Do you attract your south node signs? or north node signs?

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I’ve looked at Vedic chart just. Ooh i didn’t like it lol sag sun lmao Virgo rising and cancer moon. Can’t relate at all

lol, why it changes from what to what?
My planetary signs and SN/NN signs stays the same in both placidus and vedic but the sign in houses is different.
Hey PlutoLSA......

Personally i have always attracted and get attracted to Aries types. Loud aggressive cocky egotistical etc Aries is my descendant. However through the years I’m slowly moving from this and getting attracted to more intelligent calm ppl with ambition so still some Aries but without the ego and aggression.

I have heard before that one can attract south nodes too. My SN is Aquarius and I have had amazing Aquarius friends. Ones who I have had adventure and the best time of my life with however..... lol..... I couldn’t carry on with this fun as there was no limits therefore causing me to get no where in life in general. So I kind of know where you’re coming from with SN

Thanks for sharing your SN experience. Have you dated anyone that has heavy Aquarius in them especially in their personal planets?
lol, why it changes from what to what?
My planetary signs and SN/NN signs stays the same in both placidus and vedic but the sign in houses is different.

Wester libra rising Leo moon cap sun

Vedic Virgo rising cancer moon sag rising
Try Lada's one (vedic), see what you get.

Ok P so same as western only difference is my Nn Leo in 12th rather than 11th and sn in 6th. Oh and scorpio in 2nd rather than in 3rd intercepted sag 3rd. No interception just scorpio Uranus in 2nd and sag in 3rd with rest of the crew. I will have a read to see what it all means and let you know how I feel about it all. Now this changes things. Nn and sn was always 11th and 5th in western. Now 12th and 6th. Let’s see
I am Capricorn with cancer moon and north node in capricorn. South node in cancer. I have a ton of cancer friends. They always make me feel good, but I always felt like dating one or getting too close would be a nightmare. They def seem to just know when I’m going through something instinctively and the patterns I fall back on unhealthy or otherwise are very cancerian. Lately though I think because I’m going through my Saturn return I’m having to heal my cancer aspects and it’s been rewarding. I think you need a balance of both. That being said I don’t really get along with other Capricorn’s. I find them too cold. I’m a rising Gemini and I attract Sagittarius like crazy as friends and lovers. They seem to balance me out the best.
I am Capricorn with cancer moon and north node in capricorn. South node in cancer. I have a ton of cancer friends. They always make me feel good, but I always felt like dating one or getting too close would be a nightmare. They def seem to just know when I’m going through something instinctively and the patterns I fall back on unhealthy or otherwise are very cancerian. Lately though I think because I’m going through my Saturn return I’m having to heal my cancer aspects and it’s been rewarding. I think you need a balance of both. That being said I don’t really get along with other Capricorn’s. I find them too cold. I’m a rising Gemini and I attract Sagittarius like crazy as friends and lovers. They seem to balance me out the best.

Indeed, having cancer friends sounds very complementing to your moon in cancer in general but yeah when it comes to relationship, south node to moon is a tricky one... in this case, moon has to be checked if it's a waxing moon or waning moon in order to get some clue about this aspect's prospect.

Oh about capricorn, just to give you some bright side, my husband is a Capri dominant and saturn dominant. He is so serious and look cold in the public, to his mom, dad, relatives... but behind closed door at home, he is super sweet and affectionate like a little puppy, LOL. Completely different person when he walk out of the door!! lol. He couldn't help it, he is just being him. As long as he is a good person in the core, it doesn't matter to me. p/s: In this case, it reminds me that I just disagree with people calling gemini 2 faces, lol :w00t:. I think people has many faces in different settings, just saying since I brought up my husband's case, hehe :whistling:

Your NN is in Capri, what if you get a serious, rich, successful Capri but very sweet behind doors? who knows, hehe :joyful:
I am Capricorn with cancer moon and north node in capricorn. South node in cancer. I have a ton of cancer friends. They always make me feel good, but I always felt like dating one or getting too close would be a nightmare. They def seem to just know when I’m going through something instinctively and the patterns I fall back on unhealthy or otherwise are very cancerian. Lately though I think because I’m going through my Saturn return I’m having to heal my cancer aspects and it’s been rewarding. I think you need a balance of both. That being said I don’t really get along with other Capricorn’s. I find them too cold. I’m a rising Gemini and I attract Sagittarius like crazy as friends and lovers. They seem to balance me out the best.

Im a cap sun. I get on with other caps however like u I find them a bit cold and too regimented in their ways. I get on with air signs like a house on fire! 🔥
Indeed, having cancer friends sounds very complementing to your moon in cancer in general but yeah when it comes to relationship, south node to moon is a tricky one... in this case, moon has to be checked if it's a waxing moon or waning moon in order to get some clue about this aspect's prospect.

