Do you think this relationship is karmic?

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Jan 30, 2009
Hello guys,

I apologize if this is not the right forum for this question, but I would like to know if you feel that there is a karmic connection between me and this man, considering the aspects that our synastry gives:

His sun and venus conjunction in aries perfectly conjuncts (exactly same degrees on both charts) my aries sun in my natal 8H. His north node in gemini again perfectly conjuncts my venus, mars and mc conjunction in gemini in my 9H; I guess this means that his south node conjuncts my IC and Neptune since my Neptune opposes the conjunction of all these planets and mc in my 9 house. My part of fortune in libra conjuncts his moon. His uranus and pluto conjunct my AC. Both our mercuries in aries perfectly conjunct each other. His AC conjuncts my north node in aquarius. His MC conjuncts my Neptune in Sagittarius. My Chiron conjuncts his mercury and his eros in aries. My saturn in the 9H in gemini conjuncts his jupiter in taurus (I have a full 9 house with a venus, mars, saturn, mc conjunction in gemini and moon in taurus there).

Why the heck am I so infatuated with him, and he is married? Is it karmic?

Did I mention that we are both born the same day? April 15 -when I found out I was left with my mouth open I don't know for how long. He is married, so I am not getting into a relationship, but why do I feel so close to him and so familiar? Is it karmic? I also generated horary questions, and I know I cannot get involved with him, but I am trying to understand whether this was a random person or someone who will be important to me, at least professionally because of previous karmic relationship...

Thank you very much.
Hi, thanks. You mean the synastry chart? Let me know, I'll be happy to post the link...
for what i know to look at karmic relationships you must consider Saturn Chiron the karma asteroid and the 8th and 12th houses.. the south node rather than the north is what speaks of past lives.planets conj. to south node tell u the nature of yr past life relationship. eg, if he has mercury on yr south node he was a sibling.
also aspects of pluto with venus..conjuction is very indicative of twinsoul/soulmates ties.
there s an extensive literature here:
Hi Celeste, fellow Aries, thanks.

Since his north node conjuncts my conjunction of venus, aries, MC in gemini, then his south node opposes these natal planets of mine, I guess and it conjuncts my IC and my Neptune. My Chiron conjuncts his Mercury and his Eros. Does that mean he may have been my mother because of his south node conjunction with my IC?

Effie said:
Hi Celeste, fellow Aries, thanks.

Since his north node conjuncts my conjunction of venus, aries, MC in gemini, then his south node opposes these natal planets of mine, I guess and it conjuncts my IC and my Neptune. My Chiron conjuncts his Mercury and his Eros. Does that mean he may have been my mother because of his south node conjunction with my IC?

well only tight conjunctions are considered by past life astrology...not oppositons not other aspects. orb must be within 3 degrees but the tighter the 0 degree is perfect..
he d been yr mother or your child if his MOON was conj to your south node..
here s an excerpt of some article who tells about planets and nodes:

By knowing how the other person’s planets connect
with your South Node you will understand how you
knew them in past lives.

Sun conjunct South Node- The person was in authority
over you.(or father)
Moon conjunct the South Node – The person was
your child.(or mother)
Mercury conjunct the South Node – The person was
a brother or sister.
Venus conjunct the South Node – The person was
your lover in a past life.
Mars conjunct the South Node – The person was a
soldier you knew in a past life.
Jupiter conjunct the South Node – The person was
your benefactor.
Saturn conjunct the South Node – The person was
your teacher.
Uranus conjunct the South Node – The person was a
revolutionary who influenced you.
Neptune conjunct the South Node – The person was a
prophet or spiritual leader who influenced you.
Pluto conjunct the South Node – The person was in
control of a group in which you were a member.
OK, thank you for posting them! I will certainly explore them.

Have a great day,
Celeste said:
well only tight conjunctions are considered by past life astrology...not oppositons not other aspects. orb must be within 3 degrees but the tighter the 0 degree is perfect..
he d been yr mother or your child if his MOON was conj to your south node..
here s an excerpt of some article who tells about planets and nodes:

By knowing how the other person’s planets connect
with your South Node you will understand how you
knew them in past lives.

Sun conjunct South Node- The person was in authority
over you.(or father)
Moon conjunct the South Node – The person was
your child.(or mother)
Mercury conjunct the South Node – The person was
a brother or sister.
Venus conjunct the South Node – The person was
your lover in a past life.
Mars conjunct the South Node – The person was a
soldier you knew in a past life.
Jupiter conjunct the South Node – The person was
your benefactor.
Saturn conjunct the South Node – The person was
your teacher.
Uranus conjunct the South Node – The person was a
revolutionary who influenced you.
Neptune conjunct the South Node – The person was a
prophet or spiritual leader who influenced you.
Pluto conjunct the South Node – The person was in
control of a group in which you were a member.

This is Fascinating Information! I suggest that in all honesty anyone interested might also be interested in your source so citing your source although in no way required is likely highly appreciated by all serious readers. Many of us seeing online sources will quickly familiarize ourselves with the source visiting it for both the cited material and any other areas of interest. Thank You Very Much!
Celeste said:
for what i know to look at karmic relationships you must consider Saturn Chiron the karma asteroid and the 8th and 12th houses.. the south node rather than the north is what speaks of past lives.planets conj. to south node tell u the nature of yr past life relationship. eg, if he has mercury on yr south node he was a sibling.
also aspects of pluto with venus..conjuction is very indicative of twinsoul/soulmates ties.
there s an extensive literature here:

asteroid 1247 memoria is another one to look at.
also asteroids with the peoples names.
the north is equally important as the south node.
retrograde planets indicate past life lessons to be sorted out this time.
yeps, i remember some time ago looking for my karmic love s name...his name s asteroid is strictly conjunct to my moon... sigh.
i hope he ll be back to me
i just cant forget him
that's a strong tug on your emotions. hard to forget the moon (history). i see you're a Kiwi. do you remember the Split Enz song that relates to this? try to get back to me before i go to sleep.
hi venus... but im not a kiwi.. i live in arizona usa. i am italian though.
what is the song u talk about?
anyway me and this guy have quite a synastry.. i just tell u, our venuses are in tau same degree.. our nodes conjunct and oppose and our angles are polarised-im asc leo he s asc aqua-. my jupiter conjuncts his mars and his saturn in my 12th, also my asteroid karma is conj his saturn..his moon is in my 1st,,,our composite has pluto moon conjunction in the 5th,, why is he not with me?! argh! but he s coming back. after 2 years of silence he s IMing me again..he says he wants to see me..i dont know if he ll follo thru..but hey jupiter is about to enter my 7th! eheh
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i misread AZ for NZ, must have had something on my mind.

i really hope it works out for you guys. that mars/jupiter synastry sounds hot. very karmic with the nodes and angles. and venus together is so sweet.
thanks Venus :) here s the chart if u wanna have a look ;)
that's great. i like how both your part of fortunes make conjunctions in synastry. i also noticed that you get a toy boy.:D
no toy~! he picked me! lol
my problem is i look over 10 yrs younger than my a 0 degrees retro mars and a mercury in 7th ... im doomed to younger guys.
but HE IS my true soulmate and twinsoul!
whats the PoF conjunctions relevance in synastry?
the p.fortune represents the happiness of the soul. so his happy soul will effect your moon, visa versa. extra important i guess because the moon is in the calculation for the p.fortune. it also looks like your mercury/p.fortune is on his antivertex, which is a very spiritual point too.

i also suffer from looking 10 yrs younger than my age, terrible isn't it. though i would prefer to feel a girl 10 yrs younger than my age.