Dominant Jupiter in 9th but no travel

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This sounds like me:biggrin: The desire is there but sometimes you can't. For me I have too many obligations (people dependent on me, I have relatives with special needs) to be able to travel as I please. I'm also trying to save up to buy my dream home so throwing 1000s away on vacations isn't realistic right now. We can still dream though:cool:

Now that's a realistic example! Thanks.
It's strange to have a dominant Jupiter in Pisces in 9th & the native really hasn't travelled. She happens to be an inspiring teacher & has alot of interest in travelling but doesn't exactly have alot of international travel as might be expected. What's gone wrong?
Jupiter (ruler of 6th - work, service, health) is conjunct Midheaven so it affects the MC rather than 9th house. Jupiter has made her a teacher.

Ruler of 9th, uranus, is in 3rd in virgo. This has connected the 9th house energies of mental pusuits, journeys of the mind/body, literary effort, philosophy, publishing etc to 3rd house matters of communication, speaking, writing, studying, etc, in a more day-to-day manner.
Jupiter (ruler of 6th - work, service, health) is conjunct Midheaven so it affects the MC rather than 9th house. Jupiter has made her a teacher.

Ruler of 9th, uranus, is in 3rd in virgo. This has connected the 9th house energies of mental pusuits, journeys of the mind/body, literary effort, philosophy, publishing etc to 3rd house matters of communication, speaking, writing, studying, etc, in a more day-to-day manner.

Why did we forget the rulers! Brilliant reminder! :smile:
Well this chart definitely gives us the chance of dealing with the idea of 'a planet is near the end of a house, near a cusp, it's interpreted in both houses and eventually only the next house'. I read just yesterday on Noel Tyl's site that he advocates this also. Yet there is no international travel. Unless of course, as someone asked, is this person advanced in age and did they travel when younger?

Otherwise I wouldn't expect int. travel. This person and I have very similar charts, houses, aspects, planets in signs etc. but I see no personal planets in the 9th and nothing indicating study or business in the 9th.

My next line of fire would indeed be other significations of Jupiter, as others have also done. Next in line, teacher, and bingo! :w00t:

p.s. Jupiter in the 10th I've often read is favoured by authority figures, especially in school and the native does well in school. I've read this from a few sources, it has been my personal experience and I wonder is it your client's? If yes that puts the Jupiter in two houses idea to bed for good.
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Well this chart definitely gives us the chance of dealing with the idea of 'a planet is near the end of a house, near a cusp, it's interpreted in both houses and eventually only the next house'. I read just yesterday on Noel Tyl's site that he advocates this also. Yet there is no international travel. Unless of course, as someone asked, is this person advanced in age and did they travel when younger?

Otherwise I wouldn't expect int. travel. This person and I have very similar charts, houses, aspects, planets in signs etc. but I see no personal planets in the 9th and nothing indicating study or business in the 9th.

My next line of fire would indeed be other significations of Jupiter, as others have also done. Next in line, teacher, and bingo! :w00t:

p.s. Jupiter in the 10th I've often read is favoured by authority figures, especially in school and the native does well in school. I've read this from a few sources, it has been my personal experience and I wonder is it your client's? If yes that puts the Jupiter in two houses idea to bed for good.

It is a client's chart & this post is quite useful. Knowing her to be the Head of her department right now, I would have to agree to the authority's favorite & being a good student. Yes, the native is nearly 50 but claims that she never got a chance. I actually went back to confirm details.
Got questions if you or someone else would like to answer:
1- What difference would it make if there were personal planets in the 9th?
2- It is possible that due to the Jupiter being in the dark side of 10th relate to travelling in the last part of life? (Near-past Saturn return)
Personal planets in 9th

Mercury/Venus/Mars Can be some of: studying foreign languages, a deep curiosity for foreign cultures, dates/marries a foreigner/person from different faith, with an emphasis on this house it then becomes expecting periods of time abroad, older astrology say these people often die living abroad (not fatalistic just old age, when the time comes), the eternal students, those who keep studying higher education (3rd as you know primary education, 9th is higher), study of languages/law/international things/religion, strong religious faith which is important in the their life. Mars here often gets very sporty, athletic types.

I've Venus in the middle of the 9th and more than half of this is true. Mercury is at the end of my 9th conjunct MC. I've studied about 6/7 languages in full time education, dated more foreigners than nationals, doing a thesis on law and have benefited from legal procedings, have a degree in international business and languages, lived, studied and worked abroad. (plenty of good astrologers on here that dwarf my international experience, but I fit my 9th well). My asc is Cancer so the houses fit your client quite a bit.

