Do these aspects indicate shyness or self-absorption?

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Rageypoo - THANK YOU for the pictures! The planets were a little hard to make out so I wasn't sure what the houses were hence I don't have much to add to your interpretation but I still appreciate the thought and effort behind it. Transiting planets are also a little confusing for me at this stage but I'll get there eventually! You also mentioned I have a bunch of trines and unless you were talking about Transits, I have to say I don't see them. I see my moon trines, chiron trines with true node and a trine with my MC but that's it. I also didn't include any asteroids, so perhaps that's what you meant.

Astrologer50 - I wasn't sure if you were saying I didn't have a T-Square or Ragey didn't but if it was directed towards me what about my moon/pluto opposition angling with my moon trines (and it appears a trine with pluto)? That doesn't form a T-square?
Rageypoo - THANK YOU for the pictures! The planets were a little hard to make out so I wasn't sure what the houses were hence I don't have much to add to your interpretation but I still appreciate the thought and effort behind it. Transiting planets are also a little confusing for me at this stage but I'll get there eventually! You also mentioned I have a bunch of trines and unless you were talking about Transits, I have to say I don't see them. I see my moon trines, chiron trines with true node and a trine with my MC but that's it. I also didn't include any asteroids, so perhaps that's what you meant.

Astrologer50 - I wasn't sure if you were saying I didn't have a T-Square or Ragey didn't but if it was directed towards me what about my moon/pluto opposition angling with my moon trines (and it appears a trine with pluto)? That doesn't form a T-square?
Nope sorry

your oposition would have to have a third planet making a 90' to both planets and it doesn't :biggrin:
T Pluto may not get to your Asc for couple of years off yet hon...

I know :sad: Dec 2012 it will at least be out of my 12th house finally, It hasn't been a fun time to say the least.

I can however see you have had a tough time with T saturn opp venus/mars conjunction. Also next year T Uranus will conj mars affecting venus to and this could (see this word?) cause bad temper, accidents and broken relationships

Yea, I'm not too happy right now...I seem to be attracting some unwanted behavior, lost 2 friends back to back in the last 3 days alone.

one of them borrowed my sweatshirt without asking, and said she'd wash it and return it, a week later, she brought it to her bf's house (a great friend of mine) and wile I was sitting down chatting with him, she plopped it on the arm of the couch where I was sitting, sipped her smoothie and just plain didn't care that it wasn't clean. I asked her if she washed it because it was...dirty, and she said "I don't give a ***"

She has NEVER talked to me like this! ever!! Sure, this is a tiny thing and not a big deal to most, but to have her treat me like that? Do friends talk to other friends this way? I wasn't having it.

My other friend made plans to come visit me, I made plans for the weekend for us since she lives 4 hours away and I wanted to make it special, she was suppose to come on a Thursday and even made a big deal out of it on Facebook, yknow the whole "yea 2 more days and we see eachother wooooo!"

thursday came and she said she went out wednesday night with friends and was still a lil hung over so she would come later in the day... Friday came and she wouldn't respond to my texts, just completely ignored me. she was on Facebook plenty of times and simply ignored me to face the responsibility! I don't warrant this disrespectful behavior, after the 3rd day of being ignored I had enough, so I ended the friendships.

Neither one of them showed any remorse for their actions.

I'm constantly being forced to defend myself, I've let these actions go in the past but for some reason I'm getting tired of it and want to fight, I"m getting more and more confrontational everyday and it isn't fun!

To help counter the balance of uranus on mars,I am taking up some sports, reconditioning my body, and keeping the focus on myself and school as much as possible. as for Venus...I don't mind if old and stale relationships go, I'd rather have the new and exciting relationships than friends who think they can treat me this way.
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one of them borrowed my sweatshirt without asking, and said she'd wash it and return it, a week later, she brought it to her bf's house (a great friend of mine) and wile I was sitting down chatting with him, she plopped it on the arm of the couch where I was sitting, sipped her smoothie and just plain didn't care that it wasn't clean. I asked her if she washed it because it was...dirty, and she said "I don't give a ***"

She has NEVER talked to me like this! ever!! Sure, this is a tiny thing and not a big deal to most, but to have her treat me like that? Do friends talk to other friends this way? I wasn't having it.

Is this the Cancer descendant nature shining through?
Is this the Cancer descendant nature shining through?

