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My stupid post got deleted cause I went back to look at your house rulers.

Anyway long story short, Sun is in GREAT shape ruling AND conjunct the ascendant, you’re probably extremely attractive and freckled and blonde or red head or something with a nice round head. My Sun rules my Descendant and is conjunct it, in Leo. So I’d probably be extremely into you since my “other” in my chart is exactly what your ascendant (you) is. The ruler of the ascendant in a chart is YOU. So you’re probably authoritative, but sweet and kind. People probably love you. And you’re probably really healthy too.

Mercury is also nice. He is Domicile, Exaltation AND Term (like mine) but yours rules 2, 3, and 11. You’ll be great with money, and you probably have nice friends, and siblings (maybe, I don’t know though). Him being under the horizon kind of isn’t as potent as above the horizon.

Jupiter is also good. He is in Domicile ruling the 5th, 8th and 9th from the 5th. You probably love sports and competition. You’re probably very good at them. You’ll probably profit off of university and other people’s money, maybe. I’m too lazy to look at aspects.

Be careful of Venus, Mars, and Saturn. Venus is good but not so good. People might be annoyed with you because you’re better than them. I’m just throwing ideas out there. Mars is in fall in 3rd, at least he is cadent. You might have brothers that are jerks, or not so fortunate. Or bad neighbors. Saturn is Rx in Pisces in 9th, so maybe be careful with university since he is there. At least your malefics are stuffed away in weaker houses. He doesn’t see his house ruler though (Jupiter) so he might not get any help while he is floundering about.

I never know how to translate the Moon. So yeah.

You can probably be a painter, or a model. I’m just remember Andy Warhol’s first house.

Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. You have a handful of good.
