Vajrayana doesn't have temples, gods and goddesses?
Dalai Lama doesn't make himself a god?
News to me, but I do not think they are true.
Not acknowledging God Almighty who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth does not make you an atheist or non-theist, particularly if you say you are the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara who has idols made of gold, incense offerings and daily adoration. Denial of God always leads to idolatry, and Buddhism is no exception.
Lenvdb, I don't like the concept of modern church due to it being theologically stagnant and conservative too! I'm a more spiritually nonorthodox kind of Christian because I believe that tarot cards and psychics are the median between God and humans, much like JesusYes I believe in God
As a small child I gave my life to Jesus in a traditional Pentecostal church, and for the last 3 decades served in worship, leadership etc.
I became disillusioned with the concept of church and saw how the church became stagnated. Being in church however does not make yo a christian, just as going to MacDonalds does not make you a hamburger. The emphasis of all their teaching was to prompt you in having a personal relationship with God, and using prayer, meditation and Bible study as a means to grow this relationship.
Over the last 5 years, I came out as gay, and could no longer form part of this Pentecostal /Charismatic movement. I discovered a somewhat flawed theology. I also kept on seeking Truth and God directed me to discover some ancient paths. I discovered that church today is the result of human interferace with the teachings of Jesus, and the Nicean council and Roman church left the world with a distorted and watered down flavour of who God is.
I felt there had to be more to God than what we read in the Bible. So I discovered the nag Hammadi scrolls, Gnostic writings, Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Enoch and Sepher Yetzirah. And my life was changed. These added to my growth and view of God, rather than diminishing it. God is so much more we could even try to conceive or imagine. But we need to break out of the moulds and limitations forced upon us by a stagnant church.
I can no longer call myself a christian by the standards of the Charismatic / Pentecostal church. But hey! Do I look bothered? I love God. If the Books I mentioned above were good enough for Jesus, they are good enough for me, and no pastor will persuade me otherwise.
The Bible says "My people perish for lack of revelation."
In years to come many others will find the revelation I did and be persuaded to believe. I will help as many as possible to break free from their traditional thinking. I post articles to help people like them see that there is so much more, on my website
It helps to know their teachings and doctrines. I know where they come from, and I can understand their thinking. I have been there too. But God in His wisdom saw fit to show me the way out.
Blessings and peace
Your statement is contradictory. Jesus is Yahweh and Yahweh is Jesus. Christians said so. Jesus has repeatedly said he's coming back to Earth to slaughter everyone and most recently in Revelation, he's coming back to burn the flesh off everyone except for 144,000 Jews.I believe in a Judeo-Christian god, but not the God that kills anyone who doesn't obey him in a "sky daddy" way in the Old Testament/Tanakh. I'm the person who believes in God, the Source of all Life and all divine energies, including astrology in some senses, and souls that sprung from Source are wandering throughout the cosmos, and God can helps all humanity at the same time when we old souls want to manifest a good energy in this Earth and in this Cosmos. I believe that God/Monad/Brahman/Source is the creator of the omniverse.
DC80. I still accept and respect you, even if you're an Atheist.Your statement is contradictory. Jesus is Yahweh and Yahweh is Jesus. Christians said so. Jesus has repeatedly said he's coming back to Earth to slaughter everyone and most recently in Revelation, he's coming back to burn the flesh off everyone except for 144,000 Jews.
The Brahman does not exist and Hinduism is a failed religion. Life cannot exist in the "night of the Brahman" because all life is to be extinguished except we're already in the "night of the Brahman" and we exist, therefore the Brahman cannot exist and neither can Vishnu because that would mean he contradicted himself by sending no Brahman at all or sending us a defective Brahman.
If you study the Hebrew texts, it is more than clear that the first 36 chapters or so are merely copies of older original works predating Israel by 1,000s of years and that over the many centuries those works were edited, abridged, and amended for reasons of political propaganda.
The evidence is overwhelming. The Aaronid Priesthood slaughtered the Mosaic priests because of their sheer hatred and jealousy of all things-Mosaic. One Mosaic priest survived the massacre by being at Beth-El at the time it happened. It is clear his hatred of all things-Aaronid stems from that massacre. It is also clear the texts were re-written to justify the pretender Judah as heir to Israel when the real legitimate heir is Ephraim.