I dunno, to me a cancer descendant trait would be to just tolerate it, but if we account the fact that cancer is ruled by moon, then I'm being too emotional about it?

even that idea irks me, its like no matter what way I look or approach the situation, I feel like a bad guy for being upset at a person being a complete tool to me.

anyways, don't want to take away from your thread, accidentally went off track there
I dunno, to me a cancer descendant trait would be to just tolerate it, but if we account the fact that cancer is ruled by moon, then I'm being too emotional about it?

even that idea irks me, its like no matter what way I look or approach the situation, I feel like a bad guy for being upset at a person being a complete tool to me.

anyways, don't want to take away from your thread, accidentally went off track there

Oh no, it's fine! This is really interesting to me because it very, very much sounds like my ex. If I'm being frank, you're overreacting a little about the sweater. I'm not saying your friend is right because she should've cleaned it like you asked and furthermore at least faked a little remorse for the sake of diplomacy when you called her on it. However, instead of cutting her off you could just not let her borrow your stuff again and leave it at that while still being her friend. Now, how does this tie in? Well, my good sir, because my ex had Capricorn rising, Leo sun, Sag Moon, Merc Cancer, Venus in Leo, and Mars in Leo. With his Cap rising, he also has a Cancer Descendent and he too would get very emotional about things between us that I didn't really understand why. At first I thought "Oh I don't like Cap/Leos", then I thought "Oh it must be the Sag moon." which it kind of is because I think the Sag moon would just exaggerate the Cancer desc., you know? But now... now I see... it is the Cancer Descendent that triggered his reactions! Except he wasn't as nice as you are. Then again, you're an Aquarius and he was a Leo so maybe the risings give different affects to different signs.
Oh no, it's fine! This is really interesting to me because it very, very much sounds like my ex. If I'm being frank, you're overreacting a little about the sweater. I'm not saying your friend is right because she should've cleaned it like you asked and furthermore at least faked a little remorse for the sake of diplomacy when you called her on it. However, instead of cutting her off you could just not let her borrow your stuff again and leave it at that while still being her friend. Now, how does this tie in? Well, my good sir, because my ex had Capricorn rising, Leo sun, Sag Moon, Merc Cancer, Venus in Leo, and Mars in Leo. With his Cap rising, he also has a Cancer Descendent and he too would get very emotional about things between us that I didn't really understand why. At first I thought "Oh I don't like Cap/Leos", then I thought "Oh it must be the Sag moon." which it kind of is because I think the Sag moon would just exaggerate the Cancer desc., you know? But now... now I see... it is the Cancer Descendent that triggered his reactions! Except he wasn't as nice as you are. Then again, you're an Aquarius and he was a Leo so maybe the risings give different affects to different signs.

Oh, well thank you! maybe I am too quick to cut off...sigh i should work on that. My good friend said to me (to fix the situation) that next time I see her, I should look at something she is wearing (like a sweatshirt) and say "hey, can i borrow that?" and it would make her remember how poorly she handled my stuff and treated me, he's a scorpio, of course :joyful::joyful:
LMA, if you SEE ragey natal chart, he has really quite bad aspects connected to relationships, but karma wise perhaps this is what his soul has chosen to laern this time around...
Oh, well thank you! maybe I am too quick to cut off...sigh i should work on that. My good friend said to me (to fix the situation) that next time I see her, I should look at something she is wearing (like a sweatshirt) and say "hey, can i borrow that?" and it would make her remember how poorly she handled my stuff and treated me, he's a scorpio, of course :joyful::joyful:

ROFL... sounds like my Scorpio best friend too! They think tit-for-tat is the only way... ugh. Anyway, explain to me. Why ARE you so quick to cut someone off?
ROFL... sounds like my Scorpio best friend too! They think tit-for-tat is the only way... ugh. Anyway, explain to me. Why ARE you so quick to cut someone off?

More than likely the abusive behavior of my mother, I don't want it, if I see it happen from others I correct it, if it continues even once more I cut off.

Keep in mind too, u am aquarius, we like to validate correct human behavior, though we can sometimes have an ivory tower perception. I personally would not want to associate myself who tells me they don't give a **** (f word) when I bring an issue that is important to me, and they are in the wrong. It isn't what I want in my life.
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More than likely the abusive behavior of my mother, I don't want it, if I see it happen from others I correct it, if it continues even once more I cut off.

Keep in mind too, u am aquarius, we like to validate correct human behavior, though we can sometimes have an ivory tower perception. I personally would not want to associate myself who tells me they don't give a **** (f word) when I bring an issue that is important to me, and they are in the wrong. It isn't what I want in my life.

I can understand that, I guess I look at like that's something you should've recognized in the beginning when you were getting to know them. Then again maybe you haven't known her that long. I also think it's interesting because I'm loyal to people even when they're shitheads and they're loyal to me so I wonder what part of you attracted that kind of behavior? Could it be a part of yourself you repress?

