Do you believe in curses?

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Dec 26, 2010
I ask because my mother told me a while ago, although I had forgotten until now, that a lady 'cursed' her. She told my mother that she will see great misfortune and sadness because of me, her daughter. That was about 22 years ago, I was still a small baby! Now, my mother is not one to generally believe in witches and cursing and spells. The only thing she believes in is that children, especially babies, have to wear some red that is visible on them at all times to ward off the 'evil eye'.

So far, nothing major has happened to us... But there is still the rest of my life to come.

I am somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to all this, but I can assure you, I started believing in all this when my friend's daughter would get sick after her baby's father's mother apparently went to a witch to put a curse on the small child.
Have you ever seen The Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson and Gena Rowlands? Basically there's a bit of voodoo magic going on, but until Kate Hudson believes in this magic it doesn't seem to have any effect. I believe that's how "magic" works in general. I suppose if you believe in something long enough it becomes true in your mind, and it's because you notice the little things that you didn't or never would have noticed before...

A witch could cast a spell to become more beautiful or to lose weight. She might have stopped eating junk food or took in less calories for a couple of weeks (from stress or unconsciously). She might stand in the mirror 2 weeks later and think "Oh my it's working, the spell is working!" It wasn't the's what she did differently. "Magic" takes dedication. I suppose it's ironic when someone is cursed and then they fall ill...but we're bound to fall ill at some point, right? A year down the road, you catch a cold...would you still say you're cursed because you're human?

You should ask them to curse you to win the lottery...if you do win, now that would make me a believer lol! :biggrin:

Anyway - don't let the idea of a curse wear you down. And for purpose of enlightenment, the Wiccan Rede states "Eight words the rede fulfill: 'An ye harm none, do what ye will', What you send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the Rule of Three." If you can believe in that, maybe the "curse-r" will get 3 times the dosage of his/her own medicine. I call it karma, lol. :whistling:
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I feel people can do it without being aware.I keep secrets cause who knows what they are thinking lol...I used to be around them all the time and know the kinds of things they would say, things like really he really trying that? Its like keep your name out of my mouth, but more like keep me out yo mind if it isn't nice.

At the same time I feel we need to announce when people say stuff cause they think that YOU think..gotta stop them right there. I am not thinking about you at all though, I just see you.
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I ask because my mother told me a while ago, although I had forgotten until now, that a lady 'cursed' her. She told my mother that she will see great misfortune and sadness because of me, her daughter. That was about 22 years ago, I was still a small baby! Now, my mother is not one to generally believe in witches and cursing and spells. The only thing she believes in is that children, especially babies, have to wear some red that is visible on them at all times to ward off the 'evil eye'.

So far, nothing major has happened to us... But there is still the rest of my life to come.

I am somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to all this, but I can assure you, I started believing in all this when my friend's daughter would get sick after her baby's father's mother apparently went to a witch to put a curse on the small child.

Then fight fire with fire.

However, from the sounds of it though, that person was just a mean-spirited bitty. Probably the only power she had was at home in a drawer.
I do believe that magic works, where magic is wanted. In positive and negative ways. It's the same concept of "real" medicine and the effect of placebos.
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In my view, if they believe in the curse then it may well have an effect. How about them trying some sort of psychic protection. Energies can only get into our auras if there is a weakness in there. Weakness could come from worries, anger, depression, anything that unbalances the natural state of balance. I do sense other people's energies, how I react to that is up to me, but I do sense them. A medium advised me, the other day, to protect myself psychically by imagining myself surrounded by a cloak of white light. I also protect myself by tuning into the love energy/vibration, by chanting, whatever means is available to me at the time. It works.
I believe in curses, but we must go back before our birth to somebody who damned us.
We are born with certain destiny and there is no curse, except somebody did it before we were born.

There is a legend that famous American family was damned from one Indian woman, asking for the food and bed for one night for her and her little child. The Lady as Head of this Family was young and rich. She threw out the woman and the child. Outside was snow and both were frozen and died. Before death, Indian told: "**** you and all your family!". In fact nothing happened to her, but to her children.
People say that curse pay next generations until 7th generation (descendants).
When something bad happens, we always ask: whose sins do I pay? Who has damned me (before)?

Curse and Black Magic are two different areas.
In Vedic scriptures there are some karmas that can be changed and some that can't. Purely wishing/cursing cannot change a person's karma, nobody has that power. Why can't someone 'bless' a person with down syndrome to not have down syndrome anymore or do a spell for people to grow their limbs back? Answer is magic just by itself is not extremely powerful. Got to affirm it on the material.
I ask because my mother told me a while ago, although I had forgotten until now, that a lady 'cursed' her. She told my mother that she will see great misfortune and sadness because of me, her daughter. That was about 22 years ago, I was still a small baby! Now, my mother is not one to generally believe in witches and cursing and spells. The only thing she believes in is that children, especially babies, have to wear some red that is visible on them at all times to ward off the 'evil eye'.

So far, nothing major has happened to us... But there is still the rest of my life to come.

I am somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to all this, but I can assure you, I started believing in all this when my friend's daughter would get sick after her baby's father's mother apparently went to a witch to put a curse on the small child.

Curse at times could be negative pass (if you know about hypnotism, you know about it). This ability has been used through ages to create fear.

One can have strong Magnetic Aura (Usually, Uranians do posses some ability) and his/her blessings and curse will be effective to people with weak Magnetic Aura.

Kids are likely to have weak Magnetic Aura, they fall sick and take some time to recover - this is one of the reasons, one should not be angry with kids. Their normal aura gets easily disrupted.

The fact is that +ve passes are used in treating people. This is a small list of schools in USA - In same way curse and negative passes are possible.
I don't believe in curses but I do believe in Karma. If your mom did anything on purpose that hurt the other woman, she will certainly have to pay for it. You might just be the tool.
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No I don't believe in curses - because it doesn't make sense. I believe in karma, reincarnation and the fact that we are souls who incarnate on earth several times for our spiritual growth. The universe is in charge of our spiritual growth - so how can there be any curses?

But I do believe that if you tell someone that they are cursed it - they may themselves cause it to come true - because of the psychological effect on them - they get so worried and scared that they might make themselves ill.
Yes, I believe in curses. I am not sure what the astrology is of them though. I think of the Kennedy clan most prominently. I think of people who have fallen to curses I've wished upon them. (not saying it's cool to do that, but I have a Moon-Pluto square and sometimes I cannot help myself) - but generally, I think one has to believe that curses are real in order for them to know or believe they've been cursed. Otherwise, it's just considered "bad luck" - the roll of the dice - the Tower in tarot.
No. The only way curses can work is through the power of suggestion. Sometimes people who believe that curses work will actually become so fearful that they make themselves ill.

I understand that in India there is a greater belief in black magic than in most parts of the West.

The best way to counter a curse is to make up with the angry person if that's possible. Where it's not possible, have faith in your Creator, who is stronger and more beneficent than any angry human being.
No, but everything is energy. What people feel goes somewhere. I think this can be both a really good thing and a really bad thing when large numbers of people start to feel strongly about something. Because that's an abundance of energy that has to go somewhere.

I don't think most of us in the west lend it enough power to be significant. I don't believe in person on person curses either.
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I ask because my mother told me a while ago, although I had forgotten until now, that a lady 'cursed' her. She told my mother that she will see great misfortune and sadness because of me, her daughter. That was about 22 years ago, I was still a small baby! Now, my mother is not one to generally believe in witches and cursing and spells. The only thing she believes in is that children, especially babies, have to wear some red that is visible on them at all times to ward off the 'evil eye'.

So far, nothing major has happened to us... But there is still the rest of my life to come.

I am somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to all this, but I can assure you, I started believing in all this when my friend's daughter would get sick after her baby's father's mother apparently went to a witch to put a curse on the small child.

Tu really curse someone there must be a powerfull ritualls to be done with a lot of anger. Strangers canot curse you. They can only disturb your aura or something people call that energetic thing around us. Only a family member can curse you. Or you yourself at your heart. At least most smart esoterics say so
I definetely believe in curses. And with certain peoples energy, you can sense straight away if they 'know.' Some people exist on different planes to other people, not just to do with magic, but different intellectual and energy planes. An extreme example would be a psychopath, or less extreme would be that person who has an energy you know not to mess with. Likewise, I've met people who have an innocence about them that can calm any negative energy.

I've put curses on people before, I've had curses put on me. Beware of women witches, my gran would say. Perhaps Ronald Dahls book 'witches' was satirical but closer to the truth then a basic children's story.

I can't actually curse people btw, but if you get into someone's head and make them think you have power over them, the damage is done . Psychological basically, playing to people's fears and could say Muhammad Ali would curse people - he would say the fight began before it began with all the name calling back and forth, and then once in the ring he would look straight at his opponents eyes, into his soul, and when the opponent was the first to look away, he knew he would already win the fight.
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I definetely believe in curses. And with certain peoples energy, you can sense straight away if they 'know.' Some people exist on different planes to other people, not just to do with magic, but different intellectual and energy planes. An extreme example would be a psychopath, or less extreme would be that person who has an energy you know not to mess with. Likewise, I've met people who have an innocence about them that can calm any negative energy.

I've put curses on people before, I've had curses put on me. Beware of women witches, my gran would say. Perhaps Ronald Dahls book 'witches' was satirical but closer to the truth then a basic children's story.

I can't actually curse people btw, but if you get into someone's head and make them think you have power over them, the damage is done . Psychological basically, playing to people's fears and could say Muhammad Ali would curse people - he would say the fight began before it began with all the name calling back and forth, and then once in the ring he would look straight at his opponents eyes, into his soul, and when the opponent was the first to look away, he knew he would already win the fight.

Can you tell me what it was like putting a curse on someone? What did you do?