Does your descendant describe your partner

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It is true that our descendant always support in personal life,and oppose in the out side life.I am living in India and there are more examples for the supporting and opposing with in the field.After reading about the nature and creativity for maintain the descendant,there are some my own thoughts those I collected from past readings of many charts,and also by the personaly contect.
If descendant is Aries,means there are more and more power of physical power,he or she always ruling home,related people,also mind thinking,what is thinking by opposite side,and how can he or she will maintain,if anybody will make short talk about the enmity,there are bisfot like a bomb.If anybody want to make insults of his or her partner,there are no ways to save by maker of insults.
If descendant is Taurus,there a big faith on couple and 90% long relations,with life partner,or with partner,if anybody leave partnership,Taurus always think in mind that he or she is alone in world and nobody can help him
If descendant is Gemini,there are double thinking in mind always,he or she has news of out side people,and in free time there are lots of stories,we can hear,private detectership is the formula,always thinking in mind to female child and always thinking in mind about conectivity,more speech also reason of disturb life.
If descendant is Cancer,there are full life depends on heart,this type person always change mind,there are all works by heart,they can not use mind,if a short talk feels him,they think for that whole time.They past living of grand father's time is genrely the point of discues.
If descendant is Leo,there are full depending on the life partner,if partner make food,then they can eat,if partner arrenge the stay they can live,like a Lion and lioness,you can see in the life of lion,always first atteck by lioness,then after killing the food lion goes slowly to the food,and when he eat the food,lioness make defence of the eating of food.
If descendant is Virgo,always happy life,no single works will be posible in personal life,always this type person want to make service and they know the indications of requirements,they can feel the imotions and make service in proper time.
If descendant is Libra,there are always thinking like a business person,more time they spend in the making balance,and more time they required for the making desisions.If there are a sexual requirement by the partner,first they think,if the cooperate for the sexual activity,what fruit will be posible,if there not profit seeing by him,they make a reasonable point and refuse the sexual activity.
If descendant is Scorpio,the mind always going to life partner,for making good and good in the family life and they can use witches,voodoo works,there are some thing feeling like he or she is not able make satishfection to him.But the partner always think to make good and good for him.
My 7th house is empty. Cancer is on the cusp, all of Leo, and some Virgo to boot. My partners in life have been ecclectic in "signs", but all have some sort of Moon and Sun energy that is strong. I think the duality actually fits me well, since I have a direct opposition between Sun Capricorn and Moon Cancer.

I really thought that my Sabian Symbol for the DC proves this need for dualtiy also

The three "souls" in man-factional, emotional, mental -"exiled" in the body. Potential fulfillment.

I have Gemini on my Descendant, and the South Node is there too, I have never really settled down with anyone yet, also Saturn in Cancer in the 7th house. So I guess that makes me really picky about who I settle down with. I like to have to freedon/space to be who I am and hate to feel stifled.

The guys I like most and stick with most (can be counted on one hand!)usually have venus in Gemini.

The guys I am most attracted to are intelligent, dazzling me with their wit and humour, and are always older. They have a serious tone about them, are established in some way and are self reliant, but also a bit lighthearted, not too heavy! If I find someone who is too 'steady' I go off them in an instant. There has to be space and some sort of movement for me to stick to a guy, even if it is just an evening course one of us does, something outside of the relationship to keep it lively.

Starlink, you said:

'7th house can just as well be the way you are with your partner or, what sort of qualities you would like in a partner.'

I'd have to agree with that. I have mercury conjunct my cap desc - I definitely look for the chatty, quick-tongued mercury types as opposed to the saturnian types. Usually Geminis (I'm a sag) but I do have Sun in 6th conjunct Mer, so I do find Virgos generally quite stimulating. My most recent love interest has a gem desc.

I do find guys with Uranian flavour quite intriguing also - probably due to my aquarian venus.

Interesting thread!
Ashlesha Nakshatra: Spread from 16:40' to 30: degree Karkata(Cencer). Chandra(Moon) is the lord. It is the birth star of Ketu(South Node of Moon). Symbol-coiled up snake. It is the nature of a snake to hide himself, to encircle and entwine, to creep on the chest, to embrace, and to enjoy or unite surreptitiously. All this is an attribute of Ashlesha also. The cunningness of the serpent, its devious nature, the burning sensation of poison and pain along with all consequences that poison connotes are to be read in the constitution of Ashlesha. The virtues and vices of the serpent are all in it. Chandra(Moon) in Aslesha sicklied over with various faults in great intensity. Whoever would have his or her karmapathi (Lord of the 10th house) or bhagyapathi (Lord of the 9th house) in this star would run the risk of having all his or her principal acts in life handicapped, jeopardised or spoiled by many kinds of danger and obstruction. If the Lagna(Asc) is in this star, the native would possibly be of willy disposition. Such people would like to work in secret and their words would carry the sting of poison.
Those born in the star Aslesha are cruel, daring and angry; they probably co-habit with people of same sex and animals like cow, according to Narasimha Prayoga Parijata(A Book of Indian God Narshimha). They travel aimlessly, do undesirable jobs, harmful to his own and other people; they are proud and suffer on account of sex starvation. They are angry and are strong like lion; they know Brahman(Worshiper and religious person in Hindu community) and dependent on others for life. They are cruel to all beings, pay fines by doing sinful acts, unstable minded, and fearful. They are always sad, serve others, short temptered, and vary bad persons. They are childish, slow in the work of their lord (nidhana-drohi), wide eyed, endowed with fish sign in eyes, develop enemity with his own people, highly stingy and stubborn.
Those born in the third pada(Foot) are chatter boxes, slow, idle, interested in doing silly jobs, stingy and thieves. They suffer from windy diseases.
Hi Astrobhadauria
My descendant is in Scorpio I don't know if it is the same degree as my ascendant which is 25.37 Taurus. In Vedic how does this describe my partner and his personality - please answer.

Vrischika (Scorpio) descendant The body of the native of this descendant is well proportioned. Hands are generally long. The stature is above average. Face is broad with commanding appearance. Such natives have generally a good personality. The native of this lagna is a particulary determined individual. He will crush the obstacles before him and move forward. He has a fertile imagination and sharp intelligence. He is emotional but possesses remarkable intuitive power. He has self assertion, courage, resolution, independence and forcefulness. He is highly sexy and has relations with many women. A good Vrischika native evinces great interest in occult sciences and spritual experiments. The natives of this lagna have a harsh tongue. They are revengeful and vindicative. They love to criticise others and establish their superiority. The domestic life of a person with this lagna can be happy only if every member of the family is submissive to him.
Actually, it not only describes your partner but what kindof people you are attracted to.

i have Aquarius 23 aquarius.
my uranus conj sun, merc, trine mars, square saturn. I must have an oddball goofball person next to me.. i cannot stand normal people.

Scorpio descendant 2°36'20 here! :D

I agree with Howl description about each sign descendant. But i dont really like possesive or intense partner, they tend to make me runaway from them...

So far, none of my previous partner or current one describe my descendant or vice versa. And I never attract any Scorpio person in my life ( real love relationship I mean). I dunno why Gemini person always come in and out as my partner.

And currently, now Im with Cancer person. And it's like riding a roller coaster... :confused:
I have Aries descendent and my husband is a Leo with Sag rising and Sag moon - I think that sort of confirms that I like fire.....

His descendent is Gemini and I am Libra rising but also Moon in Aries - it sort of fits I spose....
My sympathies to Manic Monday.. I too have a Gemini Descendant/Intercepted Cancer. I too have no partner at the moment.. and I too have met my fair share men who swiftly appear in ones life and swiftly are shunted out or leave on their own accord! The longest term relationship I have had (8 years) was with a Gemini.. the rest have had all the qualities of Gemini but have been other signs..mostly fire! I would like to point out why I think this is.. The Sag Asc... giving the impression of a very independent, freedom loving, confident and fun individual.. is what so many men found attractive about me but was ultimately my downfall.. I attract the intellectual freedom loving type, confident and very self assured... I also had a blind date recently knowing nothing of the individual I was going to meet beforehand.. and as if by magic.. the same again... always!!!!!
Great descriptions! My Aquarius descendant needs freedom FREEDOM! So good l had to say it twice haha

My sun in Taurus loves security and is always fighting with my freedom needs. Most relationships l feel totally suffocated as the other person thinks that when they fear losing me, my free spirit needs reigning in.. which of course only makes me either curl into a ball or run for the hills.

My partner is Leo sun/mars which is conjunct my Asc and opposing my Dsc and l do feel free and unrestricted by him. He nevers asks me petty questions that less confident more needy signs do, so he gets my vote!

His venus is in Libra which goes with my taurus sun. My mars is in taurus, his dsc.

Interestingly, his Dsc/saturn is Taurus - my sun/mercury... I think his moon in sagittarius and his Asc in Scorpio goes passionately with my Aries moon/venus/saturn/n node stellium in 9th (incidentally his 5th ruler is Aries).
He is also a foreigner so l guess he checks all my boxes ;)

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I have Libra Rising and three major relationships in my life. First I have to say that above description of Aries on the 7th house was accurate. For me I don't like being one of those controlling bossy females. No offense, and I do know some men like that - having a woman tell them where to go what to do lol. But me I prefer what I have always called "alpha - males" - so I do think that follows along with my 7th house cusp. I don't like wishy washy men - my Libra rising is wishy washy enough. There can only be one captain of the boat and I don't want it to be me!

I also have Saturn in the 7th house. The father of my baby and someone that was there for me and took care of me like a father was a triple cappy. Don't know where this plays into it but every man I have dated has had Venus in scorp and Mars in Leo. I do have the Sun tittering between 7th and 8th house so maybe Sun there gives the leo? I dont know how I fit into his Cancer 7th house.

I was Married for 5 years I have 22 Libra rising he has 23 Libra rising - he was very alpha malish military stuff..but he liked women controlling him and that is where I drew the line. His saturn in aries conjuncted my venus in aries.. needless to say that sucked..but can't see my 7th house in him too much. Us both having Aries on the 7th house dunno didn't work for me. He was very fatherly like to me I'm sure the saturn in 7th.

This current relationship he has Moon in Aries right on my 7th house, he gets hot under the collar pretty quick like me but lets it go pretty quick I think, I think I am quicker - his Scorp Sun hangs on to stuff a little longer. But he is very alpha maleish - likes to be the captain of the boat - he has leo on his 7th house with mars in there.. so yes I like to look pretty and I guess my venus in aries like to give it as good as I get it so I can be his mars at times I suppose. This time he is 10 years younger then me but he still takes on a fatherly like role to me :) I think my pisces moon (which is in his 1st house) comes across as needing to be taken care of.

Those that have been in long term relationships and marriages though would like to hear what both of your 7th house cusps are.. are there ones that compliment each other better ect?
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I agree with those descriptions! I have my descendant in Gemini - and when I realised this a few years ago my heart sank - realising I'll always end up with unreliable liar with the gift of the gab - with tales that I'll fall for again and again, being an idealistic sort of leo..

But when I met my current partner - not only a gemini, but sun, asc, venus and mercury all there - I wasn't keen, no gemini types for me I thought. But he is lovely and has completely changed my view. Gemini's aren't necessarily the stereotypical unfaithful naughty suign just as the other stereotypes aren't always correct - all signs have good and bad. All of his gemini planets (except for the mercury) are in his 12th house and he is romantic and sweet - bit like a pisces.

My ascendant (sag) is on his 6th house cusp, and when he says what he likes about me he says that I am witty and fun and also intelligent. I guess he see's that sagg side of me where other past partners would say either caring, or sexy or something less nice, depending on the way our charts interracted.

So I think the dec just shows what qualities we are looking for/ or even subconsciously are attracted to.
I have Taurus descendant with Jupiter in Taurus in house 7. I also have Neptune in Sag in house 1 and Venus in Pisces and Pisces on house 5. Most of my past boyfriends have been foreign born men. The 2 American men I dated were both Sag's. Sign of ruler of the 5th. I have Mars in Cap and have dated 3 Capricorns. But for my husband I always said I wanted a quiet business man type who was very loving and supportive and from the Caribbean. So this perfectly describes my Jupiter in Taurus. BTW every man I have been in love with have had Venus in Sag. So there Venus has been in the same sign as the ruler of my 5th!
You learn 800 new things here every day. I never knew that your descendant describes your partner so... It makes perfect sense, given the past relationships I've been in as opposed to the women I wish I -could- be with.

I'm a Sun/Moon Cancer with a Leo Rising, my descendant is of course, Aquarius. I don't know why, but I'm attracted to free spirited women. I don't mind so much despite being a cancer, as long as I know I'm #1 to them. I think my Venus in Gemini also helps make this a little easier, since I hate to be tied down in a straitjacket form of relationshi which I seem to enter into a lot.

It seems pretty funky from a purely stereotypical astrological standpoint. Cancer + Aquarius seems to be a definite no-no in terms of Sun signs.
Undo said:
You learn 800 new things here every day. I never knew that your descendant describes your partner so... It makes perfect sense, given the past relationships I've been in as opposed to the women I wish I -could- be with.

I'm a Sun/Moon Cancer with a Leo Rising, my descendant is of course, Aquarius. I don't know why, but I'm attracted to free spirited women. I don't mind so much despite being a cancer, as long as I know I'm #1 to them. I think my Venus in Gemini also helps make this a little easier, since I hate to be tied down in a straitjacket form of relationshi which I seem to enter into a lot.

I'm a free spirited woman, yet I seem to attract men who want to control or "tame" me rather than just run with me. I feel like I'm in a straightjacket if I try to go with what that Taurus DC says. The relationship ends really quick when I do that. For whatever reason, I have a deep fear in the pit of my being about being controlled, owned, tamed, or getting my independence squashed by someone else.
I tried dating a Sagi Sun, Aqua Moon, Gem Asc and it was great as far as having somebody to travel and have fun with, but he turned out to be very controlling and an abusive alcoholic. :(

I've come to the conclusion that some of us are just not meant to marry or have any kind of a fulfilling relationship where you're allowed to be yourself.