AND fun fact for the day, I'm starting to get a revamped view of Aquarius'. I think a new book needs to be written about the zodiac signs in fact. They seem to paint them as these eccentric, independent lab scientists but (as you've stated) most Aquarius' I meet are not rebellious or anti-authority. It's funny because I know two Aquarius' in law enforcement and another one who I used to work with that was ALWAYS trying to correct me (drove me nuts). Who would've known!
I can understand that, I guess I look at like that's something you should've recognized in the beginning when you were getting to know them. Then again maybe you haven't known her that long. I also think it's interesting because I'm loyal to people even when they're shitheads and they're loyal to me so I wonder what part of you attracted that kind of behavior? Could it be a part of yourself you repress? [it has been my personal experience, that they are not loyal to me if I was to ever disrespect someone like that, UNLESS I actively apologized or put in effort to rectify the situation]

AND fun fact for the day, I'm starting to get a revamped view of Aquarius'. I think a new book needs to be written about the zodiac signs in fact. They seem to paint them as these eccentric, independent lab scientists but (as you've stated) most Aquarius' I meet are not rebellious or anti-authority. It's funny because I know two Aquarius' in law enforcement and another one who I used to work with that was ALWAYS trying to correct me (drove me nuts). Who would've known! i'm sure you know by now, an Aries is never what society pegs them to be, nor is a libra a libra, or aquarius aquarian, we are all different, with similar but not exactly the same aspects to our sun sign. everyone has different rulers, different aspects, hard or soft, and conjunctions and oppositions and yada yada. Not every scorpio is a sexual deviant, but they sure know a lot about it!

I didn't know her that long (a month?) im very loyal, trust me there are many other factors that I took into account. (she is foreign, and moving away in a month, and my friend the scorpio who is dating her isn't serious about her, so it isn't a connection I'd keep, she was sweet before she came here, she was sweet the first 2 weeks I knew her, we would work out together, talk and get ice cream, visit shops, it was great, but she idolizes American life, and believes now that every girl needs to be skinny, with their hair colored, promiscuous, socialite, mean and rude, apparently this is how foreigners see us, god bless hollywood)

The girl with the sweatshirt had over a week to return it (we saw eachother lots of times between then) and the girl who flaked did it once before, and I gave the benifit of the doubt that time, but she waited till the very last day to call the first time and cancel, which is fine, at least she called! this second time she has not called, and avoided me for the last 5 days, I sent her a text asking her to get in touch with me since I hadn't heard from her...she is older than me, it's kind of childish behavior.

When someone puts forth an effort, I LOVE to forgive, it shows commitment, loyalty, equality, fairness...

it's when they plop my stuff down and tell me "hey buddy i don't care how you feel" that it's a bit unsettling, its not like they are having a bad day and need a pass, they are being deliberate in their behavior.

god having a virgo moon is difficult.
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I didn't know her that long (a month?) im very loyal, trust me there are many other factors that I took into account. (she is foreign, and moving away in a month, and my friend the scorpio who is dating her isn't serious about her, so it isn't a connection I'd keep, she was sweet before she came here, she was sweet the first 2 weeks I knew her, we would work out together, talk and get ice cream, visit shops, it was great, but she idolizes American life, and believes now that every girl needs to be skinny, with their hair colored, promiscuous, socialite, mean and rude, apparently this is how foreigners see us, god bless hollywood)

The girl with the sweatshirt had over a week to return it (we saw eachother lots of times between then) and the girl who flaked did it once before, and I gave the benifit of the doubt that time, but she waited till the very last day to call the first time and cancel, which is fine, at least she called! this second time she has not called, and avoided me for the last 5 days, I sent her a text asking her to get in touch with me since I hadn't heard from her...she is older than me, it's kind of childish behavior.

When someone puts forth an effort, I LOVE to forgive, it shows commitment, loyalty, equality, fairness...

it's when they plop my stuff down and tell me "hey buddy i don't care how you feel" that it's a bit unsettling, its not like they are having a bad day and need a pass, they are being deliberate in their behavior.

god having a virgo moon is difficult.

I can see why you would get along with women so well, you come across as really mellow and sensitive.

And eye roll at the hollywood reference. The older I get, the more I'd rather move to a foreign country.
I can see why you would get along with women so well, you come across as really mellow and sensitive.

And eye roll at the hollywood reference. The older I get, the more I'd rather move to a foreign country.

Thanks, I may seem like it, and I usually am, but god help you if I'm provoked haha! (but I defend what is right, I don't like injustices, it hurts our development and the people around us, 1 bad apple ruins the barrel they say.)

I'm not happy with the hollywood thing either, but I'm not kidding, I live next to a hostle near a college, so many foreigners come and they seriously think that we are like everyone in the movies and TV shows, meet the kardashians is pretty much how they view us, and it isn't fun having to deal with it. It's really not so much that they view us like that, but that they try so hard to become it :sleeping: