Donald Trump will be impeached.

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What will the Trumpskateers do when he loses? :lol:
To whom? Cory "Spartacus" Booker? Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren? Michael "She hit me first" Avenutti? :wink:

Meanwhile I just heard the financial experts say it's going to be one of the biggest Christmas shopping seasons in a long, long time. Everyone is working and they have a few thousand extra in their pockets from tax cuts.

I wonder why some people want the US to fail and Americans to suffer and be unhappy. They must be very miserable. I feel sorry for them. :sad:
Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

Mueller is desperate if he's going after peripheral figures like Stone and Corsi who were not involved in the campaign. He can't pin any crimes on anyone so he indicts them for lying when they can't remember details of something they said or did years ago. It's called a 'process crime.' The irony is Mueller then asks them to lie and say something negative about Trump to get a lesser sentence!

That's call suborning perjury, a tactic prosecutor Andrew Weissman, part of Mueller's team, used to prosecute innocent people, get them tossed in jail, then have their sentences overturned when judges investigated. Why Weissman hasn't been disbarred is puzzling. Friends in high places?

The fake news about Manafort meeting with Assange several times has been debunked on Fox News, which doesn't censor the news. The FBI had been watching Manafoet long before his brief period on the Trump campaign. They'd have known about this yet Mueller only comes up with this now? Assange offered a million dollars if someone could prove it. :devil:
Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

Trump WILL NOT be re-elected in 2020. His base alone is NOT enough for him to win the electoral votes. Independents and anti-Hillary Dems will NOT repeat the mistake they committed in 2016 by giving someone like Trump another chance.
Also, if Mueller is allowed to continue with the investigation, 2019 is when most likely things will come to a head. Unfortunately though, we have a spineless GOP who refuses to hold this guy responsible for his actions. No matter what happens though, justice will prevail...if not in 2019, sometime soon. Trump and his ilk will pay for their misdeeds.

The supposedly "Law and Order" President thinks someone who is telling the truth is "weak" while someone who continues to lie is "strong". What a flawed definition of "Law and Order"!
Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

Trump WILL NOT be re-elected in 2020. His base alone is NOT enough for him to win the electoral votes. Independents and anti-Hillary Dems will NOT repeat the mistake they committed in 2016 by giving someone like Trump another chance.
Also, if Mueller is allowed to continue with the investigation, 2019 is when most likely things will come to a head. Unfortunately though, we have a spineless GOP who refuses to hold this guy responsible for his actions. No matter what happens though, justice will prevail...if not in 2019, sometime soon. Trump and his ilk will pay for their misdeeds.

The supposedly "Law and Order" President thinks someone who is telling the truth is "weak" while someone who continues to lie is "strong". What a flawed definition of "Law and Order"!

Actually there is greater divide in the democratic party between the socialists and the more moderate liberals. The midterm election revealed this, considering democrats were not able to win back the senate.

If Trump isn't reelected it will be because of the voter fraud that the democratic party was so keen on using for the las elections. In the midterms they employed any tactic such as magical appearing ballot boxes that contained 100% votes for democrats (no missing ballots with republican votes?). Some districts had some of the highest irregularities in recorder history, such as a democrat winning congress, yet senate and governorship going republican. Fishy stuff going on there.
The average person will elect the candidate who gives them a better life, like this booming economy has, with more people working than ever, lowest unemployment for minorities, better trade deals. People also want security not open borders so are unlikely to vote for Dems.

I am looking forward to Sen. Lindsey Graham heading the Senate Judiciary committee in 2019 which will start making criminal referrals against members of the Obama administration, especially in the FBI and DoJ. They've been fired or resigned but that doesn't protect them from prosecution for trying to overthrow a sitting president. There is a reason Hillary said, "We'll be hanging from nooses!" There is a reason, during the Kavanaiugh hearings, that Graham asked Kavanaugh if he knew the difference between civil law and military law. People at the time were scratching their heads as to why he even mentioned that. Here is that brief exchange:
Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

Actually there is greater divide in the democratic party between the socialists and the more moderate liberals. The midterm election revealed this, considering democrats were not able to win back the senate.

If Trump isn't reelected it will be because of the voter fraud that the democratic party was so keen on using for the las elections. In the midterms they employed any tactic such as magical appearing ballot boxes that contained 100% votes for democrats (no missing ballots with republican votes?). Some districts had some of the highest irregularities in recorder history, such as a democrat winning congress, yet senate and governorship going republican. Fishy stuff going on there.

election fraud is endemic, to try to politicize it is ridiculous.
apparently you have forgotten the mess in florida a few yars ago(google "hanging chads" if you memory is short. when the supreme court had to functionally give the election to bush. all the major parties are corrupt and drug addicted. trump especially is just playing the fool to allow the genocide in the middle east to continue unabated.

Then why did the Democrats pick up 40 seats in the recent election.

