Do you look like your ascendant?

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All my Pisces mercury friends are artists in some way via occupation. One was a psychic lol and Saturn did oppose his asc. He always wanted to be respected the traditional sense but felt like ppl enjoyed disrespecting him lol.
One of the major factors that influence the appearance is the duad of the Ascendant, it is so obvious that I am always surprised that it is overlooked.

For example, Scorpio rising is often rather dark in colouring and thickset, but if the Gemini section of Scorpio is rising then the person will be taller and more slender and often have freckles. If the Cancer section of Scorpio is rising then the person will have a more rounded appearance and paler skin ... and so on.

If you don't know your rising duad you can download a duad table at my website under the duad section. There is also a duad calculator available to calculate your duad degree.

The other major factor is planets in exact aspect to the Ascendant, particularly in conjunction and opposition, as they can greatly affect the appearance.

Don't overlook the planetary Nodes as they can carry signatures of the planet itself. The Moon's South Node rising will often increase height and slenderness, North Node is a little more solid; both can give very good looks at times. With these points the orb needs to be within one degree.

One of the best ways to see how a planet affects physical appearance is through the Solar Fire search engine; you can ask it to bring up all charts with, for example, Venus conjunct Ascendant, and can then clearly see the Venusian signature influenced by the sign and duad of whatever sign is rising.

A new book is out called "The Sixty Different Faces of the Zodiac" by Edward Kadecka. He just uses signs and decanates, but you can apply his observations to duads as well. This book has illustrations and photographs to describe the various charateristics of the signs of the zodiac.

That's funny you said I'm fortunate to have Gemini mercury because the only people who outright praise Gemini mercury tend to be Pisces mercury and other Gemini mercury people. Virgo mercury respects Gemini and are allies but won't praise lol
thats awesome cause i'm super artistic myself, i have had my drawings & photography in art shows, and art is my passion. I also often wonder if im psychic cause i can see auras and sense what others are feeling. lmao that is ironic though, gemini is one of my favorite signs! i also favor it more than usual cause im a gemini ascendant. :p
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Thanks Alice!! I read your instructions and it actually explains a lot! My sun trines asc and I'm the Leo section of Libra rising and it makes sense why I'm sturdy and muscular looking!! Normally Libra rising ppl are delicate and soft. I'm soft and firm lol

Stacey, no doubt you have an artistic aura that should be encouraged and developed. I had an evil Aries art teacher berated me and I dropped out of visual arts when before that, my work was shown in local art shows. Nonetheless, Gemini Mercury loves writing the truth in a humorous way so I got back at her real good lol nothing hurts more than what's true!
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Ha I would think so...I'm a rising Aries with ruling Mars in Scorpio and I have a "tough, headstrong look" - prominent brow and nose. Not sure if I would call it athletic with a solar Sagittarian influence. I know for certain I didn't get my height from that department at only 5'0". I also have a distinctive walk and I hate to dawdle. Naturally I look down but when you grow up playing in woods and creeks, it's instinctive to check where you place your next step.
I am Libra rising with its ruler, Venus, in 11th house conjuncted with Saturn in Leo (on the same degrees). How do you imagine me? :lol:

Physically I am not going to judge myself, it's too difficult! I think I have a lot of Saturn in my temperament, actually. I use to stay alone, sometimes I am too intense and difficult to deal with. Actually, I am really difficult, because the people use to avoid me many times. It is probably also because of my Pluto in Ist house square the Sun in Xth. :sideways:
Capricorn rising, Scorpio Sun, but Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn fall into my 1st house... which could make some alterations to my typical Capricorn ASC description. I think I look like a mix of a capricon/scorpio pretty well. You guys could decide!


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I have ascendant in aquarius, and I look and act like my rising. I have a long upper body (waist), strong legs, squarish forehead that protrudes, I can come off as cold, unique and "weird" to strangers lol.
I do look like my ascendant. I have a Gemini Rising, mercury in Sagittarius in the 6th, being the apex of a t-square. It lightens up my water-heavy chart. It allows me to be more open and sociable.

When people try to guess my sign, they could usually tell the Gemini/Mercury in me before my luminaries.
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I think I do, what's more, I behave like it.

You can guess my Ascendant if you study my avatar picture carefully.:whistling:
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Scorpio Rising, conjunct Pluto, opposite Venus. I think, yes. But my Gemini Sun adds some inquisitiveness to the look, I think.

You may actually look more like your North Node placement.....

This makes sense -- to me anyways. The other day someone in another forum guessed I had Aries rising (with a Scorpio Sun). My NN is in Aries conjuncting my Moon.
Originally Posted by Zarathu
You may actually look more like your North Node placement.....

I don't think I look like my NN. It's in Capricorn, 7th house but I look nowhere near Saturnine.
dioskouris, are you a model? really :) ...

i posted my pic but i'll do it again here. you decide if i look like a leu rising... for me, i don't but...

i've been told on other thread that i might look watery, but which sign, if so?... the thing is is western astrology i have many fire signs, even a stelium in in the 9th house of fire. i don't see myself like that... but it's up to you to decide my appearance :) ...


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dioskouris, are you a model? really :) ...

i posted my pic but i'll do it again here. you decide if i look like a leu rising... for me, i don't but...

i've been told on other thread that i might look watery, but which sign, if so?... the thing is is western astrology i have many fire signs, even a stelium in in the 9th house of fire. i don't see myself like that... but it's up to you to decide my appearance :) ...

It's funny how often people ask me that question... I've started doing some occasional modeling this year.

To me you look like a Leo. I could see some watery influence, perhaps Cancer - maybe your Moon conjuncts your ASC, or is in the 1st house, or is otherwise a dominant planet in your chart, even if it's not in a water sign (I want to go with Venus as well, even though it's not a water planet).
if you like modelling than go for it, why not, dioskouris! :) ...

my moon is in the 12th house, in leo. i have some aspects regarding moon, indeed...
Trine Sun - Moon (sun in the 8th house in aries)
Opposition Moon - Jupiter (jupiter in the 6th house in aquarius)
Trine Moon - Saturn (saturn in the 4th house in scorpio)
Square Moon - Pluto (pluto in the 4th house in scorpio)

other water i don't have, also just a bit of earth, not even a planet in air and much in fire signs...

so from where do i look watery? :) ...

oh and asteroids i don't really know...
if you like modelling than go for it, why not, dioskouris! :) ...

my moon is in the 12th house, in leo. i have some aspects regarding moon, indeed...
Trine Sun - Moon (sun in the 8th house in aries)
Opposition Moon - Jupiter (jupiter in the 6th house in aquarius)
Trine Moon - Saturn (saturn in the 4th house in scorpio)
Square Moon - Pluto (pluto in the 4th house in scorpio)

other water i don't have, also just a bit of earth, not even a planet in air and much in fire signs...

so from where do i look watery? :) ...

oh and asteroids i don't really know...

My 5th house Moon in Aries seems to like it, lol.

A chart would help.

A heavily aspected water planet (like the Moon, or Neptune) would affect your appearance.
You say you have Sun in the 8th house, which is a water house. Even though it wouldn't affect your appearance physically, the fact that you have the Sun directed to the area of a water house would give your Sun an agenda that naturally belongs to a water sign, in this case Scorpio.

You said "moon is in the 12th house, in leo ... (sun in the 8th house in aries)", possibly Moon conjuncts ASC after all (?) which would heavily influence your appearance. But can't know unless I see a chart.
My 5th house Moon in Aries seems to like it, lol.

*blush* :))) ...

this is an extended chart, dioskouris and 10x :) ...

oohhh u meant liking modelling!! :))) o.m.g. i'm so naive sorry i make clumsy mistakes like that... in those times i wish i had a fire trait so i can know what to say or whatever but i'm prone to these silly things... i guess it's also child-like watery manner this, isn't it?...
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*blush* :))) ...

this is an extended chart, dioskouris and 10x :) ...

oohhh u meant liking modelling!! :))) o.m.g. i'm so naive sorry i make clumsy mistakes like that... in those times i wish i had a fire trait so i can know what to say or whatever but i'm prone to these silly things... i guess it's also child-like watery manner this, isn't it?...

Yeah, that chart had way too much information... I had to trim it down.

So according to that birthtime ASC does not conjunct your Moon, even though it's in the same sign. If the birth time was a little bit earlier, there would be a conjunction and that would explain why others have said you look "watery". JUPITERASC has told me (several times) about another person on here who is a nurse who says that birth times are often a little inaccurate, as nurses and doctors care more for ensuring the wellbeing of the child and mother before writing down a birth time, so sometimes the birth time is up to 30 minutes late sometimes, even more. If you were, in fact, born a little earlier than what was recorded, the Moon conjunct your ASC would explain your apparent appearance. The only way to know for sure is to do a chart rectification. Search the forums for it. Otherwise, I'm not sure what else could make you look like you have water influences. Maybe it's just your pose ;)

No worries. Actually, you did a rather typical Aries thing which was to talk/type before thinking lol.

The reason why I mentioned Venus earlier is because there appears to be a rather Venusian bent to your sign (Aries). You are rather beautiful, and it's something I've noticed in people, especially women, who have their Sun conjunct their venus.