Don't forget to love like a pisces

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Jun 21, 2006
So I had something happen just recently that got me to thinking about the I expeience love. When I was a teenager I would see a guy and my heart energy would just rush out of body towards him, and I would just be consumed with the rich feeling of love. I didn't have to know anything about the person just seeing them was enough. All I really wanted was for our eyes to catch and for my heart to flutter out of my body. I have pisces on the 7th. Somewhere along the line I quit having those pisces type feelings. My virgo qualities kicked in and started questioning things. My virgo said how can you love someone that you've never spoke to before. Love at first sight doesn't exist. He just wants sex, blah blah blah. My virgo side can talk a lot of crap. Well, except, I started listening to that side of myself and I have developed a mature, grownup, cynical and socially acceptable attitude towards love. I had almost forgot what young pure love was like. Well a few days ago I was in class and this guy kept turning around in his chair and staring me dead in the eye. I didn't look away. Then as we were looking into each others eyes from across the room, I felt my body be consumed with love. It was so beautiful. He kept staring at me. I loved it so much. I had almost forgot that things like this exist. That's the pisces in me. The virgo in me had almost drowned out the vision of pisces. I don't think pisces qualities are very socially acceptable in western culture. My roommate asked me how I could feel love for someone that I've never spoken to. It's not the love of married partners, it's more of a conscious expanding type of love. I asked him if he ever fell in love when he was 6 or 7 years old. He looked at me like I was being quite unreasonable and gave a firm no. I don't have any planets in the 1st or the 7th house. Have any of you ever became aware of yourself disowning part of your asc/dec axis or supressing your piscean qualities? I mean pisces energy is so open and vunerable. I've heard it called the garden of eden before. Maurice Fernandez says we are born into the garden of eden, pisces, and we believe everything is safe, and that the world will take care of us. We want to live naked in the garden of eden. Then we start getting sunburned, rained on and we experience snow, coldness and hunger. So we leave the garden of eden and get a job and build a house. He says during this time we have to gain awareness of how to care for ourselves, the virgo polarity. Eventually we do go back to the garden of eden, but then we do it with the awareness of virgo. I think I just had a refresher course in pisces love. Sweet so sweet. L.
What a wonderful post, lillybelle! :)

I was about to deny that I ever had such an experience, but now I am recalling the giddy feeling that enveloped me during the Band Dinner Dance my sophomore year of high school when I was slow dancing with a boy who has been crushing on me since eighth grade. I never really reciprocated his feelings for me, but that night was magical. He is much taller than me and was holding my waist with such tenderness, and he was looking directly into my eyes the entire time...

Arian Maverick

P.S. Goodness, what happened to me there? Now I really feel like I have a Pisces Ascendant! :D
What a lovely post, lillybelle! My sun is in pisces and my rising sign is in Taurus...when I was growing up I felt that I was too pisces and because of a number of different experiences, I now realize that I don't let the pisces in me come out often enough.

That was a beautiful reminder to find the balance.
Oh lilly, i am glad i read this, my fellow pisces. You posted this awhile ago but i had to give my 2 cents. I too have had that problem of falling in love way too hard and too fast. There is this girl i was talking to for awhile and i barely knew her yet i felt as though i could really love her. My freinds always asked me why i liked her so much (other then the fact that she was drop dead gorgeous heh) and i can't explain why even now. She really isn't what i considered my "type" but now i realize i have many types :D . The sad part is that she always had a boyfriend (yet still flirted some and gave me her number) and seems to like this other guy more anyway now... I usually show mostly the negative traits of the piscean and the more positive traits of my aquarian asc (chiron square sun and trine asc i believe). I think we all need to accept the emotional piscean a little more in this society (especially us guys lucky enough to get the most feminine sign *sarcasm*)
lilllybelle said:
So I had something happen just recently that got me to thinking about the I expeience love. When I was a teenager I would see a guy and my heart energy would just rush out of body towards him, and I would just be consumed with the rich feeling of love. I didn't have to know anything about the person just seeing them was enough. All I really wanted was for our eyes to catch and for my heart to flutter out of my body. I have pisces on the 7th. Somewhere along the line I quit having those pisces type feelings. My virgo qualities kicked in and started questioning things. My virgo said how can you love someone that you've never spoke to before. Love at first sight doesn't exist. He just wants sex, blah blah blah. My virgo side can talk a lot of crap. Well, except, I started listening to that side of myself and I have developed a mature, grownup, cynical and socially acceptable attitude towards love. I had almost forgot what young pure love was like. Well a few days ago I was in class and this guy kept turning around in his chair and staring me dead in the eye. I didn't look away. Then as we were looking into each others eyes from across the room, I felt my body be consumed with love. It was so beautiful. He kept staring at me. I loved it so much. I had almost forgot that things like this exist. That's the pisces in me. The virgo in me had almost drowned out the vision of pisces. I don't think pisces qualities are very socially acceptable in western culture. My roommate asked me how I could feel love for someone that I've never spoken to. It's not the love of married partners, it's more of a conscious expanding type of love. I asked him if he ever fell in love when he was 6 or 7 years old. He looked at me like I was being quite unreasonable and gave a firm no. I don't have any planets in the 1st or the 7th house. Have any of you ever became aware of yourself disowning part of your asc/dec axis or supressing your piscean qualities? I mean pisces energy is so open and vunerable. I've heard it called the garden of eden before. Maurice Fernandez says we are born into the garden of eden, pisces, and we believe everything is safe, and that the world will take care of us. We want to live naked in the garden of eden. Then we start getting sunburned, rained on and we experience snow, coldness and hunger. So we leave the garden of eden and get a job and build a house. He says during this time we have to gain awareness of how to care for ourselves, the virgo polarity. Eventually we do go back to the garden of eden, but then we do it with the awareness of virgo. I think I just had a refresher course in pisces love. Sweet so sweet. L.

