Dominant Jupiter in 9th but no travel

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The 9H also represents the higher mind, religion, philosophy & education. She perhaps got what her chart promised her.

A person with Sun/Mars, Moon/Mars, Pluto/Mars....has the potential for violence. It's upto her/him to choose where to direct this energy, whether to idealize Bin Laden or Nelson Mandela. Likewise, Jupiter could bring several travel opportunities but in the end, she decides what to do with them.
As Dhundhun stated, Jupiter's near the MC & can be safely considered to be posited in the next astrological house.
Her ascendant's in Cancer.
Moon in Taurus.
Venus(lord of the 4th) widely conjunct Saturn
Pluto(lord of 5H of hobbies & interests)/Uranus in Virgo.
Neptune in Scorpio.
Jupiter in Pisces.
No Jupiter aspects.
No planets in Sagittarius.
Is she really into travelling? She seems to be a homebody.

9H cusp = 29 Aquarius = critical degree.
She has a 9H Chiron.
Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives..I can see that the asteroid's opp pluto, trine Neptune(lord of the 10th) & sext. Moon. Chiron is disposited by Neptune which opposes Moon. Moon also squares Saturn. I understand that it's got to do with her early childhood, parents, home......
She has a 9H related Karmic lesson to learn this lifetime. Don't know what it is. Let her resolve her issues first. She maybe able to travel later in life.

Do you mean that Jupiter has no aspects that will make her travel or in general? I see it conjuct Sun/Mercury. :andy:

I would agree with the Mental travel I suppose, restricted by home/work/finance.
I'm never sure how spirituality might work out for an Aries Sun with a Piscean Chiron but then something would.

Thanks for an in-depth response.
I'm no expert on aspects. I don't know what works & what doesn't. It's just that I don't attach a lot of importance to aspects that are not within 5 degrees(especially out of sign aspects since they're already weak). Exceptions are transits, progressions, T-squares, etc.
although pisces jupiter is considered "dignity," it gives a poverty sort of effect. pisces jupiter is concerned with generosity related to the spirit- forgiveness and vast imagination. pisces jupiter is not into material generosity which is a major requirement to travel. but jupiter in his own house is a teacher who helps their students travel and expand- via the higher mind.
although pisces jupiter is considered "dignity," it gives a poverty sort of effect. pisces jupiter is concerned with generosity related to the spirit- forgiveness and vast imagination. pisces jupiter is not into material generosity which is a major requirement to travel. but jupiter in his own house is a teacher who helps their students travel and expand- via the higher mind.

Thanks... Definitely fits the picture.
My rahu/north node is in the 9th and I never traveled either. Just had unorthodox views of religion (hasn't most people here?), perhaps different views on everything. Traveling interests me but I found out the only reason why I want to travel is due to having a romantic affair :)
My rahu/north node is in the 9th and I never traveled either. Just had unorthodox views of religion (hasn't most people here?), perhaps different views on everything. Traveling interests me but I found out the only reason why I want to travel is due to having a romantic affair :)

Philosophies & travel are the individual's interest too. :)
jupiter is the lord of expansion and depending on what house he sits in and what aspects he makes to the other planets, will determine how "far" he can expand and what areas in that specific house.

the 9th house is jupiter's own house of "distant travels" but we cannot interpret it literally as it's not necessarily physical travel! if anything, i don't even think jupiter cares much about material travels. don't forget, jupiter is also lord of philosophy and ideals. although physical travels may enhance and aid in intellectual expansion, jupiter does best expanding upon philosophy and the mind and that fits in with the "long distance travels" motif.
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