Doom & Gloom

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Do you and brother get along aw'ight, generally speaking? I mean, do opposite Moons cause any misunderstandings?
A lady from a tarot YouTube channel I watch, said that she really loves to see a moon opposition in synastry and thinks it’s one of the best connections to have, but I would think it would cause misunderstanding too.
Do you and brother get along aw'ight, generally speaking? I mean, do opposite Moons cause any misunderstandings?
Before we split up, yeah, we were the best of pals. Even with all our oppositions and squares, major trines like his Aqua Moon/Libra Venus, Merc and Sun trine my ascendant lords in Gemini. So whatever misunderstanding may arise, it was handled with a "show me what you see" mentality, rather than annoyance.
‘We do not handle suffering. Suffering handles us in deep and mysterious ways.’
Richard Rohr

Don't doom. Bloom instead, sister.
Imagine being a caterpillar, who crawls around, eating leaves and flowers; and then, wraps itself in a silken shroud, goes to sleep, and wakes up a butterfly who pollinates flowers. Now THAT'S an extreme career change!
Imagine being a caterpillar, who crawls around, eating leaves and flowers; and then, wraps itself in a silken shroud, goes to sleep, and wakes up a butterfly who pollinates flowers. Now THAT'S an extreme career change!
What planet rules a caterpillar - has to be Pluto for that transformation!