Oh about capricorn, just to give you some bright side, my husband is a Capri dominant and saturn dominant. He is so serious and look cold in the public, to his mom, dad, relatives... but behind closed door at home, he is super sweet and affectionate like a little puppy, LOL. Completely different person when he walk out of the door!! lol. He couldn't help it, he is just being him. As long as he is a good person in the core, it doesn't matter to me. p/s: In this case, it reminds me that I just disagree with people calling gemini 2 faces, lol :w00t:. I think people has many faces in different settings, just saying since I brought up my husband's case, hehe :whistling:

Your NN is in Capri, what if you get a serious, rich, successful Capri but very sweet behind doors? who knows, hehe :joyful:

Hahaha yes I feel like people might say the same about me!! I have sun/Venus/Saturn/north node in capricorn all in the 8th house! I freak myself out sometimes. But I am so warm when you get to know me. You’re right! My partner is a Sagittarius with capricorn rising, although it’s not a planet hitting mine, I think his outward expression vibes with my ego and north node. I recently had an experience with a triple cancer friend of mine, he made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. But I think it was fleeting. Healing even. In another reality perhaps lol
Im a cap sun. I get on with other caps however like u I find them a bit cold and too regimented in their ways. I get on with air signs like a house on fire! 🔥

Right?! Love my air and fire signs. Def breathe the right amount f movement into my often gloomy outlook!
Hey PlutoLSA......

Personally i have always attracted and get attracted to Aries types. Loud aggressive cocky egotistical etc Aries is my descendant.
We tend to attract, and be attracted to, people who reflect our descendant. That doesn't necessarily mean your DC sign is their sun sign, but they show you characteristics of your DC. And if it's not their sun sign, it's very common that it's their rising sign, moon sign, or a sign where they have planets. If it's none of those, then they show you the characteristics of your DC by manifesting other chart placements.

My 5deg south node is in 3rd house conjunct 9deg Uranus and 29deg Neptune.
It's not conjunct Neptune. That's much too wide an orb. It's also a wide orb with Uranus, but arguably a conjunction there.

My theory when I asked that question was that you had a seventh house SN, or maybe SN conjunct your seventh house ruler. Not the case. Third house is also a social house, but not in the same way as the seventh.

Where's your Jupiter? What aspects does it make? South node ruler may have something to do with this.

Idk... my descendent is Aries 7th house (vedic) , Taurus 7th (placidus) but I really don't encounter many of Aries nor Taurus in my life, those that I remember don't even exceed my 3 little fingers... and we're not even close. Is so happen that my husband is Aries rising, Taurus sun which is pretty surprising to me. And one best friend with Sun Aqua but moon Aries, may be this one? My mom has plenty Aries but we're not even that close... I only started to get one or two quite close friend Taurus after reaching age 25+. Other than my husband, Aries is still nil for me.
Are you considering your husband's, best friend's, and mom's Vedic charts, or Western charts?

To get accurate results out of chart comparison, you need to use the same system for both charts you're comparing. If you're using your Vedic chart but their Western charts, it's like comparing apples to oranges. For this purpose, you need to consider the other person's Vedic chart, not their Western one, if you're using your own Vedic chart. If you only know their Western charts, then use your own Western chart and look for Taurus indicators in the charts of the people in your life, not Aries.

And there's no way you know the full birth chart of everyone in your life. You probably have more people with Taurus and/or Aries placements in your life than you think. Without a full birth chart, you might not know anything but their sun sign, but sun sign in and of itself doesn't determine who we draw into our lives.
It's not conjunct Neptune. That's much too wide an orb. It's also a wide orb with Uranus, but arguably a conjunction there.
About Neptune degree, I doubted too but from 2 astrologers that I followed, one said doesn't matter the degree, same sign is conjunct. Another astrologer too, didn't ask me the degree, I just provide her the planets and sign and she answered me yes, is conjunct. May be outer planet should be judged differently, as in closer degrees?

Where's your Jupiter? What aspects does it make? South node ruler may have something to do with this.

Are you considering your husband's, best friend's, and mom's Vedic charts, or Western charts?

To get accurate results out of chart comparison, you need to use the same system for both charts you're comparing. If you're using your Vedic chart but their Western charts, it's like comparing apples to oranges. For this purpose, you need to consider the other person's Vedic chart, not their Western one, if you're using your own Vedic chart. If you only know their Western charts, then use your own Western chart and look for Taurus indicators in the charts of the people in your life, not Aries.

And there's no way you know the full birth chart of everyone in your life. You probably have more people with Taurus and/or Aries placements in your life than you think. Without a full birth chart, you might not know anything but their sun sign, but sun sign in and of itself doesn't determine who we draw into our lives.

My Jupiter is Retrograde in 4th house. My 7th house has no planets.

I use vedic for most people. The signs I've given of my husband, mom & best friend is from Vedic. My mom is Aries dominant and since a kid till adulthood, we're not close. My 2 bestfriend had Sun Aquarius, one has moon in Aries. Well, even as a kid, I don't have many friends in my life and I don't get close easily to people. In my small number of close friends, I don't see any Aries sun, I doubt any of them in the past is Aries rising because those that I get close to, are calm and gentle people. Anyway, i get your point, there could be a possibility to it if i have many friends but unfortunately I don't.
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One way i see it is that my south node is an open, moving thing and I am the one who’s not sufficiently centered enough to interact well with Sun / south friends. It’s not exactly they’re dragging me down though the result might be similar.
I try to collect sun / north node friends (it’s the easiest thing to identify). It’s not always a natural expression, the sun is so bright, & it’s probably the planet I have near the north node that flavors the interaction most strongly.
Wow thank you for this. Really made me see another way of weaving out the people bad for personal growth. I too, like the op, seem to attract people/want to be around people like this.
About Neptune degree, I doubted too but from 2 astrologers that I followed, one said doesn't matter the degree, same sign is conjunct. Another astrologer too, didn't ask me the degree, I just provide her the planets and sign and she answered me yes, is conjunct. May be outer planet should be judged differently, as in closer degrees?
Cohabitation in the same sign is different from conjunction by degree. But some astrologers call them both conjunction and don't bother to specify which one they mean. Kind of like saying "cousin" without specifying whether you're talking about a first cousin, second cousin, etc.

I only consider conjunctions by degree, which means they have to be close enough in orb to make a case that it's a conjunction. If it's up to five or six degrees, a case can be made, if we're talking about natal placements (conjunctions by transit require a much smaller orb to be felt), and if the sun or moon is involved, there's a case for considering it a conjunction if the orb is up to 8-10 degrees. But wider, no.

I use vedic for most people.
Are the positions you've given for your south node, Uranus, and Neptune from your Vedic chart, or your Western one? And what about your Jupiter--is fourth house its position in your Vedic chart, or Western?

Vedic astrology doesn't use Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.
Are the positions you've given for your south node, Uranus, and Neptune from your Vedic chart, or your Western one? And what about your Jupiter--is fourth house its position in your Vedic chart, or Western?

Vedic astrology doesn't use Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.

My vedic chart is from Astrologer Lada's website. Vedic chart here has uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The degrees I've given were all from this vedic chart. My Jupiter retrograde is at 5 degree 4th house Capricorn (Vedic).
Hahaha yes I feel like people might say the same about me!! I have sun/Venus/Saturn/north node in capricorn all in the 8th house! I freak myself out sometimes. But I am so warm when you get to know me. You’re right! My partner is a Sagittarius with capricorn rising, although it’s not a planet hitting mine, I think his outward expression vibes with my ego and north node. I recently had an experience with a triple cancer friend of mine, he made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. But I think it was fleeting. Healing even. In another reality perhaps lol

Wow, your 8th house is intense!! Your cancer friends is a comfort to your moon, so lucky! My South Node Sag sun ex, is a pain in the ****, cause nothing from him compliment my moon, lol. And his Mercury and Mars Sags is so blunt and inconsiderate of my feelings, I can't stand him, lol. And his virgo attributes too, criticizing and inconsiderate bluntness, like man~ is just horrible to live day to day being treated like this. If he has a sweeter mercury and/or mars, I think it wouldn't have felt so bad for me.
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Wow, your 8th house is intense!! Your cancer friends is a comfort to your moon, so lucky! My South Node Sag sun ex, is a pain in the ****, cause nothing from him compliment my moon, lol. And his Mercury and Mars Sags is so blunt and inconsiderate of my feelings, I can't stand him, lol. And his virgo attributes too, criticizing and inconsiderate bluntness, like man~ is just horrible to live day to day being treated like this. If he has a sweeter mercury and/or mars, I think it wouldn't have felt so bad for me.

Moon contacts are everything. My current bf has moon in libra which is square my moon in cancer, but for some reason it works, even though we process emotions very differently (its in my 5th house) He can be so blunt sometimes tho it drives me nuts (sag in general). I have Merc in Sag, I try to hold my tongue! I do think he helps me move toward my NN though, less sensitive and a little more assertive. For me people with Aries moon are much harder though, absolutely no finesse. Virgo is tough too, I can't stand how critical and fussy they are, but I love my Virgo friends. There is nothing worse than someone criticizing everything you do!