Donald Trump will be impeached.

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Jun 6, 2016
Berkeley City Council just joined other cities asking for Trump's impeachment.

Bookies are giving odds of 4-1 of him being impeached this year.
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it would be nice to believe so but remember Hillary Clinton committed crimes that the justice department acknowledged. others had gone to jail for the same offense of Hillary..... yet justice department said.... she didn't mean any harm so they did not prosecute her.
if they brought trump to trial then everyone in Washington could be brought to trial and you know that won't happened.

It's happening for sure.

The Democrats have made it a top priority and no doubt they will carry out their plan.

I'm betting with Ladbrokes and scooping a big win at the end of the year.


it would be nice to believe so but remember Hillary Clinton committed crimes that the justice department acknowledged. others had gone to jail for the same offense of Hillary..... yet justice department said.... she didn't mean any harm so they did not prosecute her.
if they brought trump to trial then everyone in Washington could be brought to trial and you know that won't happened.

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Certain star transits to significant Trump natal chart points indicate a very possible removal from office-however, there are also strong indications in his progressed chart of a tenacious holding on to power, and I fear that his removal might not be able to be accomplished through legal means (hope I am wrong here)
The net is closing in on DT . Michael Flynn, former NSA to Trump is right now seeking immunity from both the FBI and the House and Senate intelligence communities in exchange for information he knows about the Russian involvement with the Trump campaign.
His lawyer released a letter stating that Flynn has a story to tell.

“General Flynn certainly has a story to tell,” according to the letter, “and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit.”

Then there is the current 'Nunesgate'.

Berkeley City Council just joined other cities asking for Trump's impeachment.

His inability to separate his business interests from the Presidency will soon be revealed.

So at least 3 serious reasons for his impeachment.

Bookies are giving odds of 4-1 of him being impeached this year.

Ah, how the arrogant megalomaniac will soon be toppled from his gilded throne.


Yes my friend, there will be a meltdown for the antichrists in the whitehouse. .


it would be nice to believe so

but remember

Hillary Clinton committed crimes that the justice department acknowledged.

others had gone to jail for the same offense of Hillary.....

yet justice department said.... she didn't mean any harm

so they did not prosecute her.

if they brought trump to trial then everyone in Washington could be brought to trial
and you know that won't happened.

The simple symbolic progressions for Trump's natal in the year 2018-2019 are distinctly critical:

-his natal Saturn (which is the dispositor of his anaretae) progresses to partile conjunction with Neptune (although this is modified by the progression of Saturn here to conjunction with the benefic star Zaniah)

-his natal MC progresses to partile square with Pluto

-the star Prima Hyadum transits his Lot of the Life (actually the star conjuncts with this Lot starting this year, 2017)-see indications for this star in Robson or @ (note: I will not make certain delineations here on a public forum for reasons I have stated in past posts-but those interested can easily look up the indications for themselves)

-most significantly, however, Uranus-a powerful planet in the Trump nativity and the most elevated planet in Trump's natal chart-progresses to near exact conjunction with Regulus: read the Uranus indications under the star Regulus in Robson (also, paying special attention to the last sentence in that entry.
There are so many candidates :smile:




Christians demonizing every Virgo as an evil dog/anti-Christ/the beast/The Devil, is really really old, they don't even give due process, it's guilty until proven guilty and it can't be proven any other way.

It's as if they are forcing a war. Don't cry persecution when they fight back.
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His secondary progressed Moon will conjoin secondary progressed Saturn in right ascension on June 30, 2017, and in longitude on July 25.

What is required for the impeachment process to take place likely precludes such an act until after the swearing in of the 116th Congress on or about January 3rd, 2019. After that there would need to be 5 votes in the House of Representatives for it to be approved for trial by the Senate where a 2/3 majority would be needed to convict.

So it is not likely that charges would be brought before 2019. Even then a Republican held Senate would not likely vote to convict. If party leaders made it clear to trump that the Senate had decided to convict in order to hopefully salvage seats in the general election of 2020 he would possibly decide to resign. Getting to that point could take until January 2020.

How Congress Could Impeach President Trump

“Removal actually requires five separate votes: two by the House Judiciary Committee, two by the entire House, then another vote in the Senate to convict.”

“… the House did vote to refer impeachment of George W. Bush to the House Judiciary Committee in June 2008; it died without a vote being taken.”

