Does T have colon cancer?

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Sep 8, 2024
Question: Does T’s chart indicate that she has colon cancer?

My friend is 88-years-of-age, works a 40-hour week as a mental health counselor, and still manages to care for an ailing husband. August 1, 2024 she experienced blood and what appeared to be clots in her stools. She phoned and asked me to cast a chart; however, I was not able to read the chart because the ascendant was 27 degrees 57 minutes. I insisted she seek guidance from a doctor. She was finally seen last week, and was told to get a colonoscopy since nothing was determined from blood tests and a general physical. She is diabetic and is “holding her own” as far as kidney deterioration. The new chart, cast September 27, 2024 at her request, is the one I have posted. I do not believe she has colon cancer.

My interpretation:

T=Asc=Scorpio ruled by Mars in the 8th House. The negative aspect (Mars square Sun) is 8- degrees; too distant to count (John Frawley says “3-degrees apart). However, Mars is in its fall. On the plus side, Mars trines Saturn in the 4th--end of the matter.
As far as other Mars transits: Mars trine Venus has passed; Mars square Sun has passed.
Gemini ruling the 8th House indicates two--maybe a cause and a problem. Jupiter in the 8th out-of-sign with Mars is ruled by Mercury, governing the nervous system, overwork, worry, stress, and medicinal drinks. I asked if she had ingested anything different around that time, and I received a negative answer; thus, I believe her condition is caused by stress.
Venus is in the 12th House of Karma and it is in its detriment, so the problem is legitimate. Venus is square Moon (in Leo in the 9th House); Moon is the ruler of Cancer. The Moon is in Leo, ruled by the Sun in the 10th House, so whatever the cause, it is treatable. The Sun's transits are not to be considered because of distance apart: square Mars, trine Uranus, opposition Neptune, trine Pluto. The Sun's conjunction to Mercury is viable.

According to “The Rulership Book” by Rex E. Bills, Mars rules the colon and ulcers; clots are ruled by Saturn, and polyps are ruled by Aries and Taurus. Taurus is ruler of the 6th House, so that fits. Cancer the disease is ruled by sign Cancer and the Moon. Taurus on the 6th House cusp fits the ulcer diagnosis, along with Scorpiuo ruling the Ascendant and Mars in Cancer in the 8th House being appropriate to describe the colon issue.

The 10th house of treatment contains the Sun conjunct Mercury (cazimi) in Libra and the Part of Fortune in out-of-sign Virgo. . The incident she described August 1st has not repeated, and it had never happened prior to that one time.
(Side note: my son had a similar incident thirty years ago...he had colon ulcers.)
That said, this would appear to be a Uranus or unexpected problem, but Uranus in the 7th House of doctors confuses me.

Whoever chooses to respond--thank you in advance. I certainly would appreciate other opinions! This is a great forum for teaching me what I have missed or misinterpreted.Does my friend have colon cancer.jpeg
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Question: Does T’s chart indicate that she has colon cancer?

My friend is 88-years-of-age, works a 40-hour week as a mental health counselor, and still manages to care for an ailing husband. August 1, 2024 she experienced blood and what appeared to be clots in her stools. She phoned and asked me to cast a chart; however, I was not able to read the chart because the ascendant was 27 degrees 57 minutes. I insisted she seek guidance from a doctor. She was finally seen last week, and was told to get a colonoscopy since nothing was determined from blood tests and a general physical. She is diabetic and is “holding her own” as far as kidney deterioration. The new chart, cast September 27, 2024 at her request, is the one I have posted. I do not believe she has colon cancer.

My interpretation:

T=Asc=Scorpio ruled by Mars in the 8th House. The negative aspect (Mars square Sun) is 8- degrees; too distant to count (John Frawley says “3-degrees apart). However, Mars is in its fall. On the plus side, Mars trines Saturn in the 4th--end of the matter.
As far as other Mars transits: Mars trine Venus has passed; Mars square Sun has passed.
Gemini ruling the 8th House indicates two--maybe a cause and a problem. Jupiter in the 8th out-of-sign with Mars is ruled by Mercury, governing the nervous system, overwork, worry, stress, and medicinal drinks. I asked if she had ingested anything different around that time, and I received a negative answer; thus, I believe her condition is caused by stress.
Venus is in the 12th House of Karma and it is in its detriment, so the problem is legitimate. Venus is square Moon (in Leo in the 9th House); Moon is the ruler of Cancer. The Moon is in Leo, ruled by the Sun in the 10th House, so whatever the cause, it is treatable. The Sun's transits are not to be considered because of distance apart: square Mars, trine Uranus, opposition Neptune, trine Pluto. The Sun's conjunction to Mercury is viable.

