hi, the question is about my ex girlfriend, the one I can't forget. Is there any chance for us? please,thank you
Hello Tribe,
Just adding my own version, not knowing if the answer is still of any meaning for you three months later.
In my own experience - and I've asked tens of related horary questions - charts dealing with relationships and feelings are best described by the dignities of the significators. More specifically, the way the person of interest's significator "feels" in the sign it falls in mirrors whatever feelings that person has for you.
If that significator is in domicile then warm, fuzzy feelings are there; if the planet is in fall, you are in their minds but not under happy thoughts and if the planet is peregrine - well, your bridges are completely burned and indifference would best describe their attitude.
In your particular chart, your significator is Mercury and hers is Jupiter.
I tend to believe she did the breaking up (your significator is a much swifter planet than hers, literally meaning you did all the gravitation around her).
Mercury is in Gemini, in its home. Your feelings for her are/were still genuine and very strong.
Exaltation is a tricky thing and it can go both ways - good or bad, abundance or exaggeration. If she did the breaking up, then most likely she never really knew the real you. Breaking up with someone while upholding a very positive image of your ex makes me think she based her decision on a false image of you to begin with AND that she continues to dwell in her illusions about you. Perhaps it's a classic case of "you're sweet but we can't be together" or "i can't find anything wrong with you but i also don't see myself as your girlfriend".
As concluding remarks, the Moon separates from an opposition to Mercury - your significator - to go void of course (literally, nowhere, the Moon makes no other major aspect until the next sign). The Moon signifies action, the course of events and it's also an exquisite timer of events.
My guess is that the entire affair with your ex ended with you dwelling on your broken heart (the opposition aspect) and that your bitter taste was the last thing to experience until the whole incident went under the rader (the void of course).
P.S. I haven't forgotten about your solar return question