Does she still feelings for me?

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Cancer Sun in the 6th House? Doesn't look like it at all. See how Sun is disjunct Saturn? See how Sun has long since separated from an opposition to Saturn? See how Saturn received Sun by Triplicity (in Gemini), but Sun didn't receive Saturn?
well, if it's so than it's so, not much we can do about it. would like to hear more opinions, though...
You're Saturn, she's the sun, and there is no aspect between them. The moon is in Virgo and not helping, as its next aspect is to Mars.

Given that Saturn (you) has just retrograded into Scorpio, maybe that's what is making you think about the past, and when it goes direct again, this will once again fade. There isn't an indication in the chart that she thinks of you. Sorry about that.
No need to be sorry, it was a poor relationship anyway. But, just for the sake of the argument, isn't uranus ruler of aquarius, where the 1st house cusp falls?
The older rulers are used around here but I have seen a horary blog where modern rulers are used.

I guess if you were Uranus:

It is in the second house so this is really an issue of self-worth.

The sun is about to go square Uranus in cancer

I think cancer is a bad sign for Uranus
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No need to be sorry, it was a poor relationship anyway. But, just for the sake of the argument, isn't uranus ruler of aquarius, where the 1st house cusp falls?

Not in traditional astrology, and certainly not in horary. Why? Horary is about prediction, and modern astrology which incorporates Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius loathes the idea of prediction. Uranus doesn't fit into the rulership scheme that is built upon the Thema Mundi, which explains the nature of aspects, planets, sect, etc.

If you want to read horary charts using Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius then by all means do so. I'd be interested in seeing how that works out for you.

The older rulers are used around here but I have seen a horary blog where modern rulers are used.

I've seen horary blogs where people try to cast charts to see what will happen to fictitious tv characters. I've seen horary blogs where people decide to eschew the chart entirely and just go with "the vibe, man." How often are these horarists getting the chart readings correct? I have seen astrologers use Uranus as a piece of the chart if it is on an angle within a degree or two, but never successfully as the ruler of a sign.

I guess if you were Uranus:

Your light wouldn't be seen. Since Uranus doesn't reflect light or cast rays.

It is in the second house so this is really an issue of self-worth.

The second house has nothing to do with self worth. It has to do with material posessions, and things that support life, but self worth will be found in the 1st.

The sun is about to go square Uranus in cancer

Sun is still combusting Mars, though out of sign at this point. But ok, let's play Uranus. See Pluto? Sun gets to Pluto before Sun gets to Uranus. I mean, really that would be prohibition even if we want to use Uranus as the ruler of the ASC.

More important, Sun is combusting Mars, and there are two other planet's in the quesited's sign/house. Our quesited is busy with other things.

I think cancer is a bad sign for Uranus