Dark Side Planets

I have never heard of effects being later in life...I'm surprised! I've only heard that the end of the current house plays out at the start of life and eventually all events proceed into the next house. :whistling:
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Personal planets in 9th

Mercury/Venus/Mars Can be some of: studying foreign languages, a deep curiosity for foreign cultures, dates/marries a foreigner/person from different faith, with an emphasis on this house it then becomes expecting periods of time abroad, older astrology say these people often die living abroad (not fatalistic just old age, when the time comes), the eternal students, those who keep studying higher education (3rd as you know primary education, 9th is higher), study of languages/law/international things/religion, strong religious faith which is important in the their life. Mars here often gets very sporty, athletic types.

I've Venus in the middle of the 9th and more than half of this is true. Mercury is at the end of my 9th conjunct MC. I've studied about 6/7 languages in full time education, dated more foreigners than nationals, doing a thesis on law and have benefited from legal procedings, have a degree in international business and languages, lived, studied and worked abroad. (plenty of good astrologers on here that dwarf my international experience, but I fit my 9th well). My asc is Cancer so the houses fit your client quite a bit.

Dark Side Planets

I have never heard of effects being later in life...I'm surprised! I've only heard that the end of the current house plays out at the start of life and eventually all events proceed into the next house. :whistling:

I think I'm falling in love with the 9th house!:love: This is awesome! I am only starting so keeping a tab on what the planets present as! Great input! Ty!
I have Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune in the 9th house, all in Sag to top it all - Sun is also there but right on the other side of the MC. I consider Jupiter and Neptune very personal planets since they both rule my chart (Pisces ASC).

I could have written the above post myself - speak several languages fluenty and have a degree in languages, have lived away from my country of birth since Uni graduation, attraction/relationships with foreigners etc.

I used to have a physical and emotional need to travel to foreign lands (have visited over 35 countries) but for some reason, I do not have that need anymore. I still travel occasionally but I am not so eager. I guess living in a foreign country suffices to meet my needs in that area - the oppression I feel when I go "home" to visit my family is undescribable but has nothing to do with my family, bless them!

The 9th house is where I naturally go when I am alone with myself or when I need to be active - mind expansion (learning and teaching), being physical in the outdoors, the constant search for something else. Really, that's what the 9th house is about: the constant search and we use whatever means we have at our disposal (travel, higher education, etc) to search and sometimes find.
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I have Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune in the 9th house, all in Sag to top it all - Sun is also there but right on the other side of the MC. I consider Jupiter and Neptune very personal planets since they both rule my chart (Pisces ASC).

I could have written the above post myself - speak several languages fluenty and have a degree in languages, have lived away from my country of birth since Uni graduation, attraction/relationships with foreigners etc.

I used to have a physical and emotional need to travel to foreign lands (have visited over 35 countries) but for some reason, I do not have that need anymore. I still travel occasionally but I am not so eager. I guess living in a foreign country suffices to meet my needs in that area - the oppression I feel when I go "home" to visit my family is undescribable but has nothing to do with my family, bless them!

The 9th house is where I naturally go when I am alone with myself or when I need to be active - mind expansion (learning and teaching), being physical in the outdoors, the constant search for something else. Really, that's what the 9th house is about: the constant search and we use whatever means we have at our disposal (travel, higher education, etc) to search and sometimes find.

I'm almost envious! Wow! Wonderful presentation.
I have an intense fondness for learning foreign languages but didn't get much opportunities to learn but soon I will. I've had plenty of foreign affairs though.(Uranus-technology-internet). :biggrin:
Jupiter is the one that makes you want to get away from your own 'home' & live abroad. I felt the effects of it since childhood though it falls into my 9th only by whole signs but I've literally been dying to get away since pre-teens. (No luck so far :whistling:)
Does Uranus comply as personal? It generally falls into my 9th by most- in Saggi. I'm hoping it gets me 'moving'.
I have Moon/Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune in the 9th house, all in Sag to top it all - Sun is also there but right on the other side of the MC. I consider Jupiter and Neptune very personal planets since they both rule my chart (Pisces ASC).

Really, that's what the 9th house is about: the constant search and we use whatever means we have at our disposal (travel, higher education, etc) to search and sometimes find.

Yay 9th house!

I have Sun, Mercury, Neptune, in Sagittarius, in the 9th house.
Jupiter is in my 2nd house, trine MC.

