Do I have psoriatic / rheumatoid arthritis?

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Have you been to a doctor re this already?

I am looking at the Moon, which is strong and separating in a trine to Merc (you). This tells me that your constitution basically is fine. However, Moon will then move to an opp. with Jup, which is in fall in Capricorn, a sign that is connected with joints and bones. From Jup it then transfers to the Sun in Libra, which rules the end of the matter and also is in fall. Any issues you find developing with esp. your lower half - hips/thighs or lumbar vertabrae?
See if you can see a doctor. If you are just starting with any complaints, then best to get yourself examined early in the day itself. Given the strong Moon in Cancer, there is a good chance to catch any issues and mitigate them before they get troublesome.
Hello VenusInFurs :) I’m sorry for your predicament. I understand that finding out about this stuff could be worrisome. I am sending positivity your direction :biggrin: I would like to make note of an interesting connection here.

The planet Saturn, which has associations to the skin and Capricorn that has associations to the knees. To start, Capricorn is in Jupiter and that would be consider debilitated (I am currently studying someone who has a depilated Jupiter in Capricorn naturally :) ), which could be the cause for the swelling in the knee area. I have recently found that Jupiter has associations to inflammation and Capricorn represents in regards to the body our knees, ankles, and bones. It is aspecting Mars too so, I can see how that can be a challenge in that area.

I just found it interesting how that your knees are swelling, and that is a similar trait I found to be with the individual chart that I’ve been looking at.
Yes, Moon in the 2nd certainly could point towards the quality of the food intake. You should certainly pay attn. to it. I see little point in continuing with other planets because in Horary you see the immediate aspect the important significator and the Moon make. The only reason I brought in the Sun is because it rules end of the matter and it seemed to be ooo ting towards issues with the lower half joints. Merc going rx could also point towards you returning to a previous health issue - autoimmune issues it seems or if you have previously also had joint issues.
You might want to look at what Merc, Moon and the Asc ruler in your natal/ progressed charts are doing. As a Cap Sun, bones and joints are your vulnerable areas anyway, but you are pretty young to develop chronic joint issues yet.
Oh and believe you me that you are pretty lucky to be in the UK with the NHS there to always help.
Thank you both. Yes, it's worrying as it seems I'm vulnerable to developing autoimmune conditions. I am also a Capricorn sun and in my mid-30's.

Can anyone else add further insight into the Moon squares/opps to Mars, Sun, Jupiter and Pluto? Moon in the second, could diet be contributing to internal inflammation? I see mercury will turn retrograde on Oct 13th too.

I'll be contacting my dermatologist on Monday. In the UK, a lot of community services still aren't offering face to face appointments due to covid.
Merc rx and Merc being you points at you returning to a previously troubling condition and as you have confirmed in multiple posts, you feel your autoimmune issues are cropping up (or flaring up) again. Ask your doc what you should avoid diet wise that triggers autoimmune issues. Stick to that. With the North Node in the 1st house, make your health your primary focus.
Yes, I think I need to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet. Good point re. sun, no past joint problems. Autoimmune disorders can flare, maybe the retrograde Merc is representative of a flare?

Just to make a point on Mercury in scorpio in the 6th. In August I was prescribed a medication that stimulates the immune system related to my sexual organs - after using this my diagnosed autoimmune conditions have flared.

And yes, the UK has the wonderful NHS. I wouldn't like to think where I would be without the access - and this is where my anxiety comes from, thinking about how people in countries like the US lose everything for excessive health costs.