chart it is also that I tend to foreign lands and relationships, which is absolutely true. What kind of worries me is the amount of health concerns in my chart, of course I know about many of them which just makes me question whether the other ones are going to come, especially the lungs (no problem with them even in my family).
Once again, thank you very much!
First of all, thank you very much! I can see what you're no talking about - not surprised about the trouble with women in my home, it is definitely spot on. But what made me really happy is that said that actually there is writing or art in my chart - I am planning to work with literature and would love to become a theater/literary critic. If I had to be more specific about what I'd love to have answered, I am planning to move to a different country to achieve my job plans and life plans, although most of my family do not trust that I can make a sustainable living in the field I am studying I guess my question would be if I have some future abroad?
Thank you very much

Certainly when you're older - living abroad at retirement age. Your chart does indicate travel - but in shorter burst than traditional living. Perhaps you'll travel a great deal and then retire abroad thanks to your planet in Sagittarius - seems likely. FYI living abroad is relatively cheap - depending on where you choose to go and their are many grants available to those that are academics and writers, I have a friend that spent a decade globe-trotting all financed by grants!
Certainly when you're older - living abroad at retirement age. Your chart does indicate travel - but in shorter burst than traditional living. Perhaps you'll travel a great deal and then retire abroad thanks to your planet in Sagittarius - seems likely. FYI living abroad is relatively cheap - depending on where you choose to go and their are many grants available to those that are academics and writers, I have a friend that spent a decade globe-trotting all financed by grants!

Once again, thank you very much!
appreciate the prompt ack.

how about feedbacks on talents-traits etc etc,
if could share pointwise feedbacks how true etc

how did the reading help you about doing well in life!

wishing well again with jupiter,


Oh I think a lot of things are kind of truth in what you analyzed. Not sure about medicine or law - never was really interested in fields like that but only because it scares me how much you hold someone else's life and future in your hands. It really helped you mentioned, I have been kinda feeling stuck at one place for a long time and I am seeking change - I think your analysis just helped to get confidence and affirmation of who I really am...thank you!