I can certainly relate to the constant search! I would also agree that this relates to not only travel, but the ongoing seeking of knowledge :wink:
It is a client's chart & this post is quite useful. Knowing her to be the Head of her department right now, I would have to agree to the authority's favorite & being a good student. Yes, the native is nearly 50 but claims that she never got a chance. I actually went back to confirm details.
Got questions if you or someone else would like to answer:
1- What difference would it make if there were personal planets in the 9th?
2- It is possible that due to the Jupiter being in the dark side of 10th relate to travelling in the last part of life? (Near-past Saturn return)
Jupiter conjunct MC but in the 9th is in a Gauquelin sector - the research showed that planets here give their qualities to the person's profession, vocation or career. So that could also explain why she is a teacher.
I have a loose jupiter - chiron conjunction in aries. In placidus it is in 10th. In equal house it is in 9th.

I don't feel the urge to travel either. I have access to everything I need. In fact, travel would make my personal projects impossible. To me, the core meaning of 9th and jupiter is a journey of the mind.

Most people looking at jupiter and chiron in my chart conclude that my ideal career would be a teacher. However, I absolutely hate the traditional classroom approach to education. I always daydreamed in class and studied the material myself later. For some reason I become disengaged when around large groups of people.
I don't feel the urge to travel either. I have access to everything I need. In fact, travel would make my personal projects impossible. To me, the core meaning of 9th and jupiter is a journey of the mind.

Yeah, i've thought about this possibility.

I only have my North Node in the 9th House; but my entire life so far seems to have centered around the qualities of the 9th house. I spent many years exploring my mind through meditation, psychedelics and through unusual people (Aquarius 9th house) as-well as studying the various forms of religious mysticism, philosophy and psychology and finding a deep connection between them. Curiously enough Jupiter is in trine with my north node, and is also conjunct Mercury and Moon.. so i would say i'm rather invested.

After about 4 years of this i feel i've exhausted as much as i can and now feel a strong desire to move from the internal world to the external world. I have traveled overseas briefly in the past, and i plan to again in a month although this time on my own.

Sagittarius is on my 7th house cusp, so naturally i'm very attracted to foreign people.

the oppression I feel when I go "home" to visit my family is undescribable but has nothing to do with my family, bless them!

It really does have to be the worst feeling, i know some people enjoy returning home.. but for me the oppression is unbelievable. I feel at 'home' when im on the move.. so returning to a place that is "still" so to speak has a great impact on me.

However, I absolutely hate the traditional classroom approach to education. I always daydreamed in class and studied the material myself later. For some reason I become disengaged when around large groups of people.

Haha i absolutely agree. I really do not like the traditional approach to teaching, i always drifted off in class and would later learn the material on my own; i've continued to follow this method with everything that's interested me. I did a short course last year in German, and i couldn't follow through with it because i found it difficult to be in a classroom atmosphere and learn from a person speaking aloud.
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I absolutely hate the traditional classroom approach to education. I always daydreamed in class and studied the material myself later. For some reason I become disengaged when around large groups of people.

Interesting... I can also be like this. I would become bored and distracted in a classroom setting, and often found myself doing a lot of my work at home alone.

I have also been told I would make a good teacher, and perhaps with all my 9th house and Sagittarian activity, that would suit. However, I have been hesitant because of that classroom/large groups thing!

Perhaps, a non-traditional approach to teaching would suit you better? There are lots of different kinds of "teachers"! :wink:
Jupiter conjunct MC but in the 9th is in a Gauquelin sector - the research showed that planets here give their qualities to the person's profession, vocation or career. So that could also explain why she is a teacher.

That's interesting. New discovery on the term, let me explore that.

Most people looking at jupiter and chiron in my chart conclude that my ideal career would be a teacher. However, I absolutely hate the traditional classroom approach to education. I always daydreamed in class and studied the material myself later. For some reason I become disengaged when around large groups of people.

I think we ought to research on 9th dominant people being 'bored' in class too. I have Uranus myself & could never stay with the class, always studied myself & was elsewhere in the classroom unless the teacher was good. But I suppose that's my dominant Gemini too. :biggrin:
I'm surprised that you had no interest in travelling & 'expanding' the mind through physical experience.

Yeah, i've thought about this possibility.