According to “The Rulership Book” by Rex E. Bills, Mars rules the colon and ulcers; clots are ruled by Saturn, and polyps are ruled by Aries and Taurus. Taurus is ruler of the 6th House, so that fits. Cancer the disease is ruled by sign Cancer and the Moon. Taurus on the 6th House cusp fits the ulcer diagnosis, along with Scorpiuo ruling the Ascendant and Mars in Cancer in the 8th House being appropriate to describe the colon issue.

The 10th house of treatment contains the Sun conjunct Mercury (cazimi) in Libra and the Part of Fortune in out-of-sign Virgo. . The incident she described August 1st has not repeated, and it had never happened prior to that one time.
(Side note: my son had a similar incident thirty years ago...he had colon ulcers.)
That said, this would appear to be a Uranus or unexpected problem, but Uranus in the 7th House of doctors confuses me.

Whoever chooses to respond--thank you in advance. I certainly would appreciate other opinions! This is a great forum for teaching me what I have missed or misinterpreted.
the ascendant in a critical degree, a very difficult degree that shows us the state of the person and that he is going through a crisis.
But also the ruler=Mars in the 8th in a house of operations.

As a first indication, the fact that the ascendant is in water and the pointer is again in water tells us that the person is in good condition and is in his own triplicity, but also from coincidental forces (house) he is in his own space. In the sign of his fall which shows us the bad situation.

scorpio has to do with the anus and generally with our genital area. Venus in scorpio (again gynecological) in the 12th=hospital, exams, care, in water too, so this is also a good indicator for the person's condition. the problem that exists can be dealt with
and we see it exists because Venus = 6th, health, has enough power over the individual (dominion, limits, triplicity) but this Venus is in its weakness and in the 12th house which on the one hand says:
protection in matters of health and treatment
gynecological problems that can be overcome (perhaps with some surgery)
Venus there in the 12th house = in a flare (from house) so something that will be intense but will "deflate"

The Moon rules Mars and shows the fluids of the body and in Leo = blood circulation.
Mars will trine Saturn. And Mars and Saturn are on the terms of Mercury, and this Mercury is burned by the Sun and is not in Kazimi. I would generally say she needs the tests and maybe therapy but I think he will get over it

Venus is also in the 12th=Hospital, healing and the Doctor=7th, he is good and will get the care she needs.
Also Saturn is exalted in Libra=so also Saturn ruler of the 12th=in Pisces=healing, in the exaltation of Venus and in the trine of Mars and it goes for a trine Very good sign
the ascendant in a critical degree, a very difficult degree that shows us the state of the person and that he is going through a crisis.
But also the ruler=Mars in the 8th in a house of operations.

As a first indication, the fact that the ascendant is in water and the pointer is again in water tells us that the person is in good condition and is in his own triplicity, but also from coincidental forces (house) he is in his own space. In the sign of his fall which shows us the bad situation.

scorpio has to do with the anus and generally with our genital area. Venus in scorpio (again gynecological) in the 12th=hospital, exams, care, in water too, so this is also a good indicator for the person's condition. the problem that exists can be dealt with
and we see it exists because Venus = 6th, health, has enough power over the individual (dominion, limits, triplicity) but this Venus is in its weakness and in the 12th house which on the one hand says:
protection in matters of health and treatment
gynecological problems that can be overcome (perhaps with some surgery)
Venus there in the 12th house = in a flare (from house) so something that will be intense but will "deflate"

The Moon rules Mars and shows the fluids of the body and in Leo = blood circulation.
Mars will trine Saturn. And Mars and Saturn are on the terms of Mercury, and this Mercury is burned by the Sun and is not in Kazimi. I would generally say she needs the tests and maybe therapy but I think he will get over it

Venus is also in the 12th=Hospital, healing and the Doctor=7th, he is good and will get the care she needs.
Also Saturn is exalted in Libra=so also Saturn ruler of the 12th=in Pisces=healing, in the exaltation of Venus and in the trine of Mars and it goes for a trine Very good sign
understood...thank you for taking so much time to consider this question
Clea have you received information of your friends diagnosis and continued treatment, as Astrologers we like to learn more about each and every one of the charts.
Heres hoping your friend is free of disease or malady, illness, and with well being soon on the way for good health.
Clea have you received information of your friends diagnosis and continued treatment, as Astrologers we like to learn more about each and every one of the charts.
Heres hoping your friend is free of disease or malady, illness, and with well being soon on the way for good health.
She it too afraid of the resulting answer; thus, she has put off having a colonoscopy. She has experienced no further bleeding episode since that one.