Do you know Business/Entrepreneur placements?

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Yes, Mercury predominating action by morning rising with Saturn in bodily conjunction.
Absolutely. Your MC is in Libra with Venus ruler in the 7th, which means you are diplomatic, charming and have the ability to create and maintain relationships. This goes very well in business. And especially with a Venus in Leo. People like you a lot, though sometimes find you a little dramatic or demanding in attention.

Also, your Pluto in 11th can make you want to be in charge of groups. This can reflect well in companies to climb the ranks. However this placement can also cause fallouts with groups too. You might see this placement in famous cult leaders. Not that you're one! Pluto in 11th is a highly individualistic placement and doesn't know how conform within groups, they're either the boss or don't want anything to do with them.

Lastly, you've got a nice stellium of planets in your 6th, and that says that you stick to routine and are reliable. You will often have a lot of luck with work and have more drive than most. You hate procrastination. Just be careful not to get stressed at work if things don't go your way. I can see you take things personally in that area or if your routine is messed up.

Hope that helps!
Absolutely. Your MC is in Libra with Venus ruler in the 7th, which means you are diplomatic, charming and have the ability to create and maintain relationships. This goes very well in business. And especially with a Venus in Leo. People like you a lot, though sometimes find you a little dramatic or demanding in attention.

Also, your Pluto in 11th can make you want to be in charge of groups. This can reflect well in companies to climb the ranks. However this placement can also cause fallouts with groups too. You might see this placement in famous cult leaders. Not that you're one! Pluto in 11th is a highly individualistic placement and doesn't know how conform within groups, they're either the boss or don't want anything to do with them.

Lastly, you've got a nice stellium of planets in your 6th, and that says that you stick to routine and are reliable. You will often have a lot of luck with work and have more drive than most. You hate procrastination. Just be careful not to get stressed at work if things don't go your way. I can see you take things personally in that area or if your routine is messed up.

Hope that helps!
Thank you so much! it helps :)
Apparently, the temperaments of artists and entrepreneur are the same, namely both are highly open in their personalities.

What you are looking for in this case is a yes from your natal about a potential area that interests you. You already got positives from 2 posters about placements that speaks to entrepreneurship. Others that I would like to point out is specifically the conjunction of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in your chart. It's an aspect that is said to appear frequently in the financial successful and gives the energy, faith and risk-taking proclivities necessary for doing business. This conjunction has rulership over both the 10th and 11th house - houses signifying one's career and organizations/groups that you partner with for collective causes. It's location in the 6th gears even more so toward work. Also importantly, this conjunction squares the MC which makes it even more strongly geared toward career outcomes.

You also have a lot of placements that generally gears toward "openness". Some of these are Neptune conjunct the ASC, Neptune trine Mercury/Saturn, Moon in Pisces, Moon conjunct Uranus.

There is also indication for ruthlessness in your chart with Merc/Saturn/NN opposite Pluto along the 11th-5th house axis. This configuration would add an eye for detail and painstaking effort to the openness that you have. Business power struggles are indicated by this configuration. Watch who you partner with, especially professionally, as they may be charming, lively but with hidden motives/schemes and power drives (MC ruler is Venus in the 7th opposite Neptune in the 1st and trine Pluto in the 11th). Guard against people playing on your imagination and desire for glamour and power, in order to use you.
Apparently, the temperaments of artists and entrepreneur are the same, namely both are highly open in their personalities.

What you are looking for in this case is a yes from your natal about a potential area that interests you. You already got positives from 2 posters about placements that speaks to entrepreneurship. Others that I would like to point out is specifically the conjunction of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in your chart. It's an aspect that is said to appear frequently in the financial successful and gives the energy, faith and risk-taking proclivities necessary for doing business. This conjunction has rulership over both the 10th and 11th house - houses signifying one's career and organizations/groups that you partner with for collective causes. It's location in the 6th gears even more so toward work. Also importantly, this conjunction squares the MC which makes it even more strongly geared toward career outcomes.

You also have a lot of placements that generally gears toward "openness". Some of these are Neptune conjunct the ASC, Neptune trine Mercury/Saturn, Moon in Pisces, Moon conjunct Uranus.

There is also indication for ruthlessness in your chart with Merc/Saturn/NN opposite Pluto along the 11th-5th house axis. This configuration would add an eye for detail and painstaking effort to the openness that you have. Business power struggles are indicated by this configuration. Watch who you partner with, especially professionally, as they may be charming, lively but with hidden motives/schemes and power drives (MC ruler is Venus in the 7th opposite Neptune in the 1st and trine Pluto in the 11th). Guard against people playing on your imagination and desire for glamour and power, in order to use you.
Thank you so much this was extremely helpful!