They now have the majority in U.S. House of Representatives. They elected more women, more minorities and more LGBTQ community than ever before.

The Democrats also received 57% of the Senate vote but not the majority because of the gerrymandering.

Lindsey Graham is threatening to shut down any contentious business in the Senate until he gets answers on the killing of a journalist in a Saudi consulate.

Graham threatened to withhold a key vote that senators will need to pass measures in the final days before Congress adjourns for the end of the year.

“Anything that you need me for to get out of town, I ain’t doing it until we hear from the CIA,” Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill Wed.

The average person will elect the candidate who gives them a better life, like this booming economy has, with more people working than ever, lowest unemployment for minorities, better trade deals. People also want security not open borders so are unlikely to vote for Dems.

I am looking forward to Sen. Lindsey Graham heading the Senate Judiciary committee in 2019 which will start making criminal referrals against members of the Obama administration, especially in the FBI and DoJ. They've been fired or resigned but that doesn't protect them from prosecution for trying to overthrow a sitting president. FfoTqfw[/URL]
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Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

election fraud is endemic, to try to politicize it is ridiculous.
apparently you have forgotten the mess in florida a few yars ago(google "hanging chads" if you memory is short. when the supreme court had to functionally give the election to bush. all the major parties are corrupt and drug addicted. trump especially is just playing the fool to allow the genocide in the middle east to continue unabated.


Actually what you just said isn't true or factual. Bush won Florida on election night, and then a recount by machine was conducted which gave Bush the election again, and then finally a 2nd manual recount was conducted as requested by the Gore campaign. The supreme court gave Bush the state, which he had won anyways 3 times.

Furthermore, there is a huge diference between "hanging chads", which can happen to any candidate as a consequence of a machine error (you can have hanging chads for republican votes or in democrat votes). While it makes an election controversial, it doesn't show ill-intent to manipulate an election. Its not that the hanging chads only targeted democrat votes, it can happen to republican votes too.

On the other hand, conjuring boxes out of thin air that contain a huge majority of votes in favour of one party (no magical republican ballot box appeared?), voter impersonation that votes 100% in favour of the same party (which has been proven to happen), etc. ... are actually examples of ill-intent to manipulate an election.
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Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

Actually what you just said isn't true or factual. Bush won Florida on election night, and then a recount was conducted as requested by the Gore campaign. The supreme court gave Bush the state, which he had won anyways.

Furthermore, there is a huge diference between "hanging chads", which can happen to any candidate as a consequence of a machine error (you can have hanging chads for republican votes or in democrat votes). While it makes an election controversial, it doesn't show ill-intent to manipulate an election. Its not that the hanging chads only targeted democrat votes, it can happen to republican votes too.

On the other hand, conjuring boxes out of thin air that contain a huge majority of votes in favour of one party (no magical republican ballot box appeared?), voter impersonation that votes 100% in favour of the same party (which has been proven to happen), etc. ... are actually examples of ill-intent to manipulate an election.

your selective memory i suspect.
a employee of diebold(maker of the computer programs)testified that his superiors had asked him to adds back doors to the vote counting programs program......they are all corrupt and drug addict even your precious republicans

Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

your selective memory i suspect.
a employee of diebold(maker of the computer programs)testified that his superiors had asked him to adds back doors to the vote counting programs program......they are all corrupt and drug addict even your precious republicans


I agree all politicians are corrupted, but not all politicians dare to cross certain lines. For republicans, I'm sure they've done stuff. But the democrats do it, all the time, in the open.

The claims on the example you provided have no basis or evidence. And they range from simple stuff such as "faulty ballots", to "someone hacked the machines". In contrast, the submission of "recently discovered" ballots past the appointed time was already in violation of the law. Furthermore the circumstances and content of them show they were intended to favour one side. On the midterm example, there are a huge of clear unlawful acts.

Again, if they had also found lots of ballot boxes filled with both republican or democrat majorities, that would be one thing. And still they shouldn't have been allowed.
Re: Donald Trump will not be impeached.

Actually, what you just said isn't true or factual.

Al Gore, not George Bush, should be sitting in the White House today as the newly elected president of the United States, two new independent probes of the disputed Florida election contest have confirmed.
The first survey, conducted on behalf of the Washington Post, shows that Mr Gore had a nearly three-to-one majority among 56,000 Florida voters whose November 7 ballot papers were discounted because they contained more than one punched hole.

The second and separate survey, conducted on behalf of the Palm Beach Post, shows that Mr Gore had a majority of 682 votes among the discounted "dimpled" ballots in Palm Beach county.

In spite of the findings, no legal challenge to the Florida result is possible in the light of the US supreme court's 5-4 ruling in December to hand the state to Mr Bush.