I have a Virgo AC/ Pisces DC also...
I don't believe Virgo is so cynical and sarcastic after all... Yeah, that's her mask indeed... She likes to hide after facts and figures, cause those are things she can handle, who are known to her...
But if she lands on Terra Pisces... she's drowning also. She needs the mask to feel safe and guarded, looked after... Before when the mask falls down for someone, it really falls... not that I criticize the art of love by fire or air signs, but Virgo is loyal and doesn't need a new face all the time, if his/ her partner is mentally challenging and willing to work at their life together
And oh yes, i long for another heart, soul, mind & body devouring love... but If I have to wait a bit longer for it, it's okay... May be now it's more time to look for self evolvement and clearing up some stuff from the past

(Virgo Moon on 2nd cusp, also no planets in 1 or 7)

Love at first sight surely exists. One of the times i was lucky enough to experience it, it was with a (surprise, surprise) Pisces whose Sun (same degree) opposed my Virgo Moon...
Lust also

I can't fall in love with a female friend... I only had love at first sights (or lust)... Am I naive or shallow or superficial? Well, may be
Pisceanfool said:
Oh lilly, i am glad i read this, my fellow pisces. You posted this awhile ago but i had to give my 2 cents. I too have had that problem of falling in love way too hard and too fast. There is this girl i was talking to for awhile and i barely knew her yet i felt as though i could really love her. My freinds always asked me why i liked her so much (other then the fact that she was drop dead gorgeous heh) and i can't explain why even now. She really isn't what i considered my "type" but now i realize i have many types :D . The sad part is that she always had a boyfriend (yet still flirted some and gave me her number) and seems to like this other guy more anyway now... I usually show mostly the negative traits of the piscean and the more positive traits of my aquarian asc (chiron square sun and trine asc i believe). I think we all need to accept the emotional piscean a little more in this society (especially us guys lucky enough to get the most feminine sign *sarcasm*)

Off course this is prone for debate and discussion (that's what fora are for) but I guess Cancer/ Taurus are more feminine
They are a negative, receptive, feminine sign
And their rulers are off the feminine sex... Moon & Venus
Neptune, he embodies female qualities and as a God, he's more abstract... but he's male
Yours is a very beautiful story,Lillybelle.

My Sun is27ºPisces.Platonic love is definitly a constant in my life.I also have Moon and Venus in Aries(and Mercury as well);the Moon and Venus in Aries fall in love very quickly.But,unlike the typical Arian tendency,my feelings last for longer than it would be expected for a planotic love.

I keep "falling in love" with guys I don't know,usually older boys.Most of the time,they don't even know I exist but,somehow,that doesn't stop me from writing poetry and dreaming about their face.I used inverted commas when I said "falling in love"cause I really don't consider this to be love-love is when you really apreciate someone for being themselves,when you look to that person's heart and feel like you can see heaven through their eyes.Well,when you spend one year dreaming about someone with whom you never ever talked to,that must be something strong,but I wouldn't call it exacly love.

