Doom & Gloom

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You sound very clear in your thinking and like you have strong boundaries, which is refreshing for me because my thinking tends to be a bit scattered and I can become confused about what my boundaries are. You are able to clearly identify the cause of situations and explain it well. Do you take extra care to only read or watch information that is high vibration, so it does not trigger a psychic attack or low vibe?

I knew I had disrupted a paradigm and opened up my psychic channels by argueing, but I did not understand why but your explanation has helped it become clear in my head. A strong opinion from somebody who strongly disagrees with your opinion can feel like a psychic attack, and by persistently participating in an argument and exposing myself to negative energies, it disrupted my own paradigm and opened up my psychic channel. That makes so much sense! I couldn’t understand it before.

Even just the other day at work, my team leader who I usually get on very well with, gave me a very strong opinion that he thought I deliberately couldn’t be bothered helping a customer, just because I didn’t follow the correct process. I assured him a couple of times I had the customer’s best interest at heart, but his opinion affected me. It follows the same rule of thumb that you have described!

Even if people don’t say anything, if they are thinking something negative about me, I have picked up on it and it has negatively affected me. It’s like they know it’s affecting me and try to prey on it even more, even if they don’t understand themselves consciously what it is they are doing, it’s like a negative energy exchange. How do you deal with things like that? On one instance, I started to struggle to speak.

That’s good advice you gave about people needing to be objective and saying your piece and moving on if this isn’t happening - that’s a clear protecting of boundaries, something I need to start doing!

Yes, please post the book your grandma gave you. I feel guilty about shutting out that child ghost, even though I don’t want to start inviting spirits to come towards me, but I have walked in the park a couple of times since then to see if I would feel that intense energy coming towards me again (I haven’t). I think a prayer to help heal and help the spirit move on would be a good thing to do though, rather than trying to communicate with it. It would give me closure too.

Yes, I have seen what you mean about tarot playing tricks on you. It has happened to me when I have asked the same question too many times or if I am being co-dependent or too self-indulgent with the questions I ask. Whereas, if I am genuinely in need and more ‘objective’ like you have said previously, the cards seem to respond to that better. Tarot have given my insight into the future events (even though I didn’t listen or reason too late what the message was conveying), and so I still see a use for it. I do like horary too though.

It’s kind of similar to your looking out for people being objective with you, in a similar sense I try to protect my boundaries by not being co-dependent and letting situations and people be, and when I do become a bit obsessive or co-dependent, it’s more like a coping mechanism that tarot will indulge me to a certain extent, before it starts to play tricks on me if I ask the same question too soon.
I try to listen to my body, which helps me to identify my boundaries. Any time I’ve ignored what my body is telling me, I’ve wound up in undesirable situations.
I try my best to get to the root of things and let my intuition guide me.
I do take extra care with what kind of information I’m exposing myself to. I’ve noticed that what I pay attention to starts to manifest in my life - physically and/or energetically. I try to be careful about the questions I ask in my head too. I’ve realized that sometimes my curiosity can lead to the realization of something disturbing and/or unsettling. I’d give an example, but then I’d be asking a question I don’t want to know the answer to. It’s like situations where you wish you could unsee something disturbing - I try to be careful of my curiosity leading myself to situations like these.

I’m glad that I could help with understanding psychic exchange. I’m not a pro, but I notice things.
Your experience with your team leader reminds me of a (likely unintentional) kind of gaslighting. I’m not sure if there’s a term for it. But, basically it’s like they’re throwing energy at you that you don’t resonate with, and thus crossing your boundary. I can see why this would take some time to air out.

The first thing that came to mind when I read your question was that: I tend to ignore those around me when I go out and/or if I’m in a situation with a lot of different people. I focus on what’s in front of me and where I’m going. I pay no or little mind to what people around me are doing. If I cross paths with someone or pass by someone, I let the thought of them go as they move out of my peripheral vision - I don’t let my curiosity take the wheel. In my opinion, the best solution would be to leave the environment of the person who’s having the negative thoughts and try to stay away from people like this. It sounds like the evil eye to me. If you can’t leave the environment, then focusing on what you want and ignoring everything else could help.

I think I accidentally wrote subjective, so I’m glad that you picked up on that before I edited/corrected it.

I put the title and author in my other message. It’s a book that definitely gave me a new perspective.
Don’t worry about shutting out the child ghost. It may be a part of its journey.

I find tarot works better for me when someone else is reading for me. Maybe a new deck would help too.

Perhaps the key to it all is letting go, and just going with the flow.
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I try to listen to my body, which helps me to identify my boundaries. Any time I’ve ignored what my body is telling me, I’ve wound up in undesirable situations.
I try my best to get to the root of things and let my intuition guide me. Thank you Pluto in my first house.
I do take extra care with what kind of information I’m exposing myself to. I’ve noticed that what I pay attention to starts to manifest in my life - physically and/or energetically. I try to be careful about the questions I ask in my head too. I’ve realized that sometimes my curiosity can lead to the realization of something disturbing and/or unsettling. I’d give an example, but then I’d be asking a question I don’t want to know the answer to. It’s like situations where you wish you could unsee something disturbing - I try to be careful of my curiosity leading myself to situations like these.

I’m glad that I could help with understanding psychic exchange. I’m not a pro, but I notice things.
Your experience with your team leader reminds me of a (likely unintentional) kind of gaslighting. I’m not sure if there’s a term for it. But, basically it’s like they’re throwing energy at you that you don’t resonate with, and thus crossing your boundary. I can see why this would take some time to air out.

The first thing that came to mind when I read your question was that: I tend to ignore those around me when I go out and/or if I’m in a situation with a lot of different people. I focus on what’s in front of me and where I’m going. I pay no or little mind to what people around me are doing. If I cross paths with someone or pass by someone, I let the thought of them go as they move out of my peripheral vision - I don’t let my curiosity take the wheel.
I feel like having a Scorpio Ascendant with Pluto in my first house helps in terms of people minding their own business. In my opinion, the best solution would be to leave the environment of the person who’s having the negative thoughts and try to stay away from people like this. It sounds like the evil eye to me. If you can’t leave the environment, then focusing on what you want and ignoring everything else could help.

I think I accidentally wrote subjective, so I’m glad that you picked up on that before I edited/corrected it.

I put the title and author in my other message. It’s a book that definitely gave me a new perspective.
Don’t worry about shutting out the child ghost. It may be a part of its journey.

I find tarot works better for me when someone else is reading for me. Maybe a new deck would help too.

Perhaps the key to it all is letting go, and just going with the flow.

I agree about listening to the body to help guide you. It is only recently I came come to realise the importance of this. It is always my go-to to ‘blame’ myself in situation when my body or my gut intuition feels off, which is good for constructive self-improvement but not good for allowing my boundaries to be crossed. Like when my body has told me something is off about somebody, I would get mad at my body or myself for feeling this anxiety and think I was just a nervous person, but I am actually a very sensitive person who picks up on people’s thoughts and feelings. I can feel negative thoughts and it effects me and as soon as I put the pieces together and realised I was feeling this way because of other people, I was making myself more important and better able to protect myself.

I’m not surprised to hear you have Pluto in 1st house. Getting to the heart of the situation is very useful and Plutonian’s are very good at protecting themselves. They can teach Neptunian’s about boundaries. I am predominantly an Uranian too btw but my name would be UranianNeptunian, if we’re talking about outers. Sometimes Saturn is strong in me too but I only feel Plutonian if I have a strong Pluto transit and the energy is particularly rampant. Being the higher octave’s of Mars and Venus, Pluto and Neptune make a wonderful partnership. Pluto can give Neptune strength to better survive and Neptune can give Pluto the devotion to make him/her feel safe.

Like with your advice about being more self-possessed and also being careful about what questions you ask yourself. That is excellent boundary keeping. Whereas a more Neptune energy like myself, my energy is naturally outward and open. I like the calming energy I feel from someone who is self-possessed. Like, even if someone came up and tried to startle them, if they are self-possessed, present and calm, they would still remain so. That is what I aspire to and what I would like to find in a partner, a conscious Plutonian. Conscious being a crucially important word too 😹

I found the book you recommended on Amazon btw, it looks very interesting.

Yes, I will try not to feel guilty about shutting out the child ghost. I wish I could have helped it. I think as I get older, my psychic channels will ope
Go and I will then have the know-how on how to help heal spirits. The child ghost clearly saw my channels were open and came toward me, one day when I can confirm it myself, I would like to help them. It will happen when I am ready.

Right now, I let my intuition and messages I receive from my surroundings to guide me in how to help me. I am led to them. It’s about guiding people to make the right decisions. For eg, I have a friend who moved to a city with a new job and stayed with a guy she kinda knew. She said she would eventually move in with him permanently and she would have to give up her cat and her boyfriend but the guy wanted more than just a room mate. I said to her, moving from one guy to the next because you think you need them is not healthy, what you need is your own place and whatever you do, do not give up your cat. Find your own home for you and your cat and protect your space and be independent. The cat is her secret guide.

When I first started my own self-healing journey, it was my cats who helped me. I used to party a lot and after I got my cats, I realised it is not something I can do anymrke if I want them to feel safe. Then I realised, if it was not a calm lifestyle for my cats, it was not a calm lifestyle for myself either. I noticed that cats feel safe when the energy is calm, and that was my first insight into what energy was and the importance of it. In 5D, the energy is always calm, it is only the ego who feels stressed. It’s very interesting. But I am not good at sustaining myself in the 5D, life catches up with me, hence this thread so I can express 3D life.

Another example of the universe guiding me is when I split up with this guy I was seeing, who is also my neighbour. He was just getting serious about me when he went back to his when Venus was retrograde and conjunct Pluto, they both hit his DC. I’ve been feeling very sad for months. But eventually, the universe has guided me and helped me to understand - his ex he returned to is a ‘karmic relationship,’ he will grow up through this exchange. He has started taking coke a lot more now he is with her, I know because I can hear them partying when I have walked past. At first, I thought I should learn to let go, and I should, but I am also aware, thanks to tarot and horary, he will return to me. I couldn’t understand why I was treated the way. But learning about karmic relationship helped me understand d and then just the other day, someone left me a comment on a YouTube video and said often people who take drugs are hiding gentle hearts and I should give him another chance if he promises to get clean. This is the right thing to do - I understand now my role, it is to leave him better than I found him and guide him to the right path.

This is how I find my intuition guides me. The universe sends me messages through other people. Like your advice to me helped me understand more about energetic psychic exchanges and why my channels were open that day, and hearing about how you are very organised and clear in protecting your boundaries, has shown me what I should be doing more off. I can’t even watch the tv anymore. It’s so low vibe it’s actually quite scary. For eg, I turned on the tv in the morning before I start work to a breakfast news channel, and they are advertising a competition to win a holiday and a dream home. There was something strange and eery about it, like it should have been on a movie about how to hypnotise humans. Crazy.

Im so grateful for all the advice and guidance the universe sends me, and all the people to help guide me on the right path!

Thank you so much for your advice. If you ever need a tarot reading, just hit me up.
This "Great Transition" into the Aquarian Age isn't for the faint-hearted!

David, do you ever get premonitions? I have heard that a few people have had a premonition of the world ending by a massive meteor strike that causes a tsunami that wipes everybody out.

I haven’t had it myself though. The only premonition I’ve ever had was Elon Musk having electric charging stations where the petrol stations used to be.

Actually, I’ve had another premonition but it was something very dark and scary about something that goes on in the world. I don’t understand the purpose behind me being shown that yet, except so far I know that someone was astral travelling and saw it for themselves and it was through their eyes I saw it, which has given me an insight in to the purpose of astral travel.
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David, do you ever get premonitions? I have heard that a few people have had a premonition of the world ending by a massive meteor strike that causes a tsunami that wipes everybody out.

I haven’t had it myself though. The only premonition I’ve ever had was Elon Musk having electric charging stations where the petrol stations used to be.

Actually, I’ve had another premonition but it was something very dark and scary about spending that goes on in the world. I don’t understand the purpose behind me being shown that yet, except so far I know that someone was astral travelling and saw it for themselves and it was through their eyes I saw it, which has given me an insight in to the purpose of astral travel.

I'm expecting fusion power to become a reality by 2033.
David, do you ever get premonitions? I have heard that a few people have had a premonition of the world ending by a massive meteor strike that causes a tsunami that wipes everybody out.

I haven’t had it myself though. The only premonition I’ve ever had was Elon Musk having electric charging stations where the petrol stations used to be.

Actually, I’ve had another premonition but it was something very dark and scary about spending that goes on in the world. I don’t understand the purpose behind me being shown that yet, except so far I know that someone was astral travelling and saw it for themselves and it was through their eyes I saw it, which has given me an insight in to the purpose of astral travel.
Deep impact yes, great movie.

I wish I could travel the world
Instead of working 8 til 7
But by the time I board the train
I’ll be on my way to heaven
I agree about listening to the body to help guide you. It is only recently I came come to realise the importance of this. It is always my go-to to ‘blame’ myself in situation when my body or my gut intuition feels off, which is good for constructive self-improvement but not good for allowing my boundaries to be crossed. Like when my body has told me something is off about somebody, I would get mad at my body or myself for feeling this anxiety and think I was just a nervous person, but I am actually a very sensitive person who picks up on people’s thoughts and feelings. I can feel negative thoughts and it effects me and as soon as I put the pieces together and realised I was feeling this way because of other people, I was making myself more important and better able to protect myself.

I’m not surprised to hear you have Pluto in 1st house. Getting to the heart of the situation is very useful and Plutonian’s are very good at protecting themselves. They can teach Neptunian’s about boundaries. I am predominantly an Uranian too btw but my name would be UranianNeptunian, if we’re talking about outers. Sometimes Saturn is strong in me too but I only feel Plutonian if I have a strong Pluto transit and the energy is particularly rampant. Being the higher octave’s of Mars and Venus, Pluto and Neptune make a wonderful partnership. Pluto can give Neptune strength to better survive and Neptune can give Pluto the devotion to make him/her feel safe.

Like with your advice about being more self-possessed and also being careful about what questions you ask yourself. That is excellent boundary keeping. Whereas a more Neptune energy like myself, my energy is naturally outward and open. I like the calming energy I feel from someone who is self-possessed. Like, even if someone came up and tried to startle them, if they are self-possessed, present and calm, they would still remain so. That is what I aspire to and what I would like to find in a partner, a conscious Plutonian. Conscious being a crucially important word too 😹

I found the book you recommended on Amazon btw, it looks very interesting.

Yes, I will try not to feel guilty about shutting out the child ghost. I wish I could have helped it. I think as I get older, my psychic channels will ope
Go and I will then have the know-how on how to help heal spirits. The child ghost clearly saw my channels were open and came toward me, one day when I can confirm it myself, I would like to help them. It will happen when I am ready.

Right now, I let my intuition and messages I receive from my surroundings to guide me in how to help me. I am led to them. It’s about guiding people to make the right decisions. For eg, I have a friend who moved to a city with a new job and stayed with a guy she kinda knew. She said she would eventually move in with him permanently and she would have to give up her cat and her boyfriend but the guy wanted more than just a room mate. I said to her, moving from one guy to the next because you think you need them is not healthy, what you need is your own place and whatever you do, do not give up your cat. Find your own home for you and your cat and protect your space and be independent. The cat is her secret guide.

When I first started my own self-healing journey, it was my cats who helped me. I used to party a lot and after I got my cats, I realised it is not something I can do anymrke if I want them to feel safe. Then I realised, if it was not a calm lifestyle for my cats, it was not a calm lifestyle for myself either. I noticed that cats feel safe when the energy is calm, and that was my first insight into what energy was and the importance of it. In 5D, the energy is always calm, it is only the ego who feels stressed. It’s very interesting. But I am not good at sustaining myself in the 5D, life catches up with me, hence this thread so I can express 3D life.