The Florida vote was ultimately settled in Bush's favor by a margin of 537 votes when the U.S. Supreme Court, in Bush v. Gore, stopped a recount that had been initiated upon a ruling by the Florida Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court effectively handed the presidential election to George W. Bush tonight, overturning the Florida Supreme Court and ruling by a vote of 5 to 4 that there could be no further counting of Florida's disputed presidential votes. The 5 majority were all Republicans.

They never should have intervened with a decision and allowed the recount to continue which in the end proved Al Gore to be the winner of the 2000 election.

Actually what you just said isn't true or factual. Bush won Florida on election night, and then a recount by machine was conducted which gave Bush the election again, and then finally a 2nd manual recount was conducted as requested by the Gore campaign. The supreme court gave Bush the state, which he had won anyways 3 times.

Furthermore, there is a huge diference between "hanging chads", which can happen to any candidate as a consequence of a machine error (you can have hanging chads for republican votes or in democrat votes). While it makes an election controversial, it doesn't show ill-intent to manipulate an election. Its not that the hanging chads only targeted democrat votes, it can happen to republican votes too.

On the other hand, conjuring boxes out of thin air that contain a huge majority of votes in favour of one party (no magical republican ballot box appeared?), voter impersonation that votes 100% in favour of the same party (which has been proven to happen), etc. ... are actually examples of ill-intent to manipulate an election.
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There was a final, official recount. No question that Gore won, but it was too late. Imagine no invasion of Iraq, and a world without its subsequent destabilization of the Middle East!
Republican controlled Senate just blocked a bill that would have protected the Mueller investigation from an Executive Order to end it. One theory is, they didn't want to frighten the Tr(oll)ump any more than he already is, for fear of what he might do next.
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Cohen's plea took place in Manhattan on November 29 at 9 am, EST (screen grab of document from Rachel's show). It will be stressed on January 13, 2020, along with many other charts for American politics.

COHEN FLIP - November 29, 2018, 9 am, EST, New York

MC -- 204°24'; square at 294°24' (see transits for January 13, 2020)..

Parans to Moon--154°45'

Parans to EqA,--294°24'; the East Point, an exact 90° square to the MC transited by the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto.


Intense Saturn activity to inaugural natal and progressed from now through Jan 2020.

2017 Inaug WH - Natal Chart
Jan 20 2017, 12:00 pm, EST +5:00
White House Dist of Columbia, 38°N53'50'', 077°W02'13''

Sat--Cnj--Mer----Tr-Sp--Dec 10 2018
Sat--Sqr--Asc----Tr-Sp--Dec 28 2018

Sat --Cnj--MC----Tr-Sp--Jan 3 2019

Sat--Cnj--Plu----Tr-Na--Feb 27 2019
Sat--Cnj--Plu----Tr-Sp--Feb 28 2019

Sat--Opp-Asc----Tr-Sp--Mar 24 2019

Sat--Sqr--MC----Tr-Sp--Apr 10 2019

Sat--Cnj--Plu----Tr-Sp--Jul 2 2019
Sat--Cnj--Plu----Tr-Na--Jul 4 2019
Sat--Opp-MC----Tr-Sp--Jul 10 2019
Sat--Sqr--Asc----Tr-Sp--Jul 12 2019

Sat--Sqr--MC----Tr-Sp--Oct 3 2019
Sat--Cnj--Asc----Tr-Sp--Oct 27 2019

Sat--Cnj--Plu----Tr-Na--Nov 27 2019
Sat--Cnj--Plu----Tr-Sp--Nov 28 2019

Sat--Sqr--Ura----Tr-Na--Dec 26 2019
Sat--Sqr--Ura----Tr-Sp--Dec 26 2019

Sat--Sqr--Asc----Tr-Sp--Jan 2 2020
Sat--Sqr--Jup----Tr-Na--Jan 11 2020
Sat--Sqr--Jup----Tr-Sp--Jan 13 2020
Sat--Cnj--MC----Tr-Sp--Jan 14 2020

Moon--154°08' - conjunct Flip Moon

ALL CONJUNCT Flip chart East Point, square to Flip Chart MC.

I call the chart for George Washington's inauguration "The Presidency". On January 13, 2020 it's progressed Sun/Pluto midpoint will be at 294°14' conjoined by transiting Sun, Saturn, and Pluto, trump's progressed inauguration MC, Nixon's White House IC, the Watergate arrest's Zenith, opposite Watergate arrest's Mars and trump's natal Saturn, and with transit Mars on the chart's progressed Asc. Actually a few of these are more exact on January 12th or 14th. I chose the 13th because that is the day transit Sun will be with transit Saturn and Pluto and not 1 degree before or after.

Charts related to the presidency from 1789, 1946, 1972, and 2017 coming to or originally involving a common point at 294 degrees on January 13th, 2020, with three transiting bodies held by that same degree on that day.

Progressed Inaugural and Transits
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I'd like to see one of you astrologers do a transit or progressed chart for Hillary. Is there arrest, incarceration, sickness or death in her near future?

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