I once liked spent one year totally crazy over a boy from my school.Then,one day,I decided to met him.Just the day I met him,I told him I liked him.He was surprised;I didn't believe someone with whom we had never talked before in his life could have feelings for him!Anyway,he told me I was very brave.

Neptune's love has a lot to do with idealisation.Most of the time,my crushes are no more than it:crushes.After six/seven months dreaming about them,I finally decide to MEET to the boy of my dreams.Deception comes shortly after.I end up realising that that boy isn't exacly what I expected him to be.But,by the time I finally decide to meet the boy,I already made the whole 'love story' in my head:I've already imagined myself with him in all possible situations,fantasized about the way he would talk,smile and caress my hair while kissing me:eek: .Well,a make-believe relationship is a hard thing to throw away for us,crazy Neptunian people!

About last year-there was a guy who used to pass in front of my house everyday-and I was having butterflies in the stomach everytime I saw him...So,I decided to tell him my feelings,and he became the only boyfriend I ever had in my life,so far.At first,it all seemed like something otherwordly-I couldn't believe I finally got it right,that I had found someone whose feelings were the same as mine.After a first week that seemed to be made in heaven,deception came:I was idealising him the whole time.Not like he's a bad person-he's just different,wayyyy diferent from what I thought/dreamed he was.

Pisces love has a lot to do with idealising people.It's beautiful in the sense that it seems like something taken out straight from a novel.Besides,I'm just a teenager,and teenagers do this kinds of things all the times.But fake relantionships lead to real suffering,so be sure to handle your heart with care,before you find someone who does.
Quote: They are a negative, receptive, feminine sign
And their rulers are off the feminine sex... Moon & Venus
Neptune, he embodies female qualities and as a God, he's more abstract... but he's male (btw how do you quote just part of the post?)

Thats true the moon and venus add a feminine touch to their signs. My take on astrology has less to do with mythology. The emphasis with cancer and the 4th house on family is certainly a very femine quality in most societies. My own brother is a taurus and hes more feminine then most guys. However he is more masculine then me and he has mercury and venus/mars conjunct to the minute in taurus also with his moon at the end of pisces like mine.

The guys I know that are pisces are alot more feminine then ones that are cancer(known a cancer for probly... 9 years and others). Also interesting is in the book Sextrology by: Starsky and Cox (which i suggest you guys check out it's very interesting, even tho it does just cover sun signs looking up my mars/venus was interesting) they refer to pisces, "born into this uber-feminine of zodiacal signs might be one of the most effeminate heterosexual you ever meet, even if he never actually had a gay thought in his head" and it covers gay pisces as well which is interesting but i wont go into it. The mutable quality of pisces also is more feminine then the cardinal or fixed qualities in my opinion. The more communicative, watery emotions, not intiating but attracting, not voiceing opinions are alot more feminine. Anyone will know who has ever tried to crack open a cancer's shell how hard it can be for the emotions to flow or to communicate them to ANYONE even family. Thats just my opinion on the matter based on my experience. Enough stereotyping :rolleyes:.

I think the love we feel toward someone we have never talked to comes from our ability for unconditional love, and our imaginations. Our two greatest gifts can also be a major downfall.

We love to love
We love the idea of love
We love to feel... love
We avoid the pain... but can embrace it

So do nothing...
Hopeing they will show the love you hold for them
Even just a little...

Instead our imaginations rule...
Where everything seems safer
We can live for years and die with them
Imagining everything....
Even the pain...

Thats the best way i can communicate the way i seem to fall in so-called love (venus in 12th house which sucks for the most part)
My brother is a Pisces with a Cancer Rising, Jupiter on it...
He seems so Macho... irrational. May be Mercury on the Mc in Aries helps him with that. Also he has Mars in Pisces. May be he's more emotional, where as i'm more sensitive and try to think before I act or say something... While him, he's just coarse and rude
So yes may be he supresses his feminine side
If he had gay thoughts... :38: I don't want to think about that one... I guess not, although he has a Venus Aqua... So I guess you never know what you're in for with him... (but to be quite honest, the sex life of my relatives isn't really whay you could call a concern for me :38: )
Wow i thought everyone had those "feelings". I dont like to call it love becouse i am in love with my husband but i catch the eyes of other men on occassion and that "giddy" feeling is out of this world. I never pursue the feeling and if they guy tries to makes something out of it i avoid them. I have Pisces sun in the first house.
I wish I COULD forget to love like a Pisces! With 3'31" of Pisces on my descendant, I know exactly what Lilly means. Pisces rules several houses due to interceptions, and I find Neptunian emotions are overwhelming. Add to this that Neptune squares my venus and moon in my cancer stellium, and you know why I am one of the hardest shelled Cancers you will ever meet. Very nice post,Lilly and all.
That was for sure a great post, Lilly :D If only this was a more normal condition for people, so many more people wouldn't feel the sort of insecurity and fear which prevents us from being so accepting and loving of others, we wouldn't feel the need to hide behind a moat and fence off our hearts. There are far too many blocked heart chakras today.