That is the work of men, not gods. Gods were merely concocted by men to justify a great many things, including the "right" to rule and the "right" to marginalize women whenever possible.
Jesus cannot be god unless he fulfills the prophecies in the Hebrew texts and he doesn't which is why Jews rejected Jesus and why the "gospel" writers hilariously jump through hoops craft lies to convince people Jesus does fulfill the prophecies and the only suckers that bough into it were the Greeks.
Yahweh-Jesus can't figure out if Jesus died on a Thursday or Friday; can't figure out where Jesus was and who he was with half the time; can't figure out the genealogy of Joseph; can't figure out how the other Joseph got to Egypt; can't figure out how the Hebrews came to acquire the city of Sheckem and 1,000 other things he's confused about.
All gods concocted by men are cruel, sadistic, narcissistic megalomaniacs.
What kind of loving god creates a caste system? Believes dictatorship is the best thing since the longer lasting light-bulb? Demands people be slaughtered for petty reasons? Enjoys human sacrifice?
If there really was a god, then everyone would know god in the same way and there'd be no need for religion because an intelligent loving god would not allow for the possibility of religious conflicts.
The desire for gods is the result of emotional illnesses and often mental illnesses. There are no gods because they were all concocted by humans.
Gods are not necessary for anything, not even for the creation of the universe. And, even if a god did exist, it would not care one iota about you because the value of humans is equivalent to that of a rock. Humans are just pieces of flotsam and jetsam in the universe, one of the more than 100 Centillion (10 to the 600th power) things in this universe and there's nothing special about that.
That's why I'm an Atheist.
Your statement is contradictory. Jesus is Yahweh and Yahweh is Jesus. Christians said so. Jesus has repeatedly said he's coming back to Earth to slaughter everyone and most recently in Revelation, he's coming back to burn the flesh off everyone except for 144,000 Jews.
The Brahman does not exist and Hinduism is a failed religion. Life cannot exist in the "night of the Brahman" because all life is to be extinguished except we're already in the "night of the Brahman" and we exist, therefore the Brahman cannot exist and neither can Vishnu because that would mean he contradicted himself by sending no Brahman at all or sending us a defective Brahman.
If you study the Hebrew texts, it is more than clear that the first 36 chapters or so are merely copies of older original works predating Israel by 1,000s of years and that over the many centuries those works were edited, abridged, and amended for reasons of political propaganda.
The evidence is overwhelming. The Aaronid Priesthood slaughtered the Mosaic priests because of their sheer hatred and jealousy of all things-Mosaic. One Mosaic priest survived the massacre by being at Beth-El at the time it happened. It is clear his hatred of all things-Aaronid stems from that massacre. It is also clear the texts were re-written to justify the pretender Judah as heir to Israel when the real legitimate heir is Ephraim.
That is the work of men, not gods. Gods were merely concocted by men to justify a great many things, including the "right" to rule and the "right" to marginalize women whenever possible.
Jesus cannot be god unless he fulfills the prophecies in the Hebrew texts and he doesn't which is why Jews rejected Jesus and why the "gospel" writers hilariously jump through hoops craft lies to convince people Jesus does fulfill the prophecies and the only suckers that bough into it were the Greeks.
Yahweh-Jesus can't figure out if Jesus died on a Thursday or Friday; can't figure out where Jesus was and who he was with half the time; can't figure out the genealogy of Joseph; can't figure out how the other Joseph got to Egypt; can't figure out how the Hebrews came to acquire the city of Sheckem and 1,000 other things he's confused about.
All gods concocted by men are cruel, sadistic, narcissistic megalomaniacs.
What kind of loving god creates a caste system? Believes dictatorship is the best thing since the longer lasting light-bulb? Demands people be slaughtered for petty reasons? Enjoys human sacrifice?
If there really was a god, then everyone would know god in the same way and there'd be no need for religion because an intelligent loving god would not allow for the possibility of religious conflicts.
The desire for gods is the result of emotional illnesses and often mental illnesses. There are no gods because they were all concocted by humans.
Gods are not necessary for anything, not even for the creation of the universe. And, even if a god did exist, it would not care one iota about you because the value of humans is equivalent to that of a rock. Humans are just pieces of flotsam and jetsam in the universe, one of the more than 100 Centillion (10 to the 600th power) things in this universe and there's nothing special about that.