Another example of the universe guiding me is when I split up with this guy I was seeing, who is also my neighbour. He was just getting serious about me when he went back to his when Venus was retrograde and conjunct Pluto, they both hit his DC. I’ve been feeling very sad for months. But eventually, the universe has guided me and helped me to understand - his ex he returned to is a ‘karmic relationship,’ he will grow up through this exchange. He has started taking coke a lot more now he is with her, I know because I can hear them partying when I have walked past. At first, I thought I should learn to let go, and I should, but I am also aware, thanks to tarot and horary, he will return to me. I couldn’t understand why I was treated the way. But learning about karmic relationship helped me understand d and then just the other day, someone left me a comment on a YouTube video and said often people who take drugs are hiding gentle hearts and I should give him another chance if he promises to get clean. This is the right thing to do - I understand now my role, it is to leave him better than I found him and guide him to the right path.

This is how I find my intuition guides me. The universe sends me messages through other people. Like your advice to me helped me understand more about energetic psychic exchanges and why my channels were open that day, and hearing about how you are very organised and clear in protecting your boundaries, has shown me what I should be doing more off. I can’t even watch the tv anymore. It’s so low vibe it’s actually quite scary. For eg, I turned on the tv in the morning before I start work to a breakfast news channel, and they are advertising a competition to win a holiday and a dream home. There was something strange and eery about it, like it should have been on a movie about how to hypnotise humans. Crazy.

Im so grateful for all the advice and guidance the universe sends me, and all the people to help guide me on the right path!

Thank you so much for your advice. If you ever need a tarot reading, just hit me up.
It seems like the body knows before the mind does most of the time. It’s good that you’re listening to your body more and honouring its communication with you. It’s your best compass.

That’s an interesting take on Pluto and Neptune. I’d imagine the Neptune person might feel a bit stung and shutout with a Pluto person, unless they could see the value in the Pluto person’s boundaries. As long as they don’t take the boundaries personal either.

A conscious Plutonian is definitely worth emphasizing.

I hope enjoy the book! I found it an intriguing read.

Feel your feels, but the key is to let them go and not let them linger. Maybe you’ve already helped the ghost spirit by acknowledging it, and by bringing it up in conversation here.

I’m glad you were straightforward with your friend, and I hope that she kept the cat. The cat > that guy.

Cats are definitely guardians. They have many lessons to teach us. I love when they get all amped up out of nowhere at the most random times.

I’m sorry to hear about the experience and situation you had with your ex. You sound like a very strong person. He’s lucky you’re not an unconscious Plutonian!
You might like the book, ‘The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How my Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There’s Life After Death,’ by Annie Kagan. It talks about the soul of someone who struggled with addiction throughout their life. It does describe a gentle soul.
I can’t imagine how harsh Earth feels to the higher vibrational souls.

I feel happy to hear that I’ve helped in some way. If I’m ever looking for a tarot reading, I’ll reach out for sure.
Having a bad day? Not as much as this leopard! Live by the sword; die by the sword ⚔️ 🛡

One more time into the fray
Into the last good fight I’ll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day
The Grey (2012)

— Alternate ending to the movie (which is much better imo)
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Another great scene from The Grey movie is near the beginning just after the plane crash and a man is dying. In most death scenes, once the other character’s know the person is going to die, they will comfort the dying person by lying and telling him he is going to survive. In this death scene however, Liam Neeson does not provide false comfort. Instead, he tells the person to embrace death and to take a happy thought/think of someone you love and let death take you. I like the idea of being told the truth and accepting your fate. The whole theme of the movie is to live a good life, rather than spending your whole life running from your shadow and being an ahole and then crying like a baby when death catches up you with.

Similar theme to the poem by Dylan Thomas,

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,’ —

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas
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Oh hey BunBuns, long time, no troll! No worries, you are a familiar one, so you are welcomed round these parts. I do feel bad about the amping 1000 to the previous troll on here, but that’s the name of the game for ‘em (live by the sword, die by the sword ⚔️)