“A Trump impeachment would require a Republican (at least for now) House to vote twice against a president in their own party — assuming a Republican House Judiciary Committee would let it get that far. Even then, Democrats would still need nearly 20 Republican senators to cross party lines to convict in a trial.”

“But if Democrats can re-take the House in the 2018 mid-term, or Trump becomes so unpopular that his own party turns on him, impeachment becomes much more likely. Or at least, much easier.”

Impeachment process of Nixon from it's beginning until first passage of Articles of Impeachment adopted by House Judiciary Committee on July 27, 1974.

” In October of 1973, Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, who had been appointed by the Nixon administration, publicly vowed to obtain the tapes despite Nixon’s strong objections.”

“This resulted in the “Saturday Night Massacre” on October 20 …”

The minute-by-minute events of the “Saturday Night Massacre” were covered live by stunned reporters on network television starting about 8:30 p.m. and sent a political shockwave throughout America that led to immediate calls for impeachment.”

“Ten days later, impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives began as the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Peter Rodino, started its preliminary investigation.”

Chronology of Watergate Developments in 1973

Oct. 30

“Impeachment Inquiry. The House Judiciary Committee held its first meeting to discuss procedures for investigating whether Nixon should be impeached, and voted to grant Chairman Peter W. Rodino Jr. (D N.J.) power to issue subpoenas to obtain witnesses and documents both for the impeachment inquiry and for the committee’s consideration of Vice President-designate Gerald R. Ford.”

The date of the passage of the first Articles of Impeachment adopted by the House Judiciary Committee: July 27, 1974, was 9 months after its first meeting regarding the matter.

On January 13, 2020 the transiting Sun joins transiting Saturn and Pluto in an assault on his natal Saturn in right ascension. He will be a 73 year old speed freak.

January 13, 2020 – trump natal Saturn 115°43′, transit Sun at 294°42′ opposite, transit Saturn at 294°42′ opposite, transit Pluto at 294°45′ opposite. Transits will be conjunct Watergate arrests (June 17, 1972, 2:30 am, EDT, Washington, DC) Zenith (294°22′), opposite Watergate Mars (114°48′), and conjunct Nixon’s White House IC (295°51′).
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:D:D:D The US has a president that has Zero experience in politics and has now been about 10 weeks in power. He has spent 5 weekends of those 10 weekends in Mar-a-Lago, he has played 13 rounds of Golf, he does 11 tweets a day - yes, the president has the time for that, believe it or not. He has 50 active lawsuits against himself, 1 blocked travel ban, 1 revised blocked travel ban, 1 failed Healthcare, 1 FBI probe, 1 recused attorney general, 1 baseless wiretapping claim, 2 family appointees in the White House, and 1 resigned national security adviser. And all these achievements in just 10 weeks, lollllll :p:p:p.
Yes, sir, that is our president.

The real owners are the big wealthy business interests
that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians, they're an irrelevancy.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice :smile:

You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you.
They own everything. They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls.
They've got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies,
so that they control just about all of the news and information you hear.
though I don't think the government will impeah anyone, trump certainly is taking on the trappings of Der Fuhrer.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A federal judge has rejected President Donald Trump's free speech defense against a lawsuit accusing him of inciting violence against protesters at a campaign rally.
Trump's lawyers sought to dismiss the lawsuit by three protesters who say they were roughed up by his supporters at a March 1, 2016 rally in Louisville, Kentucky. They argued that Trump didn't intend for his supporters to use force.
Two women and a man say they were shoved and punched by audience members at Trump's command. Much of it was captured on video and widely broadcast during the campaign, showing Trump pointing at the protesters and repeating "get them out."
Judge David J. Hale in Louisville ruled Friday that the suit against Trump, his campaign and three of his supporters can proceed. Hale found ample facts supporting allegations that the protesters' injuries were a "direct and proximate result" of Trump's actions, and noted that the Supreme Court has ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites violence.
"It is plausible that Trump's direction to 'get 'em out of here' advocated the use of force," the judge wrote. "It was an order, an instruction, a command."
Plaintiffs Kashiya Nwanguma, Molly Shah and Henry Brousseau allege that they were physically attacked by several members of the audience, including Matthew Heimbach, Alvin Bamberger and an unnamed defendant they have yet to be able to identify.
Bamberger later apologized to the Korean War Veterans Association, whose uniform he wore at the rally. He wrote that he "physically pushed a young woman down the aisle toward the exit" after "Trump kept saying 'get them out, get them out," according to the lawsuit.