That's why I'm an Atheist.
DC80. I still accept and respect you, even if you're an Atheist.
God wants FREE WILL for everyone, so he allows anything to be happen to help people learn their lessons betterYour statement is contradictory. Jesus is Yahweh and Yahweh is Jesus. Christians said so. Jesus has repeatedly said he's coming back to Earth to slaughter everyone and most recently in Revelation, he's coming back to burn the flesh off everyone except for 144,000 Jews.
The Brahman does not exist and Hinduism is a failed religion. Life cannot exist in the "night of the Brahman" because all life is to be extinguished except we're already in the "night of the Brahman" and we exist, therefore the Brahman cannot exist and neither can Vishnu because that would mean he contradicted himself by sending no Brahman at all or sending us a defective Brahman.
If you study the Hebrew texts, it is more than clear that the first 36 chapters or so are merely copies of older original works predating Israel by 1,000s of years and that over the many centuries those works were edited, abridged, and amended for reasons of political propaganda.
The evidence is overwhelming. The Aaronid Priesthood slaughtered the Mosaic priests because of their sheer hatred and jealousy of all things-Mosaic. One Mosaic priest survived the massacre by being at Beth-El at the time it happened. It is clear his hatred of all things-Aaronid stems from that massacre. It is also clear the texts were re-written to justify the pretender Judah as heir to Israel when the real legitimate heir is Ephraim.
That is the work of men, not gods. Gods were merely concocted by men to justify a great many things, including the "right" to rule and the "right" to marginalize women whenever possible.
Jesus cannot be god unless he fulfills the prophecies in the Hebrew texts and he doesn't which is why Jews rejected Jesus and why the "gospel" writers hilariously jump through hoops craft lies to convince people Jesus does fulfill the prophecies and the only suckers that bough into it were the Greeks.
Yahweh-Jesus can't figure out if Jesus died on a Thursday or Friday; can't figure out where Jesus was and who he was with half the time; can't figure out the genealogy of Joseph; can't figure out how the other Joseph got to Egypt; can't figure out how the Hebrews came to acquire the city of Sheckem and 1,000 other things he's confused about.
All gods concocted by men are cruel, sadistic, narcissistic megalomaniacs.
What kind of loving god creates a caste system? Believes dictatorship is the best thing since the longer lasting light-bulb? Demands people be slaughtered for petty reasons? Enjoys human sacrifice?
If there really was a god, then everyone would know god in the same way and there'd be no need for religion because an intelligent loving god would not allow for the possibility of religious conflicts.
The desire for gods is the result of emotional illnesses and often mental illnesses. There are no gods because they were all concocted by humans.
Gods are not necessary for anything, not even for the creation of the universe. And, even if a god did exist, it would not care one iota about you because the value of humans is equivalent to that of a rock. Humans are just pieces of flotsam and jetsam in the universe, one of the more than 100 Centillion (10 to the 600th power) things in this universe and there's nothing special about that.
That's why I'm an Atheist.
As a person whose believe in the Source of Life and being a pantheist, I'm delighted to see a pantheist like me! I'm rejoicing for it, because Cosmos help us to understand the reality behind the veil of astrology! (Not the Gnostic motto of secret knowledge though)The Cosmos is God.
To study astrology is to study theology.
Praise be to God, and the intricacies of the heavens.
The Cosmos is God.
To study astrology is to study theology.
Praise be to God, and the intricacies of the heavens.
The Gnostics have some very astrological writings, misinterpreted by humankind. Secret book of John, The Creation of Adam is something you would enjoy.As a person whose believe in the Source of Life and being a pantheist, I'm delighted to see a pantheist like me! I'm rejoicing for it, because Cosmos help us ro understand the reality behind the veil of astrology! (Not the Gnostic motto of secret knowledge though)
God wants FREE WILL for everyone, so he allows anything to be happen to help people learn their lessons better
As a person whose believe in the Source of Life and being a pantheist, I'm delighted to see a pantheist like me! I'm rejoicing for it, because Cosmos help us ro understand the reality behind the veil of astrology! (Not the Gnostic motto of secret knowledge though)
Hi my friend! You always know where the best quotes are!