I only have my North Node in the 9th House; but my entire life so far seems to have centered around the qualities of the 9th house. I spent many years exploring my mind through meditation, psychedelics and through unusual people (Aquarius 9th house) as-well as studying the various forms of religious mysticism, philosophy and psychology and finding a deep connection between them. Curiously enough Jupiter is in trine with my north node, and is also conjunct Mercury and Moon.. so i would say i'm rather invested.

After about 4 years of this i feel i've exhausted as much as i can and now feel a strong desire to move from the internal world to the external world. I have traveled overseas briefly in the past, and i plan to again in a month although this time on my own.

Sagittarius is on my 7th house cusp, so naturally i'm very attracted to foreign people.

It really does have to be the worst feeling, i know some people enjoy returning home.. but for me the oppression is unbelievable. I feel at 'home' when im on the move.. so returning to a place that is "still" so to speak has a great impact on me.

Haha i absolutely agree. I really do not like the traditional approach to teaching, i always drifted off in class and would later learn the material on my own; i've continued to follow this method with everything that's interested me. I did a short course last year in German, and i couldn't follow through with it because i found it difficult to be in a classroom atmosphere and learn from a person speaking aloud.

Good to see similar experiences coming together with the aspects!

I have also been told I would make a good teacher, and perhaps with all my 9th house and Sagittarian activity, that would suit. However, I have been hesitant because of that classroom/large groups thing!

Perhaps, a non-traditional approach to teaching would suit you better? There are lots of different kinds of "teachers"! :wink:

With technology coming we're coming up with more creative ways to teach. One of them is interactive (like all of us). Go ahead & explore, you would have plenty of wealth to share with everyone.

Thanks everyone for the wonderful share!
There was a time when man travelled on donkeys. Long distance travel wasn't a real possiblity back then. Yet there lived men with strong Jupiterian influence in their natal charts.

Second, India is the 7th largest country in the world with 28 states, 6 Union Territories & 1 National Territory. The citizens of the country can move from one state to another without any passport or visa requirements. The state of Rajasthan alone is bigger than Italy & Holland combined. Hopping from Kerala to Kashmir is equivalent to flying from Iran to Kazakhstan. Has she never been to atleast one 'foreign' state?

As waybread & Caro said, there are still a lot of people who can afford to travel but don't because they've other things to focus on. Children, physical/mental handicap, failed medical check-up & work/business are some of the roadblocks the tourism industry faces. There are landlocked countries that don't have an airport.

In addition, there are thousands who cannot even afford. Children in economically backward countries have the world map nailed on a classroom wall. They understand that they can't smell the soil or taste the water of the countries their geograohy teacher talks about. But they know there's nothing that can stop their mind from experiencing these joys. That's Jupiter there.

Venus/Pluto can manifest in a Nun and a ****. Similarly, Jupiter doesn't always have to be a travel agent. The 9H also represents the higher mind, religion, philosophy & education. She perhaps got what her chart promised her.

A person with Sun/Mars, Moon/Mars, Pluto/Mars....has the potential for violence. It's upto her/him to choose where to direct this energy, whether to idealize Bin Laden or Nelson Mandela. Likewise, Jupiter could bring several travel opportunities but in the end, she decides what to do with them.
As Dhundhun stated, Jupiter's near the MC & can be safely considered to be posited in the next astrological house.
Her ascendant's in Cancer.
Moon in Taurus.
Venus(lord of the 4th) widely conjunct Saturn
Pluto(lord of 5H of hobbies & interests)/Uranus in Virgo.
Neptune in Scorpio.
Jupiter in Pisces.
No Jupiter aspects.
No planets in Sagittarius.
Is she really into travelling? She seems to be a homebody.

9H cusp = 29 Aquarius = critical degree.
She has a 9H Chiron.
Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives..I can see that the asteroid's opp pluto, trine Neptune(lord of the 10th) & sext. Moon. Chiron is disposited by Neptune which opposes Moon. Moon also squares Saturn. I understand that it's got to do with her early childhood, parents, home......
She has a 9H related Karmic lesson to learn this lifetime. Don't know what it is. Let her resolve her issues first. She maybe able to travel later in life.
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A traditional name for the 9th house is the house of "journeys over water." Travel by ship is pretty ancient!

Yet as you so correctly point out, the definition of long-distance travel is pretty elastic, and many people cannot afford to travel.

The 9th includes mind-travel or mental expanding horizons. Theology, philosophy, and published works of enduring value are also 9th house matters.
I'm talking about pre-historic days, when Homo erectus didn't know how to build a raft. :smile:
I couldn't control the history student in me. :eek: