Michael, I would strongly recommend, given your interest in astrology, that you learn horary from the ground-up, rather than guessing at it. There is a good tutorial (traditional) on the Skyscript website. There is also a sticky by "Enlil" at the start of the horary board at Astrodienst, and loads of articles on-line.
Basically you start with the querent (normally you) as the planetary ruler of the first house. Mars is a traditional malefic, but in a boy-girl romance question, it seems appropriate. For a committed relationship the quesited (her) is a 7th house matter, symbolized by Venus.
For affirmative testimonies:
1. Do the two main significators apply to a sextile, trine or conjunction? (No, because Venus, the faster moving planet is separating from an earlier conjunction with Mars.)
2. Do the two planets share any reception? (No, not so's you'd notice.)
3. Does the moon (your emotional stake in the matter) apply to a sextile, trine, or conjunction with Venus? (Here we see the effect of prohibition. The moon theoretically will conjunct Venus before she changes sign, but depending upon whether you use modern outers or not, before this can happen, the moon will hit Pluto or the sun. These planets are not acting as go-betweens for the moon and Venus (translation of light) as they move slower than Venus. Plus a planet getting within orb of the sun is said to be combust. It is weakened.
We could look at the planets ruling the houses and signs of the main significators, but they're not helping matters, either.
4. You could look at antisticia, but again, they're not helping out.
In some questions, we'd consider the stronger vs. weaker planet, as well. (Essential and accidental dignities.)
So no, I don't think this relationship will work out.