Will there be mass suicides when Trump is re-elected? I hope so.![]()
What will the Trumpskateers do when he loses?

Will there be mass suicides when Trump is re-elected? I hope so.![]()
To whom? Cory "Spartacus" Booker? Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren? Michael "She hit me first" Avenutti?What will the Trumpskateers do when he loses?![]()
What will the Trumpskateers do when he loses?![]()
Trump WILL NOT be re-elected in 2020. His base alone is NOT enough for him to win the electoral votes. Independents and anti-Hillary Dems will NOT repeat the mistake they committed in 2016 by giving someone like Trump another chance.
Also, if Mueller is allowed to continue with the investigation, 2019 is when most likely things will come to a head. Unfortunately though, we have a spineless GOP who refuses to hold this guy responsible for his actions. No matter what happens though, justice will prevail...if not in 2019, sometime soon. Trump and his ilk will pay for their misdeeds.
The supposedly "Law and Order" President thinks someone who is telling the truth is "weak" while someone who continues to lie is "strong". What a flawed definition of "Law and Order"!
Actually there is greater divide in the democratic party between the socialists and the more moderate liberals. The midterm election revealed this, considering democrats were not able to win back the senate.
If Trump isn't reelected it will be because of the voter fraud that the democratic party was so keen on using for the las elections. In the midterms they employed any tactic such as magical appearing ballot boxes that contained 100% votes for democrats (no missing ballots with republican votes?). Some districts had some of the highest irregularities in recorder history, such as a democrat winning congress, yet senate and governorship going republican. Fishy stuff going on there.
The average person will elect the candidate who gives them a better life, like this booming economy has, with more people working than ever, lowest unemployment for minorities, better trade deals. People also want security not open borders so are unlikely to vote for Dems.
I am looking forward to Sen. Lindsey Graham heading the Senate Judiciary committee in 2019 which will start making criminal referrals against members of the Obama administration, especially in the FBI and DoJ. They've been fired or resigned but that doesn't protect them from prosecution for trying to overthrow a sitting president. FfoTqfw[/URL]
election fraud is endemic, to try to politicize it is ridiculous.
apparently you have forgotten the mess in florida a few yars ago(google "hanging chads" if you memory is short. when the supreme court had to functionally give the election to bush. all the major parties are corrupt and drug addicted. trump especially is just playing the fool to allow the genocide in the middle east to continue unabated.
Actually what you just said isn't true or factual. Bush won Florida on election night, and then a recount was conducted as requested by the Gore campaign. The supreme court gave Bush the state, which he had won anyways.
Furthermore, there is a huge diference between "hanging chads", which can happen to any candidate as a consequence of a machine error (you can have hanging chads for republican votes or in democrat votes). While it makes an election controversial, it doesn't show ill-intent to manipulate an election. Its not that the hanging chads only targeted democrat votes, it can happen to republican votes too.
On the other hand, conjuring boxes out of thin air that contain a huge majority of votes in favour of one party (no magical republican ballot box appeared?), voter impersonation that votes 100% in favour of the same party (which has been proven to happen), etc. ... are actually examples of ill-intent to manipulate an election.
your selective memory i suspect.
a employee of diebold(maker of the computer programs)testified that his superiors had asked him to adds back doors to the vote counting programs program......they are all corrupt and drug addict even your precious republicans
Actually what you just said isn't true or factual. Bush won Florida on election night, and then a recount by machine was conducted which gave Bush the election again, and then finally a 2nd manual recount was conducted as requested by the Gore campaign. The supreme court gave Bush the state, which he had won anyways 3 times.
Furthermore, there is a huge diference between "hanging chads", which can happen to any candidate as a consequence of a machine error (you can have hanging chads for republican votes or in democrat votes). While it makes an election controversial, it doesn't show ill-intent to manipulate an election. Its not that the hanging chads only targeted democrat votes, it can happen to republican votes too.
On the other hand, conjuring boxes out of thin air that contain a huge majority of votes in favour of one party (no magical republican ballot box appeared?), voter impersonation that votes 100% in favour of the same party (which has been proven to happen), etc. ... are actually examples of ill-intent to manipulate an election.