We are all one!

As typical with my chart overall, I'm sort of split in this matter. My Moon is right on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp, so I have an intense desire to become one with others (Pisces), yet at the same time have an intense need for freedom and individuality (Aquarius).

However, as I have my Moon almost exactly at the Neptune/Chiron midpoint (and loosely quintile both!), coupled with the fact that an object positioned at the end of a sign needs to make a transition into the next energy, part of my healing&development path heavily involves Piscean emotional exchanges and bonds with others.

I too have a really strong Virgo side... Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Lilith, North Node, 9th house, Jupiter bang on the Koch 9th cusp, Virgo ruler Mercury forming the only Inner-Outer conjunction. I can be amazingly cynical and critical, and a Scorpio Mercury only ensures I'm anything but trusting of others. It is not an easy lesson!

True Piscean qualities are almost foreign to our shallow, selfish, distrustful western society. Most people are amazingly cynical, even if they don't directly express it or even realize it themselves. We are trained that everything has it's price, that nothing is free, that we are all completely separate and individual, that others only do something nice for the benefit that lies behind it. Sadly enough, in many cases, this is reality as others enforce it. We consider Love by Venusian standards, that is, that we can say why we love someone. Do we really need a reason? Should the phrase "I love xyz because" be said? Must there be that because to justify Love? Does it need justification? I personally don't think so, if we are pure in intention. The pure, untainted human soul loves by default, yet we have all been tainted by our negative experiences on earth. We've all been mistreated, used, abused, and whatever the case, we all have some sort of trouble connecting with that energy. We've descended into duality.

Martin Lass, in his book on Chiron, makes a good point that part of the Chironic healing journey is the Venus/Neptune relationship. We descend into woundedness by seperation, the fall from Neptune (unconditional love) to Venus (conditional love) and that the healing journey is the return trip, from conditional love back to unconditional love. This is one part of the journey which Chiron takes us on, and our Chiron placement describes partly how this journey manifests. This is one reason Chiron is associated with seperations and part of why it's energy often manifests as a maverick nature.

Anyways, just some thoughts your post stirred up, possibly a bit disjointed, but hey, Mercury is pretty much stationary retrograde now and it is definitely bedtime.

A good topic to take to dreamland. After all, my 12th house of dreams does contain both Venus and Neptune ;)
I never could tell why I exactly loved someone...
If there's love, that has to be enough...
These times, i have a list of qualities my future SO has to have, but I know this is unrealistic... (Virgo AC/ Moon?)
If I fall in love, i won't think at that list at all...
I have a pisces moon, capricorn sun. Sometimes the logical hard working capricorn takes over and I forget the softness of the piscean energy, healing too. When i find that happening, i walk slower instead of striding from a-b in the fastest way, and take a look at nature and all of its beauty, and find beauty anywhere, watching people's actions, looking at the clouds, seeing the innocence of children and just loving everything around me. It helps ground me again.
Hey peeples, I post here infrequently and I haven't introducted myself, go figure. Well, I like this post too, it sheds light on anyone with Piscean characteristics.
So I when I was born the moon was in Pisces. And what can I say that I've learned from this? Well I'm pretty compassionate toward people alittle too much. I'm pretty generous even when I don't have that much money. I've been getting alot of letters from non-profits, you name the cause I've probably gotten it in the mail. And I'm a broke student -haha. I'm pretty good at putting myself in other people's shoes considering I've had some hard times too. And I think I wouldn't be the same had I not had my moon in Pisces.
In regards to love, well I understand love but I haven't felt it yet. I won't love in average terms, I must love that person with all my heart and soul, no cliche. So I daydream and fantasize ALOT! My dreams are strange and vivid and sometimes about love and sometimes not. I had a very powerful subconscius dream about a women I am head over heels about. I love her too much but I'm not sure if its mutual, I even posted about her here- it was titlted 'obsession or love.' So I said I laid my obsession to rest but since I still dream of her sometimes and obviously still have feelings for her I can't call it an obsession. Anyway, we go to the same college I am hoping to see her again. I deleted her cell number like an idiot!! And though I haven't seen her I can't get her out of my mind!!! Everyone thinks its creppy but its not like I've stalked her or anything. I can't explain it, no one understands and even my gay friend says I should get over her! I always think of the past too: nostalgia.
Anyway another interesting note is that my sun is in gemini, so its true that you don't really feel like your mind and emotions are connected. Sometimes my emotions drive me and then I just talk too much giving the impression I'm no more than a chatterbox, but I know how I am and I'm pretty complex. To tell you the truth, I wish my sun sign was a fire sign so I'd get alot more done rather than wasting my time thinking and writing and reading and coming up with ideas. You know what i mean?

How many times did I say "I" in this narcissistic paragraph! :D
Wonderful post. As a water sign i would say love like a pisces is no wrong. Don't let your virgo qualities kill them. A pisces is so much better.
ellios said:
Hey peeples, I post here infrequently and I haven't introducted myself, go figure. Well, I like this post too, it sheds light on anyone with Piscean characteristics.
So I when I was born the moon was in Pisces. And what can I say that I've learned from this? Well I'm pretty compassionate toward people alittle too much. I'm pretty generous even when I don't have that much money. I've been getting alot of letters from non-profits, you name the cause I've probably gotten it in the mail. And I'm a broke student -haha. I'm pretty good at putting myself in other people's shoes considering I've had some hard times too. And I think I wouldn't be the same had I not had my moon in Pisces.
In regards to love, well I understand love but I haven't felt it yet. I won't love in average terms, I must love that person with all my heart and soul, no cliche. So I daydream and fantasize ALOT! My dreams are strange and vivid and sometimes about love and sometimes not. I had a very powerful subconscius dream about a women I am head over heels about. I love her too much but I'm not sure if its mutual, I even posted about her here- it was titlted 'obsession or love.' So I said I laid my obsession to rest but since I still dream of her sometimes and obviously still have feelings for her I can't call it an obsession. Anyway, we go to the same college I am hoping to see her again. I deleted her cell number like an idiot!! And though I haven't seen her I can't get her out of my mind!!! Everyone thinks its creppy but its not like I've stalked her or anything. I can't explain it, no one understands and even my gay friend says I should get over her! I always think of the past too: nostalgia.
Anyway another interesting note is that my sun is in gemini, so its true that you don't really feel like your mind and emotions are connected. Sometimes my emotions drive me and then I just talk too much giving the impression I'm no more than a chatterbox, but I know how I am and I'm pretty complex. To tell you the truth, I wish my sun sign was a fire sign so I'd get alot more done rather than wasting my time thinking and writing and reading and coming up with ideas. You know what i mean?

How many times did I say "I" in this narcissistic paragraph! :D

My god i know your anguish, believe me. I always fall soooo hard and sooo fast. My pisces moon is very closely conj jupiter and they sextile venus making my emotions sometimes extreamly exagerated. i can actually cultivate emotions fairly well, you may do the same thing. I get obsessed with girls that i am not even with and not sure they feel anything for me. You continually fantisis(sp?) and think of things you could do together. Im not sure about you but i think i create some idealised version of them, and for me they are almost always unavailable so i never have to actually act and/or ruin my idealization with reality. The last one was some girl online who i have never seen. I used to think it was a sexual thing... but how can i fall harder then ever for some girl i have never seen. The stupid thing is shes married and lives in another state. Hence my name! the Pisceanfool... Having a pisces stellium i can become perpetually confused. My emotions are defintly somehow disconnected from my concious mind (pretty sure this is me and not my chart.. or aqua rising with moon in the 1st). I was clearly unable to balance the virgo/pisces energy before. Now i can't escape it.

My cap venus also makes me extreamly picky so it's all or nothing for me too lol, and always for one single person. i know it doesn't help much but there are alot of girls out there, and ask yourself how well do you really now her? Your perception may be off from reality. I know mine has been.
Pisces descendant is one thing...but cancer descendant?

Sometimes I feel that I don´t know anything about my pisces fellas. I got no important points in my pisces sector besides the cuspide of the fourth house.

But I can tell cancer descendant with jupiter/chiron inside, can